Codependence In The Making!
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I have been doing morning rows also, although I wouldn't call them early! This works great for me, as I tend to lose my motivation as the day goes on. But with the morning routine, it is just that-a routine. I have done the most metres for any month this season, just by doing this!<br /><br />Shannon
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Those are all really good ideas. I too have seen that as time goes on I surprise myself with how much I can improve. I won't go so far as to brag since my numbers don't even register on the C2 pace chart, but for me they are encouraging. <br /><br />I am excited to hear that you have found such joy in BASEMENT ROWING! I can't say that is see the attraction but everyone has to find a method that works for them. I will tell you my secret so far... <b>I cannot look at the pm3 monitor.</b> I absolutely hate it because just counting the seconds go by is so depressing for me. I have started placing post-it notes on the the screen just to cover the time. I love the pace boat, however , and I am careful not to cover that part of the screen. ( I wonder if there is a way to just have the paceboat alone displayed?) I also have been watching the Univision channel on mute with closed captioning while rowing. I don't speak spanish but I think that by the time I earn a million meter t shirt I will be as fluent as they come. <br /><br />Also, I have started downloading some dance club music. I listen to it while erging and that seems to keep me on a good rowing pace. <br /><br />As you have probably already concluded, I am doing whatever it takes to keep "my eyes on the prize" just as long as I don't have to worry about how long it takes me to get there! <br /> <br />
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Hi Specialt!<br />You are doing great! The key is just sticking with it no matter what. I find that I am sometimes mesmerized by the monitor. You're right about the seconds ticking away slowy - I'm usually glued to the projected end time. Sometimes I have an idea as to how long I think it should take me to finish a long piece, so I watch to see that I don't slow down too much. <br />But - everybody's different. I'm glad you are experimenting and finding out what works for you. Since I live alone, I can keep my C2 in the living room and no one complains about tripping over it! Hmmmmm - tripping over it might just be why I don't forget to sit down when I'm supposed to! Never thought of that before now! <br />Well, keep up the good work!<br />Buffle
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sorry to butt in on a thread - but the topic is an interesting one to me. We've been working for some time on an article concerning "training partners" for our update and website and it occurs to me that a virtual training partner might be kind of cool.<br /><br />thoughts on (varying degrees of difficulty to program on my end...)<br /><br />1. a forum topic "training partners" where people would post looking for a virtual training partner.<br /><br />2. an online logbook based "training partner". you would essentially give access in the way of a code to your 'training partner' - your partner could then look into your logbook from afar and track your progress. maybe have an email automatically sent to your partner each time you make an entry into your logbook.<br /><br />comments?<br /><br />-bp
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Hey Ducks and all the other women out there!<br /><br />What do you think of C2Bill's idea? I, for one, like it a lot! <br />If I hadn't found this website in the first place, I never would have gotten as far as I have with this rowing thing. The idea of a virtual training partner where you have some accountability is great. Just knowing that someone could peek at my log would surely keep me going!<br /><br />Let's hear from you! Yes, even those of you who have chosen to remain quiet!! Jump on in and get your feet wet!<br /><br />I'll be waiting... <br />Buffle
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C2 Bill: That's a great idea! I especially like the idea of a partner having access to your logbook and the email notifications. Anything to keep me accountable is a wonderful thing. I come to this site already because it holds me accountable, but this sounds like another fun way to motivate us.
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<br />I think that is a fantastic idea. The concept of accountability is a very attractive one to me. I am somewhat codependent, to say the least. I supose I should be ashamed but I am proud to admit that I need someone on my heels telling me that I am doing a good job or at least giving some sort of constructive criticism. Is that too much to ask? That's why I love it here! The folks on this forum have made my paltry little meter totals feel as if I just rowed across lake Michigan! <br /><br /><br />Funny thing is that I don't think that I am alone with this opinion. Several other people on this forum and in my gym have expressed similar feelings concerning rowing and various other activities. I say, if there is a way to make this online forum an even closer network of support than it already is then that is just wonderful! Not to mention that it will be hard to out do what you have already accomplished with is website. <br /><br />As far as suggestions, I would say that the most important factor determining success of online partnerships would be PROPER COMPAATIBILITY. There must be a way to math partmers who are trying to achieve similar goals (ie weightloss, fitness, endurance, injury recovery, etc.) If there is not enough attention paid to this factors then partnerships could actually become counterproductive. For example I would not want to be paired with Lance Armstrong if I was just learning to ride a bike. The distance between our levels of experience would be too wide to be encouraging. I feel that if two people are learning at the same level they might be able to share the experience more fully. Does that make and sense at all? <br /><br />I hope that helps, but, to tell you the truth, I think I just confused myself.
