LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Post by DUCKMARX » December 7th, 2010, 4:03 pm

Wonderful news! . . . it looks like we have 2 more additions to our marvelous LUNA-Tic reindeer herd:

Jewel and Gem have been freed by Kristine and Peter !

Image Image

Congratulations, Peter and Kristine, on achieving the 100K level of the HOLIDAY CHALLENGE !

( . . . so now there are 17 reindeer rattling antlers, stamping hoofs, and twinkling lights waiting Jan's return. :lol:)

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And the 18th reindeer is......Meteor!

Post by Kona2 » December 7th, 2010, 7:22 pm

Wowzer, mates! Great fireballs! Blazing light streaking across the sky! After a careful check of the power grid up in the Vermont area, it's been determined that this is not Blazing Headlamp Blitzen practicing aerial acrobatics with lights all aglow, but is instead over Wisconsin, USA. Not content with just a clatter of hooves or a reindeer snort (unless it's post-flight), Meteor our eighteeenth reindeer makes his dramatic debut!

Congratulations, Dan E, on attaining the 100,000 m Holiday Challenge Board and claiming your reindeer in such spectacular fashion! Whoop! Whoop!

And from Science News on Dec. 6, 2010: The Geminid meteor shower, which peaks this year on Dec. 13th and 14th, is the most intense meteor shower of the year. It lasts for days, is rich in fireballs, and can be seen from almost any point on Earth. Here we have just named the last two reindeer Gem and Meteor....Twilight Zone music heard playing....

Presenting.....the Luna Herd!

........Dasher/Chip ...............Dancer/Baz...................Vixen /Minnie...................Prancer / Danno....

Image ImageImageImage
........Comet / Will S ............Cupid / AJ ....................Donner / Harold.................Blitzen / Ron .....

........Olive / Jerry................Joker/ Kenneth G ...........Ringo / Jim.....................Winston / Karyn ....

........Mitten / Robert.............Jingle / Bruce ..............Jangle / Rick ...............Amerigo Jewel / Peter ...

........Gem / Kristine.............Meteor / Dan E ..............

Well done! The herd is on a mission!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.6.10

Post by Kona2 » December 7th, 2010, 11:52 pm

ImageImageImage Fifty Million Team Meters....what a tremendous milestone!! Way to row, team!!


Moon power....reindeer powered by moonlight leaping through the's that Holiday Challenge madness that gets us on the erg pulling for those meters! And pull for those meters we have! Just take a look at all the personal milestones our teammates are celebrating! A quick glance ahead at the numbers we'll be talking about tomorrow shows that this is not a fleeting trend....the herd is on the move!

Season meters as of 220/365 = 50,378,899 m

Total meters on the day = 463,744 m (even if some of tomorrow's meters are actually included....impressive!)

Oars in space (participation) = 32 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

2.3 MM Baz
800 K Kristine
500 K Mike C
200 K Barbara
200 K Dan E
100 K Brandy
100 K Kenny H

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Ross with (49,165 m) to go!

Angelo with (72,844 m) to go!

Mike M with (124,844 m) to go!

Ron with (108,650 m) to go! (Thought I'd put in tomorrow's number...pretty good progress for a school night)

Image Thanks, and congratulations to all who rowed Holiday Challenge meters today - absolutely amazing output!

Jeff 2,055 m
Tom P 3,000 m
Harold 4,000 m
Ben S 5,596 m
David T 6,000 m
Peter G 6,500 m
Kenny H 6,504 m
Terri H 6,700 m
Mitch J 8,007 m
Rich 8,066 m
Karyn 8,078 m
Ross 8,750 m
Tom M 9,343 m
Mike C 10,000 m
G-l-o-r-i-a ImageImageImageImageImage m :D
Tony ImageImageImageImageImage m :D ... numeric alliteration...gotta love it!
Jerry 11,400 m
Barbara 11,546 m
Greg H 12,504 m
Brandy 12,988 m
Dave H (AUS) 13,000 m ....great! you're back! Only 6,833 m to go for 600K!
Rick 13,002 m
Dan C 13,817 m
Chris 15,111 m
AJ 15,217 m
Ted 18,000 m
Peter H 25,000 m....and he sails into the reindeer stable a full day early! I'm sure the original plan was Wednesday!
Kenneth G 25,000 m
Dan E 30,608 m ... wow!
Bruce 31,730 m .... more wow!
Kristine 40,000 m ....whoa...she flew in under the reindeer radar with a MEGA meter posting!
Baz 60,000 are zooming along...congrats on topping 300K


Making spirits's one from last year....happens to the "best" of us!

