Fred wrote:Briefly reading that thread, the thing that really jumps out to me is how much better you used to be in your age group.
My 2Ks in 2009 and 2010, done without even preparing for them, were at WR pace for my age and weight and well beyond the efforts of anyone else in my age group.
No 58- or 59-year-old lwt has ever rowed as fast (6:41).
In 2006, my sub-6:30 hwt 2K, also done without even preparing for it, was unprecedented.
No one else my weight has come anywhere near sub-6:30 at 55 years old (and probably never will).
Now, I am right on pace to pull 6:16 at 60, rowing well at low drag, fully prepared.
That will break the 60s lwt 2K WR by 26 seconds.
At 60, no lwt will _ever_ row as fast.
6:16 will not just beat the 60s lwt WR.
It will beat the 60s hwt WR, the 55s hwt WR, the 55s lwt WR, the 50s lwt WR, and the 40s lwt WR.
Give or take a bit, 6:16 is rowing as fast as this 38-year-old guy, who, with three golds and a bronze, is now training for his _fifth_ Olympics.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)