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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 23rd, 2010, 10:15 am



I am busily trying to get your stats in order.it may take a day or so..my spreadsheet needs some updating from the months I didn't log your daily meters.So..as I say this..GO ROW and Stay TimbukTOO strong!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by Izzzmeister » November 23rd, 2010, 12:46 pm

I heard a rumor that in your Mafia Wars, once the rival Family started taking 10% of your meters as their vigorish, you deep-sixed the spreadsheet. Is that true? :twisted:
Two new PBs for me:
Improved my HM time from 1:20:28 to 1:19:49.4, sneaking past that 1:20 milestone, and moving from #8 to #7. That was a couple of days ago...
Just now, I improved my PB in the 6K from 22:05.4 to 21:36.8, a jump from #23 to #10! (It was actually a tenth of a second faster per 500m than my 5K PB last week!) I really should be getting back into my training regimen for the CRASH-Bs, but my PBs in the 1K and 10K look vulnerable...
Izzz Hom

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 23rd, 2010, 1:01 pm

Izzzmeister wrote:Pat,
I heard a rumor that in your Mafia Wars, once the rival Family started taking 10% of your meters as their vigorish, you deep-sixed the spreadsheet. Is that true? :twisted:
Two new PBs for me:
Improved my HM time from 1:20:28 to 1:19:49.4, sneaking past that 1:20 milestone, and moving from #8 to #7. That was a couple of days ago...
Just now, I improved my PB in the 6K from 22:05.4 to 21:36.8, a jump from #23 to #10! (It was actually a tenth of a second faster per 500m than my 5K PB last week!) I really should be getting back into my training regimen for the CRASH-Bs, but my PBs in the 1K and 10K look vulnerable...
Izzz Hom

To IZZ Hom from IZZ MAZZ.. :lol: Awesome stats..what can I add to top that on my daily report?? Congrats!!
I did NOT deep 6 my spreadsheet..Mafia wars or no Mafia wars.. :lol: :lol: No pig slop from the farm could even bury the sacred sheet.I just need to update the entries so that the spreadsheet will calculate the numbers easier..the wonders of technology and equations..I am just not that excell/word savvy.. :oops:

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by kringel » November 23rd, 2010, 1:20 pm

The posts from the last couple days are why I like TimbukTOO so much... Life happens, but this is an honest, supportive crowd that perseveres and lends help and kind words whenever needed. Jim and Pat, you both rock for taking on the extra duties to keep the postings up and recognizing accomplishments. As far as I'm concerned, wrestle with the spreadsheets and stats as much or as little as you want, but never let it be a stressful "job" thing. :)

While on the subject of ringing our own bells a little, I'm happy to report that Britt seems back with oars in hand... I grabbed his card over the weekend and logged in 30k worth of rows. I've been slow for the last month, but as you know I'm an individual challenge addict, and have set myself the lofty target (for me) of breaking 200k for the holiday challenge. That will also have me crossing my first million before the challenge is over, and will be right around the first anniversary of buying my erg last Christmas.

-- Karen

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 23rd, 2010, 1:41 pm

kringel wrote:The posts from the last couple days are why I like TimbukTOO so much... Life happens, but this is an honest, supportive crowd that perseveres and lends help and kind words whenever needed. Jim and Pat, you both rock for taking on the extra duties to keep the postings up and recognizing accomplishments. As far as I'm concerned, wrestle with the spreadsheets and stats as much or as little as you want, but never let it be a stressful "job" thing. :)

While on the subject of ringing our own bells a little, I'm happy to report that Britt seems back with oars in hand... I grabbed his card over the weekend and logged in 30k worth of rows. I've been slow for the last month, but as you know I'm an individual challenge addict, and have set myself the lofty target (for me) of breaking 200k for the holiday challenge. That will also have me crossing my first million before the challenge is over, and will be right around the first anniversary of buying my erg last Christmas.

-- Karen

That is great..it is wonderful to see the team post their own accomplishments.We should all be proud of what we do..we are the only ones who are really accountable..so til I get my act together..keep letting us know what you do each day and then I will add my stats..it is in progress..



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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 23rd, 2010, 3:29 pm

Thanks to a valued friend.. B)

Spreadsheet is updated..need to get numbers in..daunting task.But have to row now..LOL
I will be taking the stats from 8:30pm 11/22 and from today late..so the numbers may look weird but it is a place to start.

Onward and forward..we row and achieve!!!


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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by Izzzmeister » November 23rd, 2010, 4:37 pm

I want to acknowledge Jim for hitting 4.8M yesterday, and for putting in some nice meters today. Keep on truckin'!