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The 19th Reindeer

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2010, 12:03 am

If only we could bottle this energy.....woohoo! Reindeer fever ! Yes, another great clattering of hooves occurred this evening....had I been in Colorado, I'm sure I would have heard it loud and clear! Greg H has freed up the nineteenth reindeer of the herd....Solis!

Congratulations, Greg, on achieving the 100K Holiday Challenge board! You're halfway to the PIN!

Presenting.....the Luna Herd!

........Dasher/Chip ...............Dancer/Baz...................Vixen /Minnie...................Prancer / Danno....

Image ImageImageImage
........Comet / Will S ............Cupid / AJ ....................Donner / Harold.................Blitzen / Ron .....

........Olive / Jerry................Joker/ Kenneth G ...........Ringo / Jim.....................Winston / Karyn ....

........Mitten / Robert.............Jingle / Bruce ..............Jangle / Rick ...............Amerigo Jewel / Peter ...


........Gem / Kristine.............Meteor / Dan E ..............Solis / Greg H.......

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2010, 11:38 am

macbruce1 wrote:PPS It is exciting to see so many teamates on the cusp of the 1M mark. Is this unprecedented :?:
Ron/Blitzen - it does seem that the million meter rush has started a little bit earlier this year....there's nothing quite like watching our virtual teammates achieve their million(s)....because each of us knows exactly what kind of effort that takes. The immeasurable factor is the team energy! We know it's there, can't quantify it, but can "feed" it, grow it, take advantage of it!

The Holiday Challenge is still very much the beginning of the rowing season for many - as we approach the end of the rowing season in April (the rowing year is definitely askew when we think of end of year goals, etc.) - the push will be on as teammates work hard to make the 10K a day board, or the 5 K a day board, one million, two million, or just more than they ever rowed.

It is marvelous to see rowers up their daily meter totals (I know you're going for those reindeer and reindeer lights!) during a challenge (the PIN....that PIN you've ALWAYS rowed for....). Terri H has gone from 3500 m or so to outputs of 6700 and more! Tony set aside his signature 3333 for a new signature 6789 (except when he's doing the 7777s or the 11111....unpredictable but fun :D )!

There are a lot of great stories in this team!


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.7.10

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2010, 1:09 pm

ImageWoohoo! Antler lights just up ahead .... a few more meters.....c'mon, you can do it! Jerry and Dan are numerically closest to their lights at the moment.....and the million meter pillar milestone is looming bigger in the sights of our three current contenders!

ImageToday is ruled by the SEVENS...six rowers out of 19 rowed in the 7 thousands (it's a number geek thing). It's Day 14 (15 if you're on the Aussie side of the IDL) of the Holiday we're about halfway through the challenge period. Lots of good stuff happening in this challenge! Keep the big wheels turning!

Season meters as of 221/365 = 50,616,532 m

Total meters on the day = 237,633 m (captured some of today's numbers in yesterday's later posting)

Oars in space (participation) = 19 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

4.4 MM Will S

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Ross with (36.165 m) to go!

Angelo with (72,844 m) to go!

Ron with (108,350 m) to go!

ImageImageImageTwo half moons and a full moon in the skies over our rowing universe today ..... but ever so many stars! Thanks to all who found/made time to row today....must have some great organizational and time management skills in this group!

Image Full moon plus some for Will S who posts 45,000 m
Image Andrea posts a half moon plus from somewhere in our rowing universe with 30,403 m
Image Ron, galloping towards that million meter mark....with a half moon plus change 21,521 m

Great rowing by all !

Tina 3,020 m
Harold and Moggy 5,300 m
David T 6,000 m
Peter G 7,000 m
Karyn 7,013 m
Dan C 7,017 m
Dan E 7,026 m
Jerry 7,500 m
Tony ImageImageImageImage m :D
Kenny H 8,000 m
Terri H 9,115 m :o :D
Baz 10,000 m
Greg H 12,501 m....there's that same number... great mantra
Ross 13,000 m
Jim 15,019 m
Rodrigo 15,421 m
Ron 21,521 m
Andrea 30,403 m
Will S 45,000 m

The path to the reindeer stable is becoming well worn.....much more than just a social trail (as we call those undesignated but highly used bike paths that get created)!

Rodrigo with (4,815 m) to go!
Tony with (4,580 m) to go!
K2 with (18,000 m) to go!
Kenny H with (26,496 m) to go!
David T with (28,000 m) to go!
Ross with (28,222 m) to go!
Terri with (31,935 m) to go!

