LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » March 9th, 2011, 7:18 pm

just27 wrote:
BAZzy wrote: And still on the subject of vegemite (I did say I would move on!) I see that it was discussed at the highest level in the Oval Office yesterday, but no mention made of marmite – it seems! :wink: ... 1bmnw.html
Finally, I've found something that President Obama and I agree upon:
"It's horrible," Obama said.
hahahahahahaha! I should have seen that one coming....

Trust all is well otherwise...

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » March 9th, 2011, 10:42 pm

macbruce1 wrote:
kgallagher wrote:Boo-hoo! :cry: It seems like I may be erging a little longer than usual this year. The flood conditions led to a disastrous occurance. My dock floated away> :cry:
Wow :!: Sorry to hear about your dock. The weather has been crazy this year. .....
On an unrelated topic-Has anyone out there had problem with pain in the knuckles of their fingers after rowing? In the past month or so, after rowing my knuckles hurt. The next morning it takes several minutes of movement before I can make a fist without significant pain. I hope it's not a sign of ageing :?

Thanks for the sympathies. It has been a crazy winter. I'm in New Haven, CT for those who don't know. We had 8 snow days from school this year (yes, I'm a teacher). That's a record. We usually only end up with one or two and a bunch of delays.

As for the knuckles, it may be aging, but it could have to do with your grip or a combination of the two. When sculling (for those who don't know, sculling is rowing with one oar in each hand; sweep rowing is when there is only one oar to a rower), my coach used to make me row on the recovery with my finger tips straight out to lessen the "death grip" on the handle. If you are gripping too tightly it can cause a variety of issues... finger cramping, dumping into your lap at the finish, forearm tension, shoulder tension, all leading to bad strokes. When I erg, I actually adjust my hands and move them in and out on the handle so that I'm not always in the exact same position. I also try not to squeeze the handle. You definitely don't want to be too tight with your grip on the drive. I agree with Ross who said (at least I think it was Ross who said it, forgive me if I am mis-quoting someone) something to the effect of, the power comes from the legs/quads. He's dead on. Leg power baby, pry open the back and finish with the arms, but no death grips. The upper body just finishes off the stroke and sends the boat. (Well, it would if we were on the water in a racing shell.)


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » March 10th, 2011, 5:32 am

kgallagher wrote:
macbruce1 wrote:
kgallagher wrote:Boo-hoo! :cry: It seems like I may be erging a little longer than usual this year. The flood conditions led to a disastrous occurance. My dock floated away> :cry:
Wow :!: Sorry to hear about your dock. The weather has been crazy this year. .....
On an unrelated topic-Has anyone out there had problem with pain in the knuckles of their fingers after rowing? In the past month or so, after rowing my knuckles hurt. The next morning it takes several minutes of movement before I can make a fist without significant pain. I hope it's not a sign of ageing :?

Thanks for the sympathies. It has been a crazy winter. I'm in New Haven, CT for those who don't know. We had 8 snow days from school this year (yes, I'm a teacher). That's a record. We usually only end up with one or two and a bunch of delays.

As for the knuckles, it may be aging, but it could have to do with your grip or a combination of the two. When sculling (for those who don't know, sculling is rowing with one oar in each hand; sweep rowing is when there is only one oar to a rower), my coach used to make me row on the recovery with my finger tips straight out to lessen the "death grip" on the handle. If you are gripping too tightly it can cause a variety of issues... finger cramping, dumping into your lap at the finish, forearm tension, shoulder tension, all leading to bad strokes. When I erg, I actually adjust my hands and move them in and out on the handle so that I'm not always in the exact same position. I also try not to squeeze the handle. You definitely don't want to be too tight with your grip on the drive. I agree with Ross who said (at least I think it was Ross who said it, forgive me if I am mis-quoting someone) something to the effect of, the power comes from the legs/quads. He's dead on. Leg power baby, pry open the back and finish with the arms, but no death grips. The upper body just finishes off the stroke and sends the boat. (Well, it would if we were on the water in a racing shell.)


thanks for all the tips...and i'm also sorry to hear about your dock....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by rsdavr » March 10th, 2011, 8:25 am

BAZzy wrote:Great to see Melissa up there in lights!

And a final word on vegemite.....It's great on Vita Weet biscuits, so when you squeeze two together, the black goo will flow through the holes in the bikkies, like worms in a row. ) At that point, goosebumps....aaaack. You're having some fun with us....but I digress...

