Virtual Women's Team???

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[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » February 4th, 2005, 5:02 pm

Woo hoo! More recruits! <br />To be quite honest ladies, I'm not sure how all this works. I'm hoping to get input from those with more experience. I think we can run this any way we want - internal competitions, etc. Now - let's talk speed! I don't have any! <br />I think grams was talking about you guys when she called us whippersnappers. I'm 55, and have only been rowing for a year. I've never rowed on the water, though I hope to give it a try this spring. I have been using the age brackets to compare myself with, so I guess I'm sort of in the middle for my age. I like the longer distance work. <br />I think that once we pick a team name, we can add our team to the university/club standings page. I'll have to do a little more research.<br />Thanks for all the interest!<br />Sue

[old] pamcnm
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Post by [old] pamcnm » February 4th, 2005, 11:59 pm

I would like to join. I am a 47 year old lightweight, and have been erging about a year and a half. I am not super fast. My best 2K time is 2K: 8:26.4 done on 10/28. I managed to successfully complete the 200,000 meter holiday challenge and hurt my hips and had to take a break. I am back rowing now, and working on getting my endurance back up, while learning to use my new RowPro software.<br /><br />BTW, I like the name ducks in a row.

[old] pgpoon
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Post by [old] pgpoon » February 8th, 2005, 12:42 am

Hi all: I re-began erging after Thanksgiving. Had previously hurt my back rowing it and was off of it for more than a year. I was a newbie then and still am. I am a 47 yo LW (think relatively small built and weak). My husband was on an Ivy League crew team in college, 40 years ago and he has encouraged me to give erging a go. A team would be a great motivator for me but I fear I am too slow. Have never been on any organized athletic team in my life. (I am also a big duck lover and liked "DIAR."<br /><br />Best of luck to you all.

[old] arowma
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Post by [old] arowma » February 8th, 2005, 2:33 am

Can someone explain how this team would work, please? So far sounds really interesting. Anything to help stay motivated. Want another slow-ish beginner?<br />No snow this year, no XC-skiing And so we've switched to indoor rowing.<br />Am a heavyweight, with goals to cross that line to "lightweight" by my 46th birthday in < 3 mos Our daughter has started coxing in her first year of HighSchool, and our c2 arrived 2.5 weeks ago. Have chalked up 75609m, but have given up on competing with my stay-at-home husband <br />New to the forum.<br />Cheers,<br />Marisa <br />a row ma<br />P.S. Am partial to Ducks in a Row

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » February 8th, 2005, 7:18 am

Hi Ladies!<br /><br />Glad to see more interest out there. My intent for this team is to include anyone who wants to get and/or keep in shape. Sometimes motivation becomes one of the biggest obstacles for some of us "older" gals. We can use this team as a means of encouragement by communicating our frustrations, milestones, and anything else that can be of help. <br /><br />How about some input on teams from some of you seasoned veterans out there? How does it work? I'm going to head out and see if I can get us listed. To be continued... <br /><br />Sue

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » February 8th, 2005, 7:38 am

I'm back!!<br /><br />We're in business!! I just went to my log and updated my profile. All you have to do is enter Ducks in a Row under university/club affiliation to be linked. Woo hoo!! It will keep track of our total meters. Hey - we aren't in last place already! Isn't that encouraging? <br /><br />Once we get more ladies listed, we can decide if we want to share emails and have a weekly newsletter type of thing. The sky's the limit! <br /><br />I think we should start with a brief history of how we started on the C2. A lot of you have already done that. We can do that through email rather than post if you want. Start those ideas flowing!<br /><br />Sue

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Post by LindaM » February 8th, 2005, 11:08 am

Hi ducks and ducks to be! Be sure when you change your profile to enter [ducks in a row] just as Bufflehead has named us (without the brackets, of course!).<br /><br />The idea of the Team Standings and affiliations is to accumulate lots of meters and have a group that helps us all stay on track. No need for any woman to hold back because she isn't "fast"! We want you! We're at #116 in the Standings, so far. Go look!<br /><br />I'd also advise we stay on the forum with our posts and not go to private email exchanges. We want other women to find us and be encouraged to join up. We need not go "sleuth" in order to have a team that feels like a team. If someone has the drive, in addition, to put some kind of a newsletter or something else together, off forum, that would be great! <br /><br />Hey, Bufflehead, what's the name of that duck that just completly knocks my socks off every time I catch set of it - its coloring is so over the top? I'm thinking jester, or clown, but neither of those is right. Maybe we each need a duck name until we run out of possibilities?<br /><br />BTW, I can handle being called a "duck", but a "lady"? Never! <br /><br />

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » February 8th, 2005, 11:15 am

Hmmmm - are you thinking of Harlequin? He's O.K., but maybe you are thinking of the Wood Duck! I guess I already have my duck name, don't I? I'm seeing you more as a Harlequin as far as the name goes - Harly for short? That's not too ladylike, now is it?

