January Weight Loss Challenge To All Ducks

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[old] rhorva@hotmail.com
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Post by [old] rhorva@hotmail.com » January 31st, 2006, 10:23 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-billandmargaret+Jan 30 2006, 09:32 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(billandmargaret @ Jan 30 2006, 09:32 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-sirrobin+Jan 30 2006, 09:38 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(sirrobin @ Jan 30 2006, 09:38 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin-billandmargaret+Jan 30 2006, 09:18 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(billandmargaret @ Jan 30 2006, 09:18 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->For February, I think I need to focus less on the scale and more on maintenance.  If it weren't for the one week I gained a couple of pounds, I would have made progress towards my weight loss goal in January.  If I could avoid my weight gain, my sporadic weight loss would accumulate faster.  <br /><br />My goals for February will be to:  <br /><br />Margaret <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Margaret, I hear you! But I can't just maintain any more. I've been doing that for a long time. So I'm kicking it up a notch. I have had a net GAIN of 1 pound this month so far. I'm tired of it!<br /><br />If you are part of a couple (if Bill rows) then why don't you think about adding joining the "couples valentine's day challenge" as one of your February goals? (See the new topic in the Women's Forum.)<br /><br />Robin <br /> </td></tr></table><br />Robin, I agree; I'm not giving up. Rather, I'm realizing that much of the time I'm gradually losing weight, and if I can keep that good part up and reduce the days/weeks when I gain weight from overeating, that may solve my problem. For example, this January if I eliminated my one week of overeating, I'd have reached my weight loss goal of 4 pounds by February. <br /><br />My calorie needs for my ideal weight (125) & activity level (moderate-hard exercise most days) are between 2000-2200 calories. Usually I try to lose weight quickly, then bounce around and have difficulty maintaining my loss. This February for a change I want to aim for 2000 calories a day and 30 to 60 minutes of exercise every day I can. Then, whether I exercise 3 days or 6, for just half an hour or for a full hour, I'm still gradually losing weight and reinforcing good lifetime habits.<br /><br />I'll follow my new revised challenge for February and report how it goes. Thanks to this forum & Fowl Play, I've managed 110km this month, short of my goal, but more than I would have without you gals & guys.<br /><br />Congratulations Shannon! That is so impressive. It encourages me to hear of your success! Rubber Ducky and Jen, catch lots more fish! That sounds hilarious. This week I'm planning a few long extra slow rows, then I'll keep trying a few sprints to see if I can't improve my PB.<br /><br />Margaret <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Margaret & Robin.. NEVER GIVE UP!! Just re-strategize, and come at the problem from a new angle. We'll ALL be much thinner by the end of February, no doubt! Rubber Ducky.<br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » January 31st, 2006, 11:13 pm

Yup, Rubber Ducky's right. Ya can't give up! <br /><br />Let's see if I can remember how that saying goes: "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten." You'll have to repeat that a couple of times out loud to get it. I had to anyway.<br /><br />So for me, that means in order to break out of this plateau (I gained back the 2 pounds I lost ), I'm going to have to do: <br /><br />1.) eat less/better, and/or <br /><br />2.) exercise more, or at least kick up the intensity. <br /><br />I'm kinda/sorta in a comfort zone with my rowing, and I need to challenge myself more to improve my speed and endurance. I really think the Fish Game will help. I love that thing. And I am just a huffin' and a puffin' when I get done with it. And then I hit "Play Again!!!!" <br /><br />And even though I was doing pretty well with cutting down on the amount of Dr. Pepper I was drinking, there were still several days where I had more than my alotted one can of DP. And for some reason, this was carb blow out month for me. I think I felt so sorry for myself when I got my cold, that I ate lots of baaaaaad stuff. Anyway, I *know* I have lots of room for improvement in the areas of food choices and food quality. <br /><br />So these two things will be my goals for February. And I'm hoping some extra variety or cross training will help move the ol' metabolism, too!<br /><br />--Jen, ready for Round 2

[old] LittleBit

Women's Forum

Post by [old] LittleBit » February 1st, 2006, 10:43 am

I am also up for "Round 2". I was pleased that the stubborn scales have finally started showing a reduced amount from where I was when I got my rower on 11-1, so that is a big plus. I didn't quite make my pound a week goal, but as Rubber Ducky said, it's a start. I tried to do better on the eating side, and was making good progress during the month there too until last weekend. Then I went to a quilt retreat in Southern Indiana Amish country, and sat & sewed & had too much wonderful homemade Amish bread at our meals. So no row for three days, and too much sewing & eating - at least our next retreat isn't until November!! So, progress not perfection is my mantra for February, and looking at what I did well in January to carry that forward to February is my goal! I am going to rededicate myself for losing 2-4 pounds in February & rowing at least 5 days a week!! Great job for everyone with Fowl Play & this challenge too!<br />Catherine<br />