I saw TomO do that very thing with a vita-wheat just the other day, I guess it is an Aussie thing though! :lol:

Cheers, BBB
After your FINAL word on vegemite, there have been at least a dozen posts on the subject. And it has gone all the way to the white house. Perahps there are some other topics on which you might care to make a "final" word? You have astounding influence!
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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.9.11

Post by Kona2 » March 10th, 2011, 1:10 pm


Hooboy! We have some serious shamrock gatherers in this crew! 45 teammates on the overall March Madness Challenge roster - and 26 on the 10K+ roster! Way to row, Lunies! Interesting to see just how many people are NOT on teams when you look at the rosters....future Lunies?!

Season meters as of 313/365 = 108,690,003 m

Total meters on the day = 255,669 m

Oars in space (participation) = 19 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

3.7 MM Baz
500 K Pat S

TWO Million Meter Watch:

Jim B with (59,639 m) to go!

David T with (122,000 m) to go!

Sam with (134,113 m) to go!

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Image Mike G with (71,654 m) to go!

Greg H with (137,943 m) to go!

Mike C with (149,000 m) to go!

COOL Half Million Watch:

Rich with (46,118 m) to go!

Image And today's Pot of Gold goes to:

Greg C 986 m
Jeff 2,013 m
Jim M 3,000 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m
Sorin 5,000 m
Rich 5,091 m
Andrea 5,240 m
G-l-o-r-i-a ImageImageImageImage m
Karyn 7,234 m
Collin 10,000 m
Danno 10,000 m
Kiba 10,000 m
Kristine 10,000 m
Mike G 10,000 m
Pat 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Steven 10,000 m
AJ 10,368 m woot!
David A 10,951 m
K2 ImageImageImageImageImage m
Chip 15,000 m
Ross 15,123 m
Baz 20,000 m
Minnie 21,097 m MTM! Image
Ron ImageImageImageImageImage and a half moon! Image

Not as easy as one might first think to hang in there with the March Challenges. Here's a look at some of last year's numbers (through day 14) for overall rowing participation. I think you'll see that it is a typical pattern over the years!


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by enrage » March 10th, 2011, 2:04 pm

In regards to the post about the knuckle and hand pain.
Have you considered using straps or hooks in order to take your hands out of the movement.

I used to use straps long ago when i was weight training but stopped using them in order to help build up my hand and forearm strength.

This product uses a claw to hold the bar. Many people use these types of products for pulling and rowing movements in the gym
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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.9.11

Post by rsdavr » March 10th, 2011, 6:10 pm

Not as easy as one might first think to hang in there with the March Challenges. Here's a look at some of last year's numbers (through day 14) for overall rowing participation. I think you'll see that it is a typical pattern over the years!


I'll be taking a looong week-end starting tomorrow while we tour DC and elsewhere. Unless I can find an erg somewhere along the way, you won't see any meters to my name until Wed next week. Please don't think I've checked out - I'll be back! My withdrawal symptoms are already starting.
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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.9.11

Post by Toothdoc » March 10th, 2011, 8:14 pm

rsdavr wrote:Not as easy as one might first think to hang in there with the March Challenges. Here's a look at some of last year's numbers (through day 14) for overall rowing participation. I think you'll see that it is a typical pattern over the years!

I'll be taking a looong week-end starting tomorrow while we tour DC and elsewhere. Unless I can find an erg somewhere along the way, you won't see any meters to my name until Wed next week. Please don't think I've checked out - I'll be back! My withdrawal symptoms are already starting.
Have a great trip Ross1. And, enjoy the time off.


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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.9.11

Post by bg » March 10th, 2011, 8:57 pm

I'll be taking a looong week-end starting tomorrow while we tour DC and elsewhere. Unless I can find an erg somewhere along the way, you won't see any meters to my name until Wed next week. Please don't think I've checked out - I'll be back! My withdrawal symptoms are already starting.

enjoy your trip to dc....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » March 10th, 2011, 11:55 pm

macbruce1 wrote:Is it just my imagination, or does that curve resemble the force curve displayed on my PM3 :?:
BTW Karyn. I was thinking of your rowing single and it brought to mind the old TV show Banacek. It always opened with Banacek (Played by George Peppard) rowing on the Charles. It looked like fun. Every once in while, if I take the long way to work, I see the Dartmouth crew out on the Conneticut.
In general, I really don't mind snow days. It usually comes as a treat or a bonus day off. This year we had so many right in a row I didn't feel I needed the break. The down side is being in school in June when the temperature is 90+ and you have no air conditioning.