[old] snappyrower
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Post by [old] snappyrower » February 8th, 2005, 11:19 am

I'm in! Signed up this morning, although my piddly 10,000 meters didn't help much! (Just got the rower this week, so I don't have much logged yet). I promise to keep on going though! <br /><br />Anyway, I'm 27 and used to row in college (I rowed bowed, starboard in an 8, occasionally a 4, and then switched to coxing for a year and a half). Haven't done it in years, and needed to find a form of excercise that I can keep myself interested in for life. Tried a few things and none have stuck, so I finally bought my much lusted after rower. Am excited to join ya'll and am open to any suggestions or insight! <br /><br />Observation: Rowing makes me hungrier than running ever did!

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Post by LindaM » February 8th, 2005, 11:34 am

Yeah, Harlequin was what I was thinking. But you're right about the Wood Duck being even more impressive. <br /><br />Welcome, snappyrower. We love your 10,000m and are egging you on for more (get it? duck eggs?) Watch out for satisfying those rowing induced munchies with high calorie treats. You won't be happy with the results. Try drinking a couple of eight oz glasses of water first and see if your tummy is still grumbling. <br /><br />LindaM aka Harly<br /><br />

[old] snappyrower
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Post by [old] snappyrower » February 8th, 2005, 11:56 am

"Welcome, snappyrower. We love your 10,000m and are egging you on for more (get it? duck eggs?) Watch out for satisfying those rowing induced munchies with high calorie treats. You won't be happy with the results. Try drinking a couple of eight oz glasses of water first and see if your tummy is still grumbling. "<br /><br /><br /><br />Thanks! I'm trying! Definitely drinking lots of water, and wishing lunch time would roll around faster. Can't wait to get back on the rower tonight, and I thank all of you for the egging in advance!

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » February 8th, 2005, 12:03 pm

Oh stop - my sides! You are quacking me up with the duck jokes! <br /><br />This is going to be a lot of fun. Not to mention a way to stay motivated for the long haul!<br />Bufflehead

[old] grams
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Post by [old] grams » February 8th, 2005, 12:22 pm

Us old geezers (Ancient Mariners) have a bi-weekly newsletter which is sent out via email and limited to only text items. <br /><br />We also have a logo. An iron-on of it is available to members by mail so they can make their own t-shirt if they want to.<br /><br />Perhaps you have a graphics-savvy member who would be willing to work on your logo. <br /><br />grams

[old] pamcnm
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Post by [old] pamcnm » February 8th, 2005, 12:33 pm

Okay, I changed my university/club affiliation from RowPro to "ducks in a row." I won't be logging a lot of meters this week, as I am just getting back in the swing of things after an injury. However, I may pass the million meter mark this week. I am also due to finish my Lake Champlain row in about 2 weeks. I expect to row about 40,000 meters most weeks between Valentine's Day and June 1. Last week I hired an online rowing coach to help improve my erg performance, so i will be following her training plans to try and improve my 2K times, while maintaining my endurance.<br /><br />This is going to be fun!<br /><br />BTW, we could create a user group at yahoo for the purposes of sending out a newsletter, setting up links on women's training and events, and posting pics. However, I think keeping the majority of emails/posts here makes sense, as I believe more women rowing on the erg are likely to find us here.

[old] judyg
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Post by [old] judyg » February 8th, 2005, 12:59 pm

Linda just brought me up to speed on "the ducks"! Sounds like fun. I have just changed my affiliation! It's still xc ski season here (despite today's rain) so I'm not rowing tons, but every little bit helps. If this lousy weather continues, I'll be rowing more.<br />Happy to be part of the team! I'll be thinking about my duck name.....<br />
