LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Virtual Reality: To the canoes!

Post by Kona2 » January 7th, 2011, 7:00 pm

To the canoes! Our younger rowers are really rowing some great meters.....and THREE have made it into their canoes!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ben S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations, Ben, on achieving 25,000 m in the VIrtual Team Challenge! May your canoe be as swift as the motorcycle! Can't wait until you get your Luna-Tics paddle to propel the canoe even faster!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tristan B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations, Tris, on achieving 25,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge! May your canoe catch good currents! Can't wait for you to get your Luna-Tics paddle to propel the canoe even faster!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mario Jackson P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations, Mario Jackson, on achieving 25,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge! May you guide your canoe as well as you do the Mario carts! Your canoe paddle waits at the 75,000 m mark....shouldn't take too long to get there!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » January 7th, 2011, 9:38 pm

Wowzer! Armoonda ahoy! 17 canoes, three with paddles!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Johnny Murden .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations, Johnny, on achieving 100,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge, and snagging your canoe successfully. May your canoe travel swiftly towards that shore with the 200K milestone (and the paddles!)! Woot! Way to row!!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brotherjim » January 7th, 2011, 9:57 pm

Thanks A.J. and Kona from Tristan for the canoe. He loves it and is happy with the football helmet. Jackson missed his as he went home after rowing. I know he will love it. It LOOKS just like him when he dresses as Mario. Thank you from my grandkids , you 2 creative people.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by kgallagher » January 7th, 2011, 10:53 pm

Wow! AJ, your talent and creativity blows me away. I can't wait to get my own canoe and see my native self. Please keep up all the great motivation.


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Another canoeist!

Post by Kona2 » January 7th, 2011, 11:47 pm

Whoa...the waters must be churning! We have 18 canoes in the the man with the white cowboy hat has climbed into his canoe!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Gilger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations, Mike G, on achieving 100,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge, and claiming your canoe. May your canoe travel swiftly, and may your horse understand your new mode of transportation! :D

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Thanks for the canoe

Post by Johnny Murden » January 8th, 2011, 7:33 am

Kona2 wrote:
Congratulations, Johnny, on achieving 100,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge, and snagging your canoe successfully. May your canoe travel swiftly towards that shore with the 200K milestone (and the paddles!)! Woot! Way to row!!

Thanks, Kona2 and all the rest, for the the encouragement and for the great artwork. AJ, I never looked so good.

Enjoyed the back story on the canoes.

BTW, K2, how do you manage to stay on top of all the postings? Amazing.

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Another canoeist!

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2011, 9:35 am

Hooyah! Maybe that's what Pat said as she crossed the 100,000 m milestone for the Virtual Team could have happened that way!


..........................Pat Bankes .............................

Congratulations, Pat, on achieving 100,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge, and climbing into your canoe to join the Armoonda! May your canoe be swift in the competitive waters of the Virtual Team Challenge! Go get that 200K for a paddle!

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Virtual Reality: The Armoonda Rows Into The Weekend!

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2011, 10:06 am

Keeping up with the postings of our collective achievements is indeed a challenge during the challenges! The current Virtual Team Challenge, and the previous Holiday Challenge, have been quite collaborative - which is exactly what you want in a team of this sort! Makes it ever so much fun and easier! AJ sends me the canoe and canoeist graphics (a list based on rowing patterns each of us exhibits...and predictions of when an individual might just cross that next milestone!). Of course, these patterns don't always hold true...and a frenzy of rowing activity or collective meter posting could propel a rower into a canoe before it's completely constructed :shock:, which leads to a flurry of activity here. Mostly, it's just having the ability to check the team stats as posted by Concept2, from multiple electronic sources a few times a day, having a spreadsheet program that works well...and a graphics library that I've compiled over three or so years...that gets the job done. I enjoy putting these things together.

