by Izzzmeister » January 17th, 2011, 6:57 pm
My standard One PB A Week... Okay, I did it because I hadn't worked out for 60 hours (from a hard piece Thursday evening to Sunday morning), even though I still felt achy. Was going to try a PB in the 500m, my worst time (75th percentile, whereas in other events I'm generally from 90-98th percentile), but I didn't see any RowPro 500s at auspicious times. I did, however, see a 10K up with 8 participants, some of them studs. So I joined, and did some slow warm-ups. At the last minute, Hywel Davies joined, and asked if anybody was going to go all out. The other guys said that maybe I would, but they were going for 1:58-9 splits. I answered that I would be trying to beat my 36:44.4 personal best if I felt good. Hywel said that since he'd biked hard the day before, he wouldn't push too hard.
Since my old mark averaged 1:50.1, I decided to row at 1:49, and try to hold it. As usual, I actually was rowing at 1:48.5, and wasn't sure how long I could hold that for. Two thirds the way through, Hywel passed me. I thought of trying to race him, but I was suffering enough, and wanted to be 100% sure I would finish, not abort. I held on to 1:49-1:50 pace to the very end, and sprinted the final 200m. Hywel: 36:11.1. Me: 36:15.6 (1:48.7), an improvement of :28.8! This time, I watched my heart rate creep up throughout (average:147), and I finished at 163, above my AT but well below my max - so I know I was very near my limit for my present fitness level.
This raised me from #24 to #12 in the 50-59HWM category for 10Ks (not including the physically impossible time someone posted).
Always good to have confirmation that I'm not overtraining!