Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by snowleopard » November 14th, 2010, 10:53 am

ranger wrote:
Navigation Hazard wrote:Discovering that the Forum has been right about the idiocy of your depleting yourself via cross-training and reduced intake of the wrong sorts of calories while attempting (but not succeeding) to sharpen.
I need a rest from the raking
You shoulda used your sweep stroke :lol:

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by NavigationHazard » November 14th, 2010, 10:56 am

What would be unusual about your erging this weekend would be your actually accomplishing one of the workouts you announced you were going to do. In that sense your latest failure to perform is very much part of the routine you've developed since 2003. Have you heard of "stand-up comedy"? You've created a new genre: "lie-down comedy."

How's that "cinch" 20 x 1' r32/1' @ 1:33.3 again? That videoed 500m piece for Roland at 1:26 r42? That 8 x 500m/3:30 bit at 1:34 from a bit farther back?
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Steve G » November 14th, 2010, 11:06 am

Wow 500 pages on this training thread and not a single work out posted!
Any predictive sessions done pre BIRC Rich, like you said you were going to do, including the video?

60 64kgs
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500--1.33.3 / 1K--3.17.9 / 2K--6.55.0 /5K 18.16.2 / 6K 22.05 / 10K--37.43.9 /30m 8034m / HM 1.23.58
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Byron Drachman » November 14th, 2010, 12:18 pm

Ranger wrote:My arms are especially tired. I just have no desire, or ability, to pull the handle this morning.
If you would learn to use your arms properly then they would not get tired.

added later: while we are waiting for our intrepid hero to resume training, you might enjoy watching this head race. In the women's race Ursula G. does a nice job of competing against a heavyweight, and I suspect the race would have been closer had she steered differently. She doesn't use much of a layback. It is a pity that she doesn't have Ranger to coach her. In the men's event the favorite wins easily. What does this have to do with Ranger's thread? Well, not only will his 6:20 at BIRC and his 6:16 at WIRC be memorable, but also remember that next year he will win the HOCR, so we need to stay familiar with head racing so we can appreciate his victory at the HOCR.

Last edited by Byron Drachman on November 14th, 2010, 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by KevJGK » November 14th, 2010, 12:45 pm

ranger wrote:I also raked leaves all day.

That was too much.

Out of gas this morning.
That sounds a bit ominous.

Highly trained older athletes can be susceptible to the burdens associated with raking leaves; their coaches should be very careful not to over do things at this time of year. None of us are getting any younger.

I do hope you’re not coming down with something.

That would be really unlucky so close to BIRC.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 14th, 2010, 1:09 pm

KevJGK wrote:
ranger wrote:I also raked leaves all day.

That was too much.

Out of gas this morning.
That sounds a bit ominous.

Highly trained older athletes can be susceptible to the burdens associated with raking leaves; their coaches should be very careful not to over do things at this time of year. None of us are getting any younger.

I do hope you’re not coming down with something.

That would be really unlucky so close to BIRC.
No health problems.

I am fine.

I am just resting.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 14th, 2010, 1:13 pm

Steve G wrote:Any predictive sessions

I did my first predictive session today.

By resting.

A bit of rest before racing can help a lot.

:D :D

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by bellboy » November 14th, 2010, 1:23 pm

ranger wrote:
mikvan52 wrote:I also wonder why , given that ranger has been sharpening since September, why he's not ready for what has to be his best for the BIRC, his best chance (& perhaps his last) to get the WR in the 55-59 lights...

Come January:
ranger's Beating Brian Bailey (BBB) is far less remarkable due to the understandable attrition in aged men. Just look at how few 60-64 lwt men even rank 2ks! (less than 100 world wide in an entire C2 year :shock: )
Just the opposite.

Brian's WR is a _much_ stiffer standard than Roy's.

The 50s lwt WR is 6:25.

The 60s lwt WR is 6:42.

The midpoint, then, where you would expect Roy's 55s lwt WR to stand, is 6:33.5, not 6:38.

Well seeing as Roy has actually rowed a 6.34 (but not officially verified) then you can see why the Rockets WR is not a "soft" WR at all. You aint gonna pull that time next sunday sunshine thats for sure.....of course that depends on that big silver thingy actually arriving in that grim industrial shithole in the English midlands with you actually on board.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by TomR » November 14th, 2010, 1:27 pm

Byron Drachman wrote:I suspect the race would have been closer had she steered differently. She doesn't use much of a layback.
Thanks for the video, Byron. Personally, I prefer a woman with a little layback in her.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 14th, 2010, 2:18 pm

bellboy wrote:that depends on that big silver thingy actually arriving in that grim industrial shithole in the English midlands
:D :D

Yea, I've been in Birmingham three times now.

Not a very rockin' place.

Oh well.

Sometimes it's enough just to get by.

Detroit in late November is a bit remote from the French riviera, too.

:D :D

Last edited by ranger on November 14th, 2010, 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by jliddil » November 14th, 2010, 2:19 pm

Yankeerunner wrote:STILL no sign of land?

How long is it?
33 days, sir
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 14th, 2010, 2:30 pm

bellboy wrote:Well seeing as Roy has actually rowed a 6.34 (but not officially verified) then you can see why the Rockets WR is not a "soft" WR at all. You aint gonna pull that time next sunday sunshine thats for sure
I now do 1:39.5 at 27 spm.

I'll try a 2K at 30 spm on Thursday before I get on the plane for Birmingham.

In addition to a lot of sprinting, the other thing to this week, I think, is a lot of rowing, 1:41 @ 26 spm (13 SPI)--the more, the merrier.

2Ks, 5K, 6K, 30min, 10K, 60min, etc.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Steve G » November 14th, 2010, 3:02 pm

ranger wrote:
bellboy wrote:Well seeing as Roy has actually rowed a 6.34 (but not officially verified) then you can see why the Rockets WR is not a "soft" WR at all. You aint gonna pull that time next sunday sunshine thats for sure
I now do 1:39.5 at 27 spm.

I'll try a 2K at 30 spm on Thursday before I get on the plane for Birmingham.

In addition to a lot of sprinting, the other thing to this week, I think, is a lot of rowing, 1:41 @ 26 spm (13 SPI)--the more, the merrier.

2Ks, 5K, 6K, 30min, 10K, 60min, etc.

Are the figures you quote below non stop?, impressive if they are, especially 5K upwards!
"1:41 @ 26 spm (13 SPI)--the more, the merrier.
2Ks, 5K, 6K, 30min, 10K, 60min, etc"


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by KevJGK » November 14th, 2010, 4:13 pm

ranger wrote: I'll try a 2K at 30 spm on Thursday before I get on the plane for Birmingham.
Far be it from me to give you advice, but - DO NOT DO A 2K TRIAL ON THURSDAY!

If raking a few leaves leave you exhausted the exertion will finish you off - and you won't feel like traveling.

Please don't mess up your training this late in the day.

Your training has already predicted your 2K time.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by JimR » November 14th, 2010, 4:33 pm

KevJGK wrote:
ranger wrote: I'll try a 2K at 30 spm on Thursday before I get on the plane for Birmingham.
Far be it from me to give you advice, but - DO NOT DO A 2K TRIAL ON THURSDAY!

If raking a few leaves leave you exhausted the exertion will finish you off - and you won't feel like traveling.

Please don't mess up your training this late in the day.

Your training has already predicted your 2K time.
Sadly, it seems to have predicted 6:5x ...