As we head into the weekend (well, some of the Aussies might be on the tail end of their weekend!), 19 Luna natives are in the Armoonda. Here they are presented in order based on when each climbed into their respective canoes :D . You, too, could be in the Armoonda....just pay the ferryman his 100K meters.

................................Ray Wilson....Ron MacBruce......Barry O'Malley....Cathie Johnson......
................................Jerry Heath......Chris Tudury......Jay Kielma........Robyn Lee......
...............................Charles Dykstra.....A J Tudury........Will Salach........Kenneth Guenther
.........................Ben S...........Jackson P.......Tristan B
.................................Johnny Murden.....Mike Gilger......Pat Bankes

You know you want to join the Armoonda! It's a unique experience....or so I'm told....I have a few more meters to row to get to see what MY character looks like!
Last edited by Kona2 on January 8th, 2011, 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by jay » January 8th, 2011, 10:29 am

Kona, I think we all appreciate the TIME and effort you have to put in. You are wonderful and A.J. is amazing. My Dad said it was way too much for him just to keep stats of a super active team like TimbukTOO. Let alone even try and do graphics and fun things like the "Looneys" do. He would be under the bed hiding at the thought.
Jackson spent the night with me and he loves his Mario canoe. We went to workout this morning and he rowed over 4k. I passed my Dad, at least temporarily. Gotta get him dizzier than he is so he takes a few days off. :wink:
Keep up the great work, I love it, Mario loves it, and the "Looneys" love it
Jay (the leading Kielma)

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Virtual Reality: Day 8/9 Dawns

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2011, 10:35 am

Thanks, Jay! I was just trying to answer the question posed by Johnny about how the postings stay current - had to laugh because in the middle of the posting below, Jerry zoomed by and grabbed a paddle! Woot!

Here are the standings as of 7 AM MST on January 8, 2011. Each rowing year, and each challenge, is a new set of variables BUT there is that team DNA thing. In this instance, a team's DNA means that there is some history within the Concept2 forum about how a particular team performs. The number 1 team, Age Without Limits, is huge....and so is Free Spirits. The Ancients is a biggie also, and they can and do pull out all stops in the last two weeks of a challenge to try and bury their competition.

The first two weeks of a challenge, the period when team members may come and go, is always volatile. We may look on in dismay as a team adds 20 or 30 rowers in an afternoon....but that's the way a challenge works. Recruit, recruit, sign on, sign on! Only the truly adventurous are up for a trip to the moon and beyond! :D

Today is going to be the FIVE million meter day! AMAZING!!!!!

1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 12,588,124
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 4,957,926
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 4,701,034
4 THE ANCIENTS Virtual Club 4,002,591
5 HAVK Mladost Rowing Club 3,358,381

A hearty thanks to all who are rowing as Luna-Tics in this virtual team challenge!

Have canoe, have paddle....leading the Armoonda:

1 Ray Wilson M 33 334,273
2 Jim (Jay) Kielma Jr. M 37 278,196
3 Cathie Johnson F 28 258,869
4 Jerry Heath M 37 215,449

In the canoes....working towards a paddle.....

5 Charles Dykstra M 43 192,876
6 Ron MacBruce M 56 177,213
7 Barry O'Malley M 51 170,000
8 Chris Tudury F 61 159,457
10 A J Tudury M 62 128,612
11 Robyn Lee F 33 125,898
12 Will Salach M 54 125,000
13 Kenneth Guenther M 62 120,000
14 Johnny Murden M 55 117,946
15 Katerina Mack F 30 108,831
16 Mike Gilger M 50 108,012
17 Pat Bankes F 64 103,709
48 Jackson P M 10 29,389
49 Tristan B M 12 28,089
52 Ben S M 12 25,382

Found the canoes, working on getting into them! ....

