LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » February 1st, 2011, 11:54 pm

acrewer wrote:Long lost loonie lurks :oops: ...

Sorry to have been away for so long. :( Wonderful to see all the new team members :D and wow what amazing meters! :shock: AJ's graphics are absolutely amazing! :lol: I'm glad to be able to be getting back to rowing. After the muscle strains, I eased back slowly and was getting back into it in Oct/Nov, when I came down with a cold. Got over that, then started feeling odd when i laid down or got up - the room would spin...diagnosed with BPPB :( - a benign type of vertigo - that meant no erging, doc's orders :roll: . Finally over that by mid-January. I'm easing back @ 15 min per day, but tonite I did another 7.5, just because it's the last day of the challenge. Sure wish I could have done more, but I'm coming back and don't want any more injuries!

Congratulations to all on an amazing January Challenge. Next year I want my canoe!!

Yippie! Gina's back! I was wondering where you were and hoping everything was okay with you. The Loonies are happy to hear from you and happy to have any meter you can give. DON'T PUSH IT! We'd rather you took it easy and put in minimal meters now so that you are healthy for the long run. I hope you continue to improve at a steady pace.

I agree with the many comments out there. AJ has been highly motivational with his graphics. I ended up erging more meters in the JVC than I did in the Holiday Challenge mostly because I wanted to get in a boat and once there, I needed a paddle. I couldn't take the easy way out and just be a passenger. I needed to be working in my canoe. Thanks Jan and all the others who help out with the statistics and keeping us on top of our game.

And to all the inspirational words from my fellow Loonies, I thank you. Even when you weren't talking directly to me, you were. It truly is an honor to be a part of this team.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by cathie11 » February 2nd, 2011, 10:56 am

Some of the names the kids picked are imarpig-ocean, qar- ocean wave, iraluq-moon, Panissagar-moon's little daughter, lluu-sling to kill giants and Kuskowim- name of river. We have narrowed it to lluu which looks like Luna-tics and iraluq. We are voting today. There is not a word in Yu'pik for rowboat or rowing. The closest is Kanani which means going down to the water. I like Panissagar because it reminds me of Pa.
Have a good day

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » February 2nd, 2011, 12:35 pm

cathie11 wrote:Some of the names the kids picked are imarpig-ocean, qar- ocean wave, iraluq-moon, Panissagar-moon's little daughter, lluu-sling to kill giants and Kuskowim- name of river. We have narrowed it to lluu which looks like Luna-tics and iraluq. We are voting today. There is not a word in Yu'pik for rowboat or rowing. The closest is Kanani which means going down to the water. I like Panissagar because it reminds me of Pa.
Have a good day

This is great! Can't wait to see the final vote results! How fun!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 2.1.11

Post by Kona2 » February 2nd, 2011, 1:06 pm


Meanwhile, Cathie's class is making a decision on her boat's name....LLUU might be it! We are learning some Yu'pik here on our moon (and beyond!) voyage! We are hardly ever just about rowing. By the way, there is a scout troup in Nome that created the Idita-Walk and Idita-Splash as a means of generating some funds for their activities. These events are timed to finish just as the real Iditarod starts on March 4th (or is it 3rd?). They use the Iditarod Trail and its 1049 miles (although I think southern route is 1131 miles) as a way to get participants to do 1049 minutes of exercise in a certain number of days. To date, there is not an Idita-Row....but it could happen! We have team members who could complete 1049 minutes (or some meter equivalency - meters would be easier to track than minutes for us) of rowing in the time it takes for some of the Iditarod winners to complete the 1049 miles (although we would probably not require that the rowers take a mandatory 24 hrs off, etc.)! Something to think about! All of March is March Madness - and the World Erg Challenge starts on March 15 - neither one would preclude an Idita-Row. :D



Angelo emptied his meter bank and gave us a fine boost in total meters. We are still about 91K short of third place, and I don't believe ALL our meters have been bequeathed to the team piggy bank yet. We may still fall a few clicks short of third place....but hooboy! what a challenge!

Season meters as of 277/365 = 92,274,706 m (57,337 miles!)

Total meters on the day = 326,762 m .......203 miles

Oars in space (participation) = 26 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.1 MM Angelo
10 K Brayden

FOUR Million Meter Watch:

Image Ray with (28,625 m) to go!

THREE Million Meter Watch:

Cathie with (133,307 m) to go!

TWO Million Meter Watch:

Katerina with (13,295 m) to go!

Chip with (20,752 m) to go!

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Rick with (111,706 m) to go!

