aharmer wrote:how would you accept others tearing apart your perfect technique?
Over the years, I have posted videos regularly.
I don't know, maybe twenty-five or so.
I just posted one a couple of weeks ago.
For veterans, the issue on technique is effectiveness and efficiency, not "looks."
The 60s lwt FM WR is 2:00 pace.
If FM trials are done in and around 25 spm, that means that no 60s lwt has ever pulled much more than 8 SPI for a FM.
Rowing well is 13 SPI.
Sure, when I am fully prepared, I might indeed pull 1:34 @ 32 spm (13 SPI) for 2K.
But it has no relation whatsoever to what anyone my age and weight has ever done.
No veteran (50+) has ever rowed well, much less a 60s veteran.
60s veterans miss it by eight seconds per 500m, a mile over 60min, 65 watts, etc.
60s lwts pull 1:44 @ 32 spm, not 1:34 @ 32 spm.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)