[old] ShelleyR
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Post by [old] ShelleyR » February 1st, 2006, 10:47 am

Okay Duckies...I didnt really get into this forum thingie too much in January and I dint think I successfully got onto a weight loss team...Tech-not is my nickname..hahha..however I did read alot of the forum stuff and was with you in spirit if not in virtuality.<br />I did manage to drop 4 pounds in January and I rowed more than usual because of cutting back on running due to an injury.<br />So I said to myself...How can I be my best Valentine to myself in February?...The month of the HEART....so I have set a goal for myself to row further than I ever have before in 1 month....100000m....now lots of u could peel that off in a couple weeks but I still havent gotten into the rowing habit yet..so this will be BIG for me...and I beleive the PAY-OFF will be big too...weight loss, muscle strength and low impact exercise until my paw heals a bit more...it will keep my cardio up for my half marathon (running) goal...<br />Th other thing I'm going to do is add up all month how many push-ups I do....regualr pushups, modified pushups, wall pushups,ball pushups.... Push ups are great exercises....strengthen your chest,back ,arms, core....very good for all sports...Marines do them lots and well, last year at the Washington Marine Marathon that I ran..there was alot of buff Marines out there....and yup, they do push ups...<br />So thats my February challenge to myself...anyone is welcome to join the push up challenge...oh yeah, they suck to do but are worth the effort.<br />Newbie Duck from Canada....

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » February 1st, 2006, 11:30 am

Hey ShelleyR! <br /><br />I think you might be on to something there--what with February being the month for Valentine's Day and all. When I think of Valentine's Day, I think of red hearts among other things, and maybe we could all think of what we'd be doing for our heart health this month.<br /><br />So to help our heart health, we could definitely make some goals for what kind of aerobic capacity exercises we want to do this month. This might be a time to experiment with some other types of cardio exercise besides just the rower. Don't get me wrong! My rower is my favorite exercise activity--I just like the motion, and the quality of the rower itself with the added incentive offered by watching PM3 just adds to the "love" side of my love/hate relationship I have with the thing. <br /><br />However, I'm convinced that variety in exercise is a good thing, so since I have been SO focused on the erg these last two months because of the HC and the JVTC, I'm going to make variety a goal in February. I'm doing this while keeping in mind that C2 has their "March Madness" challenge in March--I think it states that for each day we row 5,000 meters and enter that into our online logbooks, we get a chance to win a prize from a drawing. Therefore, I have a feeling that I'll be solidly hitting the erg again next month! <br /><br />I've got some other exercise equipment I'm going to dust off and use more this month. And I also have a couple of low-impact aerobic videos which has some lifting using hand weights incorporated into the workout. And I would really like to increase the number of days each week that I do a yoga session.--good for stretching, and good for the mind!<br /><br />And some additional stuff for heart health--I'm going to cut down on fats, especially the bad ones. I love olive oil (I'm half Italian!), so I'm going to line up some recipes using that. I'm going to try to avoid any deep-fried stuff, which means Poor Man's Lobster this month for the traditional Friday Fish Fries up here in Wisconsin. <br /><br />So there I am. I've got a couple of basic, but rather simple things to focus on this month, but these can have some far-reaching beneficial effects for me if I can turn them into habits.<br /><br />Anyone else have any ideas they want to try?<br /><br />--Jen in WI<br /><br />

[old] Jemima
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Post by [old] Jemima » February 1st, 2006, 4:31 pm

I haven't heard anything from this thread for ages. I figured you were all not eating and not writing either. I signed in to report on my January result only to find you have all been chatting and it didn't email me to tell me. BUMMER. I'll read through the archives later, but I just wanted to tell you my official loss. I lost 4 pounds from Dec 31st to Feb 1st. That makes a total of 24 pounds from last May. I'm planning on losing another 5 pounds during February, does anyone want to join me? <br /><br />February should also be the month I get to my first million! YEAH!<br /><br />Tina

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » February 1st, 2006, 4:36 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Jemima+Feb 1 2006, 04:31 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Jemima @ Feb 1 2006, 04:31 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I haven't heard anything from this thread for ages. I figured you were all not eating and not writing either. I signed in to report on my January result only to find you have all been chatting and it didn't email me to tell me. BUMMER. I'll read through the archives later, but I just wanted to tell you my official loss. I lost 4 pounds from Dec 31st to Feb 1st. That makes a total of 24 pounds from last May. I'm planning on losing another 5 pounds during February, does anyone want to join me? <br /><br />February should also be the month I get to my first million! YEAH!<br /><br />Tina <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hey Tina!<br /><br />Nice job on the weight loss, and you were cranking out the meters on the JVTC, too, I see! I think ShelleyR started a thread for February, something to keep the January Weight Loss Challenge momentum going.<br /><br />I lost 2, then gained 'em right back. Grrrrrr. But, I know why, so I've gotta knuckle down and do the right things.<br /><br />--Jen

