Sure, I always wear a HR monitor now, given that the most important thing in FM training, really, is _lack_/ease of effort, which the HR monitor quantifies for you.MRapp wrote:Not sure, but later today, I'll see if I can shoot and post a video of my PM4 for 2K of "Steamrollering," with the music, so you can have it in real time.
Now that we're back to posting off-topic, I want to visit this one again. Ranger, if and when you do this please wear the HRM. It would be interesting to see how a consective 2k at 1:48/23 affects your HR.
No, it does you no good at all to do the 10 x 2K workout as Mike VB did, driving your HR up to AT on each interval.
You can't do that when you row a FM.
In fact, you can't even do a FM at high UT1.
You also can't do a FM if you can't do some pace steady state, as Mike clearly couldn't, even though he was pulling 1:58.
To hit my FM target, I need to row 1:48 @ 23 spm, steady state, at 155 bpm (or less), middlin' UT1.
The effort needs to be constant so that the HR stays constant.
Of course, my HR will rise on a 2K, 1:48 @ 23 spm, _until_ it is around 155 bpm, but it shouldn't go beyond that.
And it shouldn't go beyond that if I continued on without a break.
Not after 4K, not after 8K, not after 16K, not after 32K.
Not at all.