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Reindeer 20 and 21....are.....Peter G and Tony!

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2010, 1:25 pm

Wowzer, mates! We're going to need a reindeer crossing sign soon! Another great clatter of hooves, rattling of antlers, and two more reindeer are named as two teammates cross the 100K Holiday Challenge mark!

Congratulations, Peter G, on freeing up Syrus, and achieving the 100K Honor Board for the Holiday Challenge!

Congratulations, Tony, on freeing up Clem (a reindeer named Clem....must be a story here...)...and becoming the 21st reindeer (it's those sevens times 3)...and achieving the 100K Honor Board for the Holiday Challenge!

Presenting.....the Luna Herd!

........Dasher/Chip ...............Dancer/Baz...................Vixen /Minnie...................Prancer / Danno....

........Comet / Will S ............Cupid / AJ ....................Donner / Harold.................Blitzen / Ron .....

........Olive / Jerry................Joker/ Kenneth G ...........Ringo / Jim.....................Winston / Karyn ....

........Mitten / Robert.............Jingle / Bruce ..............Jangle / Rick ...............Amerigo Jewel / Peter ...


........Gem / Kristine.............Meteor / Dan E ..............Solis / Greg H................Peter G / Syrus...

........Clem / Tony ........

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2010, 6:05 pm

Clem, the now I know how Clem's name got in there. Clement C Moore was credited with writing "Twas the Night Before Christmas," although it appears that perhaps a Major Henry Livingston was the true author??! So maybe we will have a reindeer called Major Henry?

Some extraneous info from the general web

"While the names don't really "mean" anything, Moore did name them poetically to imply how special they were. In general, you can look at the names like this:
Dasher, Comet, Cupid: Names that imply speed, quickness, and flight ["Cupid" has wings].
Dancer, Prancer, Vixen: Names that imply grace and nimbleness [a "vixen" in this sense is a female fox].
Donner and Blitzen: Originally "Dunder and Blixem," the Dutch words for "Thunder & Lightning," names that imply power and strength.
So when Clement C. Moore named the reindeer, he named them to poetically imply what the reindeer were like, flying through the night: powerful, quick, and nimble.
Names originated from the popular children's story - 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - supposedly written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823. However recently in 2000 an English professor has proved that the original Christmas rhyme was written by Major Henry Livingston, Jr. (1748-1828) in 1807 and called - Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas. Moore got credited with the nursery rhyme after an acquaintance published it in a newspaper. Over the years he made many alterations to it, which explains why there are various spellings of the reindeer names - Donner means thunder in German and Donder means thunder in Dutch.
What does Rudolf mean? "

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by just27 » December 9th, 2010, 1:30 am

Kona2 wrote: ... the Night Before Christmas - supposedly written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823. However recently in 2000 an English professor has proved that the original Christmas rhyme was written by Major Henry Livingston, Jr. (1748-1828) in 1807 and called - Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas. Moore got credited with the nursery rhyme after an acquaintance published it in a newspaper. Over the years he made many alterations to it, which explains why there are various spellings of the reindeer names - Donner means thunder in German and Donder means thunder in Dutch. What does Rudolf mean? "
Okay, I'm starting to make notes. Sounds like there might be a pop quiz on Reindeer 101 sometime around Boxing Day ...

Ron - You and Hannah take care now, walking on that ice. (I had to look up "Vitamin I" ... hah.) One of our neighbors has a rescue greyhound, who takes her early morning walk in a splendid green fleece jacket and matching booties (the hound, not the neighbor) now that it's nearly winter ... not much meat on her bones (again, the hound, not the neighbor).

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2010, 3:07 am

Hey! There's a new reindeer in the herd! Hooyah! Reindeer # 22, Starburst, has been claimed by Rodrigo! Congratulations, Rodrigo, on achieving the 100K Holiday Challenge honor board! Excellent!

Presenting.....the Luna Herd!

........Dasher/Chip ...............Dancer/Baz...................Vixen /Minnie...................Prancer / Danno....

........Comet / Will S ............Cupid / AJ ....................Donner / Harold.................Blitzen / Ron .....

........Olive / Jerry................Joker/ Kenneth G ...........Ringo / Jim.....................Winston / Karyn ....

........Mitten / Robert.............Jingle / Bruce ..............Jangle / Rick ...............Amerigo Jewel / Peter ...


........Gem / Kristine.............Meteor / Dan E ..............Solis / Greg H................Peter G / Syrus...