Robert with (111,708 m) to go!

Terri with (143,022 m) to go!

COOL Half Million Meter Watch:

Dalton with (4,248 m) to go!

Karyn with (11,235 m) to go! NHRC did well in the Challenge, too!

Tony with (38,845 m) to go!

Thanks to all who rowed as Loonies today! We're closer to the moon than ever before!

Brayden ImageImageImage m
Allie 8...7...6 m ....countdown!
Ethan 1,100 m
Ashlee 1,489 m
Kaylee 1,517 m
Tris 1,589 m
Dalton 1,621 m
Harold 3,000 m
Jeff 3,020 m
Mario Jackson 3,022 m
Kenny H 3,100 m
Terri H 3,100 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m
Robyn 3,600 m
Kenneth G 5,000 m
Peter G 5,500 m
David T 6,000 m
Debbie V 6,028 m
Barbara 6,131 m ....wowzer, 8 more inches of'll be rowing and not running today I'll bet
Image 6,366 m
Steven 6,631 m
Katerina 6,985 m
Mitch J 7,512 m
Jerry 8,000 m
Jim B 10,253 m
Bruce 10,888 m
Rodrigo-go-go 11,023 m
David A 12,043 m
Cathie 13,500 m
Baz 15,000 m
Jay 25,000 m .... half moon for you!
Ross 28,221 m .... half moon for you!
Angelo 105,759 m .... mega-moons for you!


Lunar Landing Official Distance = 2,963,402 m + an orbit

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » February 2nd, 2011, 1:27 pm

Bobbie and I have participated in the idita-walk every year since 2002 except last year due to the loss of my dog George. You have to walk 1049 minutes between 2/1 and 3/31. We try and walk 30 minutes each day. They have a category for dogs too. It is fun and proceeds go to a cub scout troop in Nome. Please anyone who wants to participate check out their website. You get a pin for $10. Used to get a tee and a leash for your dog, but times are a little tougher now.

By the way, if you are looking for new places to row to-
By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein, Ap Science Writer – 2 hrs 16 mins ago
WASHINGTON – NASA's planet-hunting telescope is finding whole new worlds of possibilities in the search for alien life. An early report from a cosmic census indicates that relatively small planets and stable multi-planet systems are far more plentiful than previous searches showed.

NASA released new data Wednesday from its Kepler telescope on more than 1,000 possible new planets outside our solar system — more than doubling the count of what astronomers call exoplanets. They haven't been confirmed as planets yet, but some astronomers estimate that 90 percent of what Kepler has found will eventually be verified.

Kepler, launched in 2009, has been orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars, conducting a planet census and searching for Earth-like planets since last year. It has found there are more planets that are much smaller than Jupiter — the biggest planet in our solar system — than there are giant planets.

Some of these even approach Earth's size. That means they are better potential candidates for life than the behemoths that are more easily spotted, astronomers say.

While Kepler hasn't yet found planets that are as small as Earth, all the results are "pointing in the right direction," said University of California Santa Cruz astronomer Jonathan Fortney, a Kepler researcher.

Yale University exoplanet expert Debra Fischer, who wasn't part of the Kepler team but serves as an outside expert for NASA, said the new information "gives us a much firmer footing" in eventual hopes for worlds that could harbor life.

"I feel different today knowing these new Kepler results than I did a week ago," Fischer said.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » February 2nd, 2011, 2:16 pm

brotherjim wrote:Kona,
Bobbie and I have participated in the idita-walk every year since 2002 except last year due to the loss of my dog George. You have to walk 1049 minutes between 2/1 and 3/31. We try and walk 30 minutes each day. They have a category for dogs too. It is fun and proceeds go to a cub scout troop in Nome. Please anyone who wants to participate check out their website. You get a pin for $10. Used to get a tee and a leash for your dog, but times are a little tougher now.
There are some who say there are no coincidences in life. I think there are usually between 700 and 1000 participants worldwide in the Idita-Walk. What are the chances that THREE of us have done this walk before and are currently registered? I have done this walk in previous years (2007 started) or the Idita-Splash swimming version. Twilight zone music can be heard....! I'm doing this - and Kona the K9 is on the K9 roster.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » February 2nd, 2011, 3:30 pm

Kona2 wrote:
brotherjim wrote:Kona,
Bobbie and I have participated in the idita-walk every year since 2002 except last year due to the loss of my dog George. You have to walk 1049 minutes between 2/1 and 3/31. We try and walk 30 minutes each day. They have a category for dogs too. It is fun and proceeds go to a cub scout troop in Nome. Please anyone who wants to participate check out their website. You get a pin for $10. Used to get a tee and a leash for your dog, but times are a little tougher now.
There are some who say there are no coincidences in life. I think there are usually between 700 and 1000 participants worldwide in the Idita-Walk. What are the chances that THREE of us have done this walk before and are currently registered? I have done this walk in previous years (2007 started) or the Idita-Splash swimming version. Twilight zone music can be heard....! I'm doing this - and Kona the K9 is on the K9 roster.
i've done the idita-splash in the past...

