For years now, you've been saying that sharpening takes a month or two, and gives most people 12 seconds over 2k. Your fitness being maximal forevermore, that's the difference, according to you, between 6:28-30 and the more recent 6:40+s. Another 12 seconds/2K of technical improvement since 2003 (the last time you raced sharpened) and bam, voila, presto, 6:16.
Now you're saying that it's going to take you 3 more months of sharpening to be race-ready? According to your posts, you've been "working with" high rates and fast paces for well over a month. Granted, in your own fartleky, inefficient way, but still, weeks and weeks of sharpening. What do you expect to gain from 3 more months?

Maybe your fitness has declined over the last 7 years? Maybe that's why you're having trouble?
We're 5 days from BIRC and you say you have no idea what kind of pace and rate you can hold for 2K. Why are you shying away from a few predictive workouts? Why are you willing to fly across the Atlantic for a weekend just to wing it? If you somehow manage to pull 6:37.x, this might be the most anticlimactic WR row in the history of the sport. 15-20 seconds off your goal!
Frankly, when one examines the possible explanations for your behaviour and posts (ranger is a liar/is a coward/is an idiot/is a troll/is a drunk/isn't taking his meds), it's a pretty sad picture.