PM4 question

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PM4 question

Post by lapresle » February 28th, 2011, 3:08 pm

I've plugged my numbers into the UK interactive program and am following the recommended plan. When doing intervals, I'd like my rest period dictated by my heart rate. Is there a way to set up my PM4? I know I can set it up for an undetermined rest period, is this the best way? I'll be giving it a try later today and I thought I'd ask first

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Re: PM4 question

Post by mikvan52 » February 28th, 2011, 3:50 pm


Just "REROW" your work distance when your HR descends to the level at which you wish to restart.

There is no function the PM4 that monitors HR for this purpose.

Another alternative. Row the workout and make note of the time it takes for your HR to descend. THe next time, program in that rest time.
I have noticed through the years that HR falls in a fairly regular pattern for short intervals...
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Re: PM4 question

Post by lapresle » February 28th, 2011, 6:28 pm

Cool. Thanks for the response.

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