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ok folks - i'm going to add training partner to the list...<br /><br />at the most basic level there will be an additional field in your "profile" page that asks for the ranking ID# of your training partner. This partner will then have a link on their log book saying "view your training partner's log book". I think (!) that i can also set it up so that everytime you make an entry into your logbook an email is sent to your training partner with the details of your row.<br /><br />?does this seem to make sense<br />?should there be one training partner, or many<br /><br />-bp
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Hi everyone -- had another thought based on c2bill's & Specialt's training partner ideas ... How about the option of giving read-only access of your training log to all other members of your online rowing club? (e.g. Ducks) On the down side, it would be easy for anyone to change their online affiliation to a club to peruse everyone's logs... but hey, it's not like they're looking in my bedroom window or anything. <br /><br />I personally have no burning desire for this feature, but I wouldn't object to using it if it were available. (Such enthusiasm!) Just an idea.
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I kind of like the idea of being able to allow access to your whole team so that you can encourage one another......<br /><br />at the very least the ability to add more than one partner who would have the view only access would be good. That way we could have a training group.
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My confusion may indicate my beginner's level but I think that I would like to pick a particular partner before allowing my logs to be made public. It sounds like some members would be bombarded with email messages and feel obliged to respond to each and everyone, no matter how significant. That could be a real deterrant. (please completely ignore this comment if I have a totally wrong concept of the change ) <br /><br /><br />Just let people find one another and give them an avenue to access one another's logs. that would be more managable..... I think.....
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I like Bill's idea of pairing. My team is the Ancient Mariners. Some of our folks row incredible amounts of meters. I find that my 'other life' intrudes too much for me to do more than 36-40,000 meters a week and I would feel intimidated seeing the incredible numbers that the team overall racks up.<br /><br />I would rather be matched with a kindred soul for daily motivation. Which I will need when I get back from 8 weeks of traveling in Australia. I know I won't be a lightweight any more!!<br /><br />Thanks for the good idea Bill.<br /><br />grams
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Hi there<br /><br />Now that C2Bill has got the training partner system set up is there anyone out there who would like to join me as a partner. I guess that it makes sense for similar ages and goals join up to start with?? So to get the ball rolling:<br /><br />I am 39, have two young children - Oliver (4) and Josh (2), 1 husband (the legal maximum, thank goodness), 2 dogs, 2 cats and a hamster. We live in rural South West England. I work pretty much full time as an accountant and try to squeeze in the rowing when I can. I want to clock up a regular 20,000 m minimum per week, with two goals of weight loss and improving my levels of energy and overall fitness. I am aiming for my first million metres by the end of this year.<br /><br />If these goals sound similar to yours and you would like to join me as a training partner then I suppose that you just reply on this thread and we'll take it from there.<br /><br />Look forward to hearing from you. <br /><br />Jenny
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Hi Mallard -<br />I hadn't really given the training partner thing much thought... I guess I assumed that folks would be looking for more seasoned veterans & talking about breaking world records! (Not my gig, really.) I am happy to read that your goals are identical to mine. I'm 32 and have only one dog, so I don't face quite the same scheduling challenges as you. However, my training goals are to make slow and steady progress & try to make this a lifetime habit. I live in Central Virginia, where the hot, muggy summers can make outdoor exercise really unpleasant.<br /><br />If you're interested, I _think_ you can click on my Login name over on the left, which takes you to the detailed profile -- the "Email this person" function may be set up.<br /><br />Another alternative would be to attempt to send me email through the Ranking page. You would need to include your own email address in the body somewhere. Look for me at close to the end of the 500m, 1000m, 2000m, 5000m, or 30 minute rankings (30-39 Hwt Female). (Yeah, that's right, I'm slow, but I'm trying, so I'm still proud!)<br /><br />In any case, I wish you great success and I'm happy to help out if you like. <br /><br />-Dawn Bitler