I don't know the show Banacek, but I do know the Charles. It's a great river and I've had some wonderful races there.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » March 11th, 2011, 12:09 am ... ts/9165746

Of course I had to google Banacek to check out the rowing. Somehow I don't think the person rowing in the aerial shot is Banacek. On the only stroke you get to see, the single has a nice finish and quick turn around into the recovery. Banacek does not row well. His finish is way to high and too far from his body. Plus he stops at the finish. He's not going to get far if he keeps that up.

Sorry, I just had to critique!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » March 11th, 2011, 12:20 am

Crikey...these weeks are rolling around far too fast! Enjoy your weekend wherever you are and row strong......and enjoy yourself!

As an aside, I am about 2/3 days away from my 10M metres, not likely to be this weekend, but might have the stout in anticipation anyway!! :wink:

Cheers, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » March 11th, 2011, 12:24 am

Why is it that every time I can't get on the computer for a few days in a row you all go to typing up a storm???

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » March 11th, 2011, 1:09 pm

In general, I really don't mind snow days. It usually comes as a treat or a bonus day off. This year we had so many right in a row I didn't feel I needed the break. The down side is being in school in June when the temperature is 90+ and you have no air conditioning.


when the theory was you didn't need windows that opened ...that you could recirculate the air....
i didn't like snow days when i taught for the same reason....the air conditioning didn't work and my school was built in the 70s

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 3.10.11

Post by Kona2 » March 11th, 2011, 3:16 pm

macbruce1 wrote:BTW I looked at the participation numbers today. I was'nt really paying that much attention, but it seemed like there was a big drop just since yesterday :!:
Good man - watching the numbers! Yes the rower market tumbled almost one-third from yesterday's number of participants, and I also note that there are now fewer than 1000 on the 10K + boards. Of course, there may be some slight changes as individuals log in with some meters from previous days. Every year I focus on a few different markers - and this year I noted in a previous day's post that I was surprised at how many people weren't on teams amongst the participants. At that time, it appeared (in a very unscientific fashion - shame on me!) that team member participants made up about a quarter or at best a third of the total population. What I see happening is that of those who still remain on the boards....greater than fifty percent belong to teams. So...on VERY limited data, one could conclude that being on a team helps you stick with the challenge.....

I know...number geek alert!
The question is whether or not there is a line in the rowing sand where neither population drops more than 5 percent, and on what challenge day will that were warned...number geek!

Lambs or lions?! What are you this March Challenge?!

Image or
Image Day 11 of Madness

We have 42 Luna-Tics on the overall March Madness Challenge Roster, and 24 on the 10K+ roster! Way to keep rowing!

Season meters as of 314/365 = 109,117,742 m

Total meters on the day = 427,739 m that's a respectable number!!

Oars in space (participation) = 29 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

600 K Peter H
400 K Benny
200 K Kiba

ImageImage Thanks to today's rowers:

Allie 820 m
Ethan 1,045 m
Ashlee 1,214 m
Kaylee 1,511 m
Dalton 3,000 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m
Mario Jackson 3,555 m
Chip 5,000 m
Rich 5,102 m
Ben S 5,231 m
David T 6,000 m
Tris 6,200 m
Tim S 6,437 m
Karyn ImageImageImageImage m
Peter G 9,500 m
Kiba 10,000 m
Mike G 10,000 m
Peter H 10,000 m
Steven 10,000 m
James G 10,022 m
Rodrigo-go-go 10,143 m
Benny 10,430 m
Harold 11,004 m
K2 ImageImageImageImageImage m
Ron ImageImageImageImageImage m
AJ 11,363 m
Bobbie 12,004 m
David A 12,080 m
Mitch J 12,511 m
Sam 12,400 m
Tammy 18,456 m
Ronnie 20,400 m and almost a half moon...Image
Chris 21,097 m and a half moon too...Image
Ross 21,216 m and a half moon too...Image
Jim K 22,455 m and a half moon too...Image
Rosita 25,600 m and a half moon too..Image
Jay 30,000 m Image
Cathie 37,500 m ....whoa...almost a full moon

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