97 Rowers in the Armoonda!
At the stroke of midnight, our roster will be set....and hooboy! Now the work begins! Get into those canoes, put on your water wings, and grab those paddles....the virtual competitive waters are churning with activity. Gaps between teams will change almost hourly -- and you will be stunned every so often (it's okay - it's good for us!). This is all about being the best that WE can be....win, show or place.
1Age Without Limits Virtual Club 26,409,821
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 10,381,220
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 9,696,769
4 THE ANCIENTS Virtual Club
5 HAVK Mladost Rowing Club 8,016,864
Have canoes, have paddles...leading the Armoonda!
1 Ray Wilson M 33 696,760
2 Jim (Jay) Kielma Jr. M 37 659,386
3 Cathie Johnson F 29 563,937
4 Jerry Heath M 37 452,340
5 Charles Dykstra M 43 333,635
6 Ron MacBruce M 56 317,576
7 Robyn Lee F 33 305,033
8 Chris Tudury F 61 286,039
9 Barry O'Malley M 51 280,000
10 Will Salach M 54 260,000
11 Katerina Mack F 30 239,908
12 A J Tudury M 63 237,878
13 Kenneth Guenther M 62 215,014
14 Mike Gilger M 50 213,507
Have canoes, reaching for paddles....
15 Bart Valgaeren M 45 175,553
16 David A. Alden M 50 167,560
17 Pat Bankes F 64 164,130
18 Johnny Murden M 55 163,356
19 Terri Hollomon F 50 162,338
20 Kristine Strasburger F 46 160,126
21 Jan Stevenson F 58 156,797
22 Kenny Hollomon M 57 150,746
23 Jennifer Browning F 46 143,588
24 Rodrigo Garcia M 33 141,518
25 Karyn Gallagher F 41 133,000
26 Mitch Johnson M 55 121,557
27 Ted Cowley-Gilbert M 49 121,085
28 Laura Thorson F 50 116,474
29 peter verdirame M 56 113,000
49 Jackson P M 10 52,050 .... first junior rower to reach 50K!
53 Dalton B M 8 49,920 ... 80 meters and Einstein is in the boat!
54 Tristan B M 12 49,534
60 Ben S M 12 33,783
66 Kaylee S F 8 30,001
73 Ashlee S F 5 25,337
Working on climbing into the canoe....
30 George Wyner M 52 92,000
31 barbara grandberg F 60 84,782
32 Jim Brink M 39 84,586
33 Anthony Parendo M 67 83,326
34 Scott Cooper M 45 82,000
35 Steven Larky M 48 80,455
36 Doug Miner M 54 79,250
37 Heather Woiciechowski F 49 74,806
38 Kevin Clark M 45 72,649
39 Rick Carveth M 58 71,486
40 jonny kutz F 63 67,996
41 Tom McGuire M 58 66,982
42 Mike Mulvihill M 50 66,078
43 Andrea Cosmin F 53 63,578
44 Mike Smith M 49 62,895
45 David Tangerini M 63 60,000
46 Robert Hess M 49 55,000
47 John Marsh M 56 53,763
48 David Hunter M 50 52,297
50 martha wiles F 43 52,000
51 Ross Drown M 62 50,175
52 Greg Halac M 51 50,008
55 Richard Miller M 61 47,584
56 Nathan Johnson M 38 43,500
57 Greg Childs M 56 39,422
58 Brandy Cowley-Gilbert F 50 36,345
59 Tom Pinckney M 66 35,038
61 Will Worthwine M 54 32,601
62 Gloria Miller F 51 32,219
63 Dana Smith F 25 32,092
64 Tonya Dale F 53 31,493
65 Daniel Cox M 66 30,112
67 Mike Crossley M 54 29,015
68 AUCHER Romain M 32 27,642
69 Peter Huurman M 37 27,155
70 Sorin Spanoche M 44 27,063
71 Tracy Clark F 45 26,153
72 Dwight Hakim M 49 25,770
74 Collin Dykstra M 36 23,050
75 Jennifer Goodman F 34 22,818
76 Ethan S M 4 20,376
77 beverly dellinger F 59 20,000
78 Angelo Papadopoulos M 44 19,009
80 Rachel Ella Young F 38 15,486
81 Jolie Pugh F 43 14,228
82 John Longmire M 66 14,142
83 Jane Newall F 41 6,258
84 Brayden B M 4 4,524
85 Tim Strasburger M 16 4,243
86 Gina Levy F 52 3,117
There is still time....
87 Andy Ward M 37 0
88 Laurie Pachter F 49 0
89 Gail Whitelaw F 51 0
90 Mitch Terra Sanitatis Friedland M 51 0
91 Debbie Rohlwing F 54 0
92 Kelly Glynn F 42 0
93 Susan Leighton F 56 0
94 Coulter M M 14 0
95 Luke JOHNSON M 22 0
96 Caroline Reagle F 52 0
97 Lauren C F 9 0
Total Challenge Meters as of January 15 @ 730 AM MST = 9,706,049 m