[old] Jemima
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Women's Forum

Post by [old] Jemima » February 1st, 2006, 5:05 pm

<br /><br />Nice job on the weight loss, and you were cranking out the meters on the JVTC, too, I see! I think ShelleyR started a thread for February, something to keep the January Weight Loss Challenge momentum going.<br /><br />I rowed an average of 5500 each day through January, so I am quite pleased with that. I've recently started selling on EBay so that takes all my spare time. Now the ONLY time I watch TV is when I'm rowing.<br /><br />How do I get this to email me when there are new messages? It used to, but it doesn't any more. But it doesn't ask me at the bottom of the page if I want it to emal me.<br /><br />Tina

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » February 1st, 2006, 8:50 pm

At the bottom right of the this page of postings, there are 4 buttons to push: Fast Reply, Add Reply, Options, and New Topic. Click on "Options," and that should have what you need to get a notification when a new post is made. I know there's a selection for either the whole Women's Forum (or whichever one you want) or one just for a particular thread.<br /><br />hth,<br />Jen

[old] rhorva@hotmail.com
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Post by [old] rhorva@hotmail.com » February 1st, 2006, 10:26 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Jemima+Feb 1 2006, 05:05 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Jemima @ Feb 1 2006, 05:05 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Nice job on the weight loss, and you were cranking out the meters on the JVTC, too, I see!  I think ShelleyR started a thread for February, something to keep the January Weight Loss Challenge momentum going.<br /><br />I rowed an average of 5500 each day through January, so I am quite pleased with that. I've recently started selling on EBay so that takes all my spare time. Now the ONLY time I watch TV is when I'm rowing.<br /><br />How do I get this to email me when there are new messages? It used to, but it doesn't any more. But it doesn't ask me at the bottom of the page if I want it to emal me.<br /><br />Tina <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />You GO Jemima! 5500 meters a day is GREAT! I was rowing 5K+, but started a new job and have had to drop back to 4K due to time needed to get dressed and make a train.. now that it's lighter earlier, maybe I'll haul myself out of bed earlier. EBAY is great fun... I sold an old Coach purse that was layiing in the basement for YEARS and was stunned when it was bid up to nearly $60.00!!! Wish I hadn't given the rest away now.<br /><br />Keep checking the forums, we ducks quack a lot!<br /><br />RUBBER DUCKY<br />

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » February 2nd, 2006, 1:06 am

Well, I was down 2.4 pounds from last week at my weigh-in today. WOOT! So I had a net LOSS of 1.4 pounds in January. Boy Howdie! They were tough pounds to shed! I still have so far to go, though. <br /><br />[In my best Scarlett O'Hara impression:] <br /><span style='color:orange'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Geneva'>I swear! As God is my witness, I will be a loser in February!</span></span></span><br /><br />Seriously, I need to be vigilant this month. I'm so close to my 10% goal (again) this will be a watershed month if I can finally finally do it without sabatoging myself again.<br /><br />Therefore, my hubby and I are issuing a couples Valentine's challenge to have any couples out there who both row to at least meet the C2 Valentine's Day Challenge of rowing 14000 meters each for the week leading up to V-Day. Some are planning to do 140,000 as a couple for the week. That would help keep me from gaining that week for sure! (See the Couples Valentine's Day Challenge thread in the women's forum if you're 1/2 of a pair interested in joining us.)<br /><br />Thanks for the chatter!<br /><br />Robin<br /><br /><br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » February 2nd, 2006, 10:46 pm

Hey Robin!<br /><br />Nice job on dropping the poundage! I know you were in a slump there for awhile with your cough, but you could tell when you were starting to feel better--those ol' meter started climbing again. <br /><br />I just didn't seem to be mentally into rowing and maintaining my efforts for my goals this month. I don't know if it was because I got sick in the middle of the month myself, or what. Maybe even a little Seasonal Affective Disorder. I like my sunlight! Anyway, I'm feeling better now though, so I think I can focus my efforts better. <br /><br />I almost think I maybe got a tad burned out from back-to-back challenges. But they were good things to have for the times that they were in effect--the HC to ward off the seasonal calories and stressors of the holidays, and the JVTC because...well, it was January! Having all the Ducks and Fowl Players cheering each other on certainly helped, or I'm sure I would have poohed out right in the middle.<br /><br />Keep on plugging away, Robin!<br /><br />--Jen in WI