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 2.1.11

Post by DUCKMARX » February 2nd, 2011, 3:31 pm

[quote="Kona2"] . . .They use the Iditarod Trail and its 1049 miles (although I think southern route is 1131 miles) as a way to get participants to do 1049 minutes of exercise in a certain number of days. To date, there is not an Idita-Row....but it could happen! We have team members who could complete 1049 minutes (or some meter equivalency - meters would be easier to track than minutes for us) of rowing in the time it takes for some of the Iditarod winners to complete the 1049 miles . . . Something to think about! All of March is March Madness - and the World Erg Challenge starts on March 15 - neither one would preclude an Idita-Row. :D

Just thinking out loud . . . Here are some facts:
  • the Iditarod starts March 5th.
    It takes 10 to 17 days for mushers to complete the race
    Each musher has a team of 12 to 16 dogs.
    1049 miles is 1678 kilometers.
    1049 minutes is 17 hours 29 minutes.
    World Erg Challenge starts March 15.

Based on this, an Idita-row could start on March 5 and end no later than March 14 (10 days).

Thinking about distance, what if teams of rowers rowed the distance, 1,678 K? (Déjà vu LUNA-tics! :lol: ) So:

  • 10 rowers would have to row an average of 167,800 each in 10 days (16,780 a day)
    12 rowers would need to row an average of 138,833 each in 10 days (13,833 a day)
    16 rowers would need to row an average of 104,879 each in 10 days (10,488 a day)
    etc . . .

Just to get an idea of what is possible (please note, I didn't say reasonable :lol: ):

  • In the Virtual Team Challenge we averaged 728,229 a day (AWESOME!! :D )
    There were 94 active rowers so the average meters per day per rower was 7747 meters.

Thinking about time, 1049 minutes spread over 10 days is 1 hour and 55 minutes a day.

Like I said, I'm just thinking aloud. :D

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DavidA » February 2nd, 2011, 3:33 pm

macbruce1 wrote:You know how some days you're really "in the groove" and you feel like you can row forever and how some days are a real slog. Well, today was a slog :roll: But I wanted to do my share for the team on this last day of the VTC. After I was done I went to log my meters and noticed AJ's great new graphics. First I had a little chuckle and then I went and did a few more meters.
Thanks AJ for the praise, the words of encouragement and, last but not least, the fabulous graphics. All of these have been a great motivator for me :!: I'm sure I'm not alone :)
If 82 km is a "real slog", I scared to think what you do when "you're really 'in the groove'" :o

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DUCKMARX » February 2nd, 2011, 6:01 pm

Regarding the cartoons and animations, I am very pleased that many of you enjoyed them.

While I was designing and working with the 'canoes', it made me remember Darryl. He died three months ago today. For some reason, it seems like years to me. I wanted to include him in our Virtual Team Challenge, but I couldn't think of an appropriate way to do that. So, just as a way to remember him a little better, I drew a picture:


And wondered through his 519 posts:

"First you need to know that I'm the size and strength of a small gorilla,"

" . . . Sounds to me like you've lead a sheltered life. You need to hang out with more Norwegians, Iowegians, and Minnesotans if you've never experienced uff da before! Uff da does not equal oy vey. Oy vey is used to express something negative; as I understand it kind of means dismay. Uff da is an expression used where there is some kind of sensory overload going on, and thus could be positive, or negative. So it is a much more versatile phrase. Positive example: If a beautiful blonde Norwegian woman walks into a gathering of Norwegian bachelor farmers, there is bound to be an uff da (Scandinavian wolf whistle) or two expressed by the men. Negative example: If the oldest son on the farm is given the task to re-dig the outhouse pit, there will be plenty of uff-da's muttered before the task is done!"

He gave experienced advice:

"I find vet wrap (horse leg wrap) to be the best thing for me to prevent blisters on my hands when rowing. Get it for about $2 a roll at your farm supply store. I use pink on the left hand and green on the right. Two alternating wraps around the palm with fingers slightly spread and then around the base of the thumb (not real tight wraps); then finish off with another wrap around the palm. These "gloves" lasts me about a month and then I make new ones."