18 Jennifer Browning F 46 98,159
19 David A. Alden M 50 85,688
20 Jan Stevenson F 58 77,777
21 Laura Thorson F 50 64,260
22 Terri Hollomon F 50 59,655
23 Ted Cowley-Gilbert M 49 58,443
24 peter verdirame M 56 57,500
25 Mitch Johnson M 55 56,195
26 Heather Woiciechowski F 49 53,287
27 Ross Drown M 62 50,175
28 Kristine Strasburger F 46 49,366
29 barbara grandberg F 60 49,075
30 Karyn Gallagher F 41 48,535
31 Richard Miller M 61 47,584
32 Jim Brink M 39 45,136
33 Kenny Hollomon M 57 43,972
34 Rodrigo Garcia M 33 43,958
35 Anthony Parendo M 67 43,330
36 David Hunter M 50 42,294
37 Scott Cooper M 45 42,000
38 Mike Mulvihill M 50 40,058
39 Tom McGuire M 58 38,663
40 Greg Halac M 51 37,507
41 Doug Miner M 54 36,250
42 Robert Hess M 49 33,000
43 George Wyner M 52 32,000
44 Andrea Cosmin F 53 31,925
45 Tonya Dale F 53 31,493
46 Nathan Johnson M 38 31,000
47 jonny kutz F 63 30,699
50 Peter Huurman M 37 27,155
51 martha wiles F 43 26,000
53 Gloria Miller F 51 24,442
54 Greg Childs M 56 22,503
55 Kevin Clark M 45 22,022
56 Tracy Clark F 45 21,122
57 Daniel Cox M 66 21,097
58 Dalton B M 8 19,937
59 Brandy Cowley-Gilbert F 50 19,514
60 Angelo Papadopoulos M 44 19,009
61 Tom Pinckney M 66 18,600
62 Will Worthwine M 54 17,369
63 Sorin Spanoche M 44 14,028
64 Kaylee S F 8 12,891
65 David Tangerini M 63 12,000
66 Ashlee S F 5 10,981
67 Rachel Ella Young F 38 8,109
68 Ethan S M 4 7,675
69 Jolie Pugh F 43 6,620
70 John Longmire M 66 6,016
71 beverly dellinger F 59 5,000
72 Brayden B M 4 1,311

Might still be on winter break....or looking for that upload cable...still time to contribute!

73 Lauren C F 9 0
74 Luke JOHNSON M 22 0
75 Caroline Reagle F 52 0
76 Mike Smith M 49 0
77 Coulter M M 13 0
78 AUCHER Romain M 32 0
79 Laurie Pachter F 49 0
80 Gail Whitelaw F 51 0
81 Andy Ward M 37 0
82 Susan Leighton F 56 0
83 Tim Strasburger M 16 0
84 Kelly Glynn F 42 0
86 Mitch Terra Sanitatis Friedland M 51 0
87 Rick Carveth M 58 0
88 Dana Smith F 25 0
89 Debbie Rohlwing F 54 0

Total Challenge Meters as of 7 AM MST January 8, 2011 = 4,739,586 m

Rowing, rowing, rowing.....keep those Concept2's going!
Last edited by Kona2 on January 8th, 2011, 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Woot! Jerry gets a paddle!

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2011, 10:45 am

Not content to be upstream without a paddle, Jerry rows his 200,000 m and is awarded a Luna-Tics paddle! That canoe is going to fly through the virtual waters now!


..............................Jerry Heath...................................

Congratulations, Jerry, on achieving the 200,000 m milestone in the Virtual Team Challenge, and getting a paddle for that canoe! Way to row!!!

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Another canoeist!

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2011, 12:48 pm

She counted up to five, and the canoe was hers!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Katerina Mack. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations, Katerina, on achieving 100,000 m in the Virtual Team Challenge, and claiming a canoe! May your canoe be swift in these competitive virtual waters....and may your grab your canoe paddle quickly!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 1.7.11

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2011, 1:54 pm

Buckle your seatbelts, Lunies, we are flying through the rowing universe!