........Clem / Tony .............Starburst / Rodrigo..........
Last edited by Kona2 on December 9th, 2010, 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Rick C » December 9th, 2010, 10:19 am

I confess, I haven't been keeping up with our progress for the last couple of weeks. My grandson has been visiting more often as his parents finish up their college classes, and my school work gets pushed later into the evening. All I have been able to do is get to the Y to do my workout and post it. Last night, I checked into the team room and ... DUDE, I got ANTLERS, a NEW NAME, and I'm PART OF THE HERD! Now I just have to get a set of those nifty lights! I also noticed that a couple of rows ago I made 6MM lifetime - I guess, having started, I am now committed to getting to 7.
I also noticed that we are getting lots closer to the moon. I teach 8th grade earth science, and this week the kids are supposed to be going out and observing the waxing phases of the moon. No one has come in and reported a strange spacecraft powered by sculls, but they're middle school kids - probably texting instead of making good observations. Maybe when I let them check out the Galileoscopes we built, we'll get our proper recognition. On to Luna!

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Jerry gets his antler lights!

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2010, 11:12 am


Woohoo! Congratulations, Jerry / Olive, on achieving the 200 K holiday challenge board!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » December 9th, 2010, 11:45 am

The Team progress is nothing short of amazing, if you ask me! I love how this crazy team jumps into the spirit of the day, whether it be pirates, astronauts and space ships, or reindeer. Looking forward to the year-end re-cap.

Oh yeah, and don't forget about our upcoming New Year's Eve party. Who is going to be our Bartender this year? Any volunteers?

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » December 9th, 2010, 3:52 pm

Here's a little mid-challenge motivation. It's never too late to start your collection.


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.08.10

Post by Kona2 » December 9th, 2010, 7:59 pm

Wowzer, look at all those 200K pins that Kristine has! Can't tell what you have them pinned to...that's always the rub - want them, don't know what to do with them. Definitely keepers! I may have to figure out how to get a better resolution photo on the reindeer....I think there's a tee shirt coming with that baby on it!

ImageImage Million Team Meters!!
Hooyah and woohoo! Congratulations to the team herd on achieving fifty one million team meters! Amazing! Spectacular, too!

Welcome back to Mike S! Always good to see you on the roster! And only 27,098 m from collecting your reindeer - getting those antlers - and starting down the path towards antler lights! We now have 100 teammates and one teammate clone.


Positrons everywhere! Team is doing GREAT on this Holiday Challenge! Those lights are beckoning far and wide (at least all the way to Australia!), and the herd is growing. What better way to keep yourself in good stead through this time of year (and to infinity and beyond!) than with rowing??! Or biking or....just being active?!

Season meters as of ImageImageImage / 365 = 50,912,198 m

Total meters on the day = 295,666 m

Oars in space (participation) = 27 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

3.7 MM Chris
3.4 MM Dan
900 K Ron
600 K Dave H (AUS)

And Mom's cataract surgery went well this AM, so double woohoo! I'll be asking for a pirate eye patch when my time comes...aaargh.

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Ross with (34,665 m) to go! And only 16,722 m to antler-dom!

Angelo with (72,844 m) to go! And 37,958 m to antler-dom!

Ron with (98,350 m) to go! Cracked the 900K's all flight from here!

Image Holiday Challenge meters....they're the best you can row in November and December! :D

Ross 1,500 m
Harold and Moggy 4,015 m .... just 15,330 m to lights!
David T 6,000 m ..... just 22,000 m to antlers!
Dave H (AUS) 6,833 m
Teresa 7,727 m ..... :D
Kenny H 8,000 m and 18,496 m to antlers!
Tom M 8,940 m
Robert 10,000 m
Kristine 10,000 m
Ron 10,000 m
Jim 10,032 m
Terri H 10,115 m! WOW! A day or so ago, she'd upped her output by it's practically 3 times ! 21,820 m to antlers!
Barbara 10,131 m and only (23,003 m) away from those Starbuck antlers!
Tim 10,714 m
Mike M 11,064 m
G-l-o-r-i-a 11,110 m wait....translator works quickly....ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
Rodrigo 11,188 m
Ted 12,000 m ... just 15,000 m to antlers!
Peter G 12,500 m
Dan E 12,642 m and 14,154 m to lights....
Mitch J 13,010 m ... reindeer red zone! 5,427 m to antlers!
Rick 13,057 m
Dan 15,033 m
Chris 15,427 m....just27 signature there...
Bruce 15,828 m
Jerry 18,800 m
Baz 20,000 m

Rock on, Lunies!

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