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by dr. espo » November 23rd, 2010, 5:27 pm

Hey Gang! I'm glad to be back on board - more or less! And thanks to the several members who messaged me wondering if I was ok. I had/have a bit of a setback and was unable to walk more than a few feet at a time due to a lower disc injury. I am, however, on the mend with the help of some great docs and support team (including my wife!).

Ya know, the older you get, the more you have to realize that you can't lift a concrete fountain while on your knees and then twist to the side! GO FIGURE :oops: Anyway, I will NOT be doing that in the future...

After 5 weeks of rehab and a few epidurals I am back to walking almost normally but still can't touch the rower. I'm hopeful that I will be back at it (at a slow pace of course) within 2 or 3 more weeks.

It is indeed frustrating to realize you become mortal after turning 50!

Brother Jim, I am glad you are overcoming your recent setback and am hopeful that you make a full and speed recovery. TimbukToo isn't the same without you!

So everyone, keep rowing and be sure I'll be adding some meters very soon (I HOPE!)

Best regards,
always learning...


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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 23rd, 2010, 6:56 pm


Holiday Challenge 2010

November 25–December 24
Looking for a little extra motivation to row or ski this holiday season? Then look no further! Our Holiday Challenge is for you!
Row or ski 100,000 meters or 200,000 meters between November 25 (U.S. Thanksgiving) and 11:59 p.m. ET December 24
You do not need to be on a team to participate! Log your individual meters.
Indoor Rower and SkiErg pieces all count towards your total (no on water/on snow meters please)
Kid's Holiday Challenge allows kids (aged 16 and under) to participate at 50,000 meters
Adaptive athletes can choose to participate at the 50K, 100K, or 200K levels
Deadline for entering meters: January 4th, 2011
For every person who rows or skis at least 100K during the challenge, Concept2 will donate $.02 for every kilometer (1000 meters) you accumulate to one of three charities, and once you get beyond 100K, we'll donate $.04 per kilometer.
Learn more
Choose your charity

Virtual Team Challenge

January 1-January 31
Each team rows as many meters as they can collectively between January 1 and midnight January 31.
This is a team challenge. You must belong to a team to participate. This is not the same as your club affiliation in your profile.
You MUST sign up to the challenge on the Team page of your logbook before midnight ET on January 15.
Only indoor rower and SkiErg meters count.
Deadline for entering meters: February 3, at midnight ET.

Full instructions can be found on the Virtual Team Challenge page.

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 24th, 2010, 12:19 am


Tuesday November 23rd, 2010


58 Members
22 with their oars in the water
#9 in ranking
30,295,622 meters for the season to date
208,301 meters logged from 11/22 to 11/23 at 11:00 E.S.T


Jim...26,500 meters
John...45,420 meters
Ray W...25,000 meters
Robyn...15,000 meters
Yisroel..the IZZZmeister...8,600 meters
Katerina...15,500 meters
Cathie...7,500 meters
Jeff...10,000 meters
Fred...5,013 meters
Everette...2,714 meters
Casey...7.286 meters
Raymond...6,112 meters
Jamie...2,000 meters
Dalton...1,556 meters
Stu...4,000 meters
Kaylee...1,600 meters
Ashlee...1,510 meters
Jackson...1,500 meters
Doug...6,296 meters
Bobbie...3,100 meters
Lisa...9,004 meters
Tristan...3,050 meters

GO TimbukTOO!!!!!


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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by Izzzmeister » November 24th, 2010, 5:56 am

The team of Jim & Bobbie Kielma have just accumulated over 5 million meters! :o

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by brotherjim » November 24th, 2010, 9:59 am

1869: Women from 21 states met in Cleveland to organize the American Women Suffrage Association
Congratulations to Robyn for passing 1.2 million meters and Katerina for passing 1.1 million meters :D
Congratulations to Chuck for passing 300K :D
Way to row!
Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all.

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 24th, 2010, 12:16 pm

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale


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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by PJM » November 24th, 2010, 12:55 pm

Concept2 Rowing
today's inspiration to fire it up for the Holiday Challenge: 100 YEAR OLD John Hodgson completing this year's British Indoor Rowing Championship 2000 meters in 13:32.6. Let's put that on a Smucker's jelly jar!

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Re: The TimbukTOO/TIMBUK2 Team Room SEASON 2010

Post by brotherjim » November 24th, 2010, 3:14 pm

Cool graphics and inspirational quotes Pat :)
I am going to have to slow down for a bit. I keep saying that, but this past week I have been rowing with mainly one arm. Right arm is kind of useless at the moment. I will try and row about 7500 a day if I can. I will use Bobbie's exercycle for an hour a day to keep my cardio . I am so sorry. Really wanted to average 20K a day for the year. :(

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