Yippie! Gina's back! I was wondering where you were and hoping everything was okay with you. The Loonies are happy to hear from you and happy to have any meter you can give. DON'T PUSH IT! We'd rather you took it easy and put in minimal meters now so that you are healthy for the long run. I hope you continue to improve at a steady pace.acrewer wrote:Long lost loonie lurks...
Sorry to have been away for so long.Wonderful to see all the new team members
and wow what amazing meters!
AJ's graphics are absolutely amazing!
I'm glad to be able to be getting back to rowing. After the muscle strains, I eased back slowly and was getting back into it in Oct/Nov, when I came down with a cold. Got over that, then started feeling odd when i laid down or got up - the room would spin...diagnosed with BPPB
- a benign type of vertigo - that meant no erging, doc's orders
. Finally over that by mid-January. I'm easing back @ 15 min per day, but tonite I did another 7.5, just because it's the last day of the challenge. Sure wish I could have done more, but I'm coming back and don't want any more injuries!
Congratulations to all on an amazing January Challenge. Next year I want my canoe!!
I agree with the many comments out there. AJ has been highly motivational with his graphics. I ended up erging more meters in the JVC than I did in the Holiday Challenge mostly because I wanted to get in a boat and once there, I needed a paddle. I couldn't take the easy way out and just be a passenger. I needed to be working in my canoe. Thanks Jan and all the others who help out with the statistics and keeping us on top of our game.
And to all the inspirational words from my fellow Loonies, I thank you. Even when you weren't talking directly to me, you were. It truly is an honor to be a part of this team.