72 Million Team Meters!! Pour it on, but stay healthy!!

Gotta love the Challenge Season....all those milestones we can look back on and say "hooyah!" And whoop, whoop, too! This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg for the season. :shock: You might think those number gnomes are tricky....the leprechauns are even more so! March Madness combined with an overlap for the World Rowing Challenge....makes for a season that culminates in the Global Marathon Challenge. Great time to work up to the kinds of meters that make for a comfortable full marathon (hahahaha hah....they aren't ever comfortable in my book...!).

Season meters as of 252/365 = 72,020,772 m

Total meters on the day = 557,852 m A cool half million! How are we doing this?!!!

Oars in space (participation) = 28 percent - very nice for a weekend

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

1.1 MM Kenneth G
300 K Jay
300 K Kevin

Image Red Giant for Chip with a mega-posting of 54,210 m...whew! He's getting really close to grabbing the paddle for that canoe!
Image Red Giant for Jay...leading Jim by a few meters at the time of this posting...with 53,311 m!
Image Red Giant for Cathie....has the paddle and is sprinting along in the arctic waters! Samuel's knocking down these full marathons and red giants, too! Whoa!
Image Full moon for Ray, just shy of a red giant, with 47,652 m!
Image Kevin sends a half moon our way (again!) to power his canoe move with 34,000 m!
Image Jerry with 32,613 m...and grabs the canoe paddle...earns a half moon!
Image Ron with 27,214 m earns a half moon plus some...very close to the canoe paddle...maybe today is the day!? Just needs a rousing chorus of Moon over Vermont!
Image Johnny with 25,081 m earns a half moon!
Image Minnie the Mooner...does.

THREE Million Meter Watch:

Baz with (27,820 m) to go...still off the erg....planning his end of month surfing adventure...Image

TWO Million Meter Watch:

Rodrigo-go-go with (40,889 m) to go!

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Kristine with (32,331 m) to go!

Mitch with (99,453 m) to go!

K2 with (144,446 m) to go!

Thanks to all who added some meters today - stellar meters, each one of them!

Ashlee 1,052 m
Ethan 1,148 m
Dalton 1,730 m
Kaylee 1,780 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m :D
Tris 4,730 m
Tonya 5,587 m :D Keep pushing!
Mario Jackson 5,980 m :shock:
Ben S 6,093 m
Kenny H 7,117....a pallindrome....hoping for a Image win.... :D
Kristine 7,752 m
Peter G 8,000 m....quietly moves closer to the canoe....sneaking up on it...
Karyn 8,612 m....draws closer to the canoe
Bruce 10,857 m
Rodrigo 11,085 m
Katerina 1...2...3....4....5..... m your canoe awaits!
Greg H 12,504 m
Barbara 12,667 m (only 29,698 m from 444,444 !)
Robyn 1..3...5...7...9 m....odds are she's nearing the 2 MM countdown!
Terri H 17,229 m :shock: Image Only (7,728 m from 600K!)
AJ 18,111 m
Kenneth G 20,000 m
K2 20,765 was a choice...either land on Image challenge meters...or blow by it for a Image...what kind of choice is that?!
Minnie 21,097 m
Johnny 25,081 m
Ron 27,214 m
Jerry 32,613 m
Kevin 34,000 m
Ray 47,652 m
Cathie 49,507 m :shock:
Jay 53,311 m :shock:
Chip 54,210 m

Have a great rowing day - whenever and wherever you row!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » January 8th, 2011, 9:09 pm

Ben's exact words for his canoe capture, "That is soooo cool!" He's really pleased with the helmet rendition. Nice work, AJ.

Congratulations to all you super-stars! Way to keep the seat flying!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DUCKMARX » January 9th, 2011, 2:30 am

Kristine Strasburger wrote:Ben's exact words for his canoe capture, "That is soooo cool!" He's really pleased with the helmet rendition.
Great feedback . . . thanks . . . I'm pleased he likes it.

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