In 2008, Darryl signed up for rowing lessons and amusingly reported on all his sessions:

"OK gang here is my big chance to find out what rowing is all about and maybe where I fit in. The Duluth Rowing Club is sponsoring 3 sessions of beginners course on the fundamentals of rowing. For $75 you get 4 evening sessions on a trainer (Concept II and what a thrill that will be!) and a catamaran rower on the water for 16 rooky rowers. . . ."

He entered the team pumpkin decorating event:

"Does this home built 4 foot high light sculpture made from plywood and three strings of mini lights count toward the team assignment? It was (sort of) carved out with a saber saw..."

. . . and once in a while he did the stats:

"Luna-Tic Stats for January 25, 2009 brought to you by DuluthMoose, subbing for, but not up to Kona2’s usual high standards….You’ll have to inform me if you’ve rowed a HM or FM if your meters do not show 21,097 or 42,195. And you’ll have to prove it to me if you think that I’ve erred. Otherwise this report is as perfect as I’ll ever get."

Like I said, just as a way to remember Darryl a little better.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » February 2nd, 2011, 8:00 pm

DUCKMARX wrote:Regarding the cartoons and animations, I am very pleased that many of you enjoyed them.

While I was designing and working with the 'canoes', it made me remember Darryl. He died three months ago today. For some reason, it seems like years to me. I wanted to include him in our Virtual Team Challenge, but I couldn't think of an appropriate way to do that. So, just as a way to remember him a little better, I drew a picture:


And wondered through his 519 posts:

"First you need to know that I'm the size and strength of a small gorilla,"

" . . . Sounds to me like you've lead a sheltered life. You need to hang out with more Norwegians, Iowegians, and Minnesotans if you've never experienced uff da before! Uff da does not equal oy vey. Oy vey is used to express something negative; as I understand it kind of means dismay. Uff da is an expression used where there is some kind of sensory overload going on, and thus could be positive, or negative. So it is a much more versatile phrase. Positive example: If a beautiful blonde Norwegian woman walks into a gathering of Norwegian bachelor farmers, there is bound to be an uff da (Scandinavian wolf whistle) or two expressed by the men. Negative example: If the oldest son on the farm is given the task to re-dig the outhouse pit, there will be plenty of uff-da's muttered before the task is done!"

He gave experienced advice:

"I find vet wrap (horse leg wrap) to be the best thing for me to prevent blisters on my hands when rowing. Get it for about $2 a roll at your farm supply store. I use pink on the left hand and green on the right. Two alternating wraps around the palm with fingers slightly spread and then around the base of the thumb (not real tight wraps); then finish off with another wrap around the palm. These "gloves" lasts me about a month and then I make new ones."

In 2008, Darryl signed up for rowing lessons and amusingly reported on all his sessions:

"OK gang here is my big chance to find out what rowing is all about and maybe where I fit in. The Duluth Rowing Club is sponsoring 3 sessions of beginners course on the fundamentals of rowing. For $75 you get 4 evening sessions on a trainer (Concept II and what a thrill that will be!) and a catamaran rower on the water for 16 rooky rowers. . . ."

He entered the team pumpkin decorating event:

"Does this home built 4 foot high light sculpture made from plywood and three strings of mini lights count toward the team assignment? It was (sort of) carved out with a saber saw..."

. . . and once in a while he did the stats:

"Luna-Tic Stats for January 25, 2009 brought to you by DuluthMoose, subbing for, but not up to Kona2’s usual high standards….You’ll have to inform me if you’ve rowed a HM or FM if your meters do not show 21,097 or 42,195. And you’ll have to prove it to me if you think that I’ve erred. Otherwise this report is as perfect as I’ll ever get."

Like I said, just as a way to remember Darryl a little better.
thanks...i've been thinking of him also....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by cathie11 » February 2nd, 2011, 8:09 pm

They chose Lluu. I t was very close.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Toothdoc » February 2nd, 2011, 9:53 pm

Thanks AJ that brought back some fond memories of Moose.


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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DUCKMARX » February 3rd, 2011, 7:53 am

cathie11 wrote:They chose Lluu. I t was very close.

The Lluu

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Another Meter Multi-millionaire!

Post by Kona2 » February 3rd, 2011, 11:21 am


Woot! Congratulations, Katerina, on achieving a TWO million meter rowing season! We wish you many, MANY more!!

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