Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » October 26th, 2010, 7:00 pm

aharmer wrote:Nice job immediately burying my request to do a continuous 10k at 1:55/r18 and show HR data. You know, the 12.5 SPI that you do all your erging at? Just a warmup session for you. Could you do it? Easily. Could you do it with anywhere near the HR you claim? No way in hell. Too bad we'll never see.
Sure, I could do it easily.

But FM pace for me is 1:48; HM pace is 1:45.

Therefore, I never row at 1:55.

It's a waste of time.

I also never row at 18 spm.

I find that a waste of time, too.

22 spm is a minimum rating for me these days.

That's UT2.

OTBike, I am now riding with a HR of close to 160 bpm.

That's middlin' UT1, which translates into at least 24 spm OTErg, perhaps 25 spm.

I have no reason at all to work a HR of 120-130 bpm.

If I want to get my HR to 120-130 bpm, I should stay in bed and row in my head in some imaginary space.

Rowing with a HR of 120-130 bpm won't do me any good at all, as I prepare for BIRC 2010, and the prospect of pulling 6:20.

Last edited by ranger on October 26th, 2010, 7:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by whp4 » October 26th, 2010, 7:08 pm

ranger wrote:
aharmer wrote:Nice job immediately burying my request to do a continuous 10k at 1:55/r18 and show HR data. You know, the 12.5 SPI that you do all your erging at? Just a warmup session for you. Could you do it? Easily. Could you do it with anywhere near the HR you claim? No way in hell. Too bad we'll never see.
Sure, I could do it easily.

But FM pace for me is 1:48; HM pace is 1:45.
Right, your HM pace is 2K+4 :roll:

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » October 26th, 2010, 7:18 pm

NavigationHazard wrote:Image

He'd gain some credibility even with a 500, like this one. Just because I'm that sort of guy, I thought I'd go back to the erg before dinner and rattle off the fastest-ever ranked 500m piece by a 55+ MHW. Yes I know that the record category is 50-59, and that the record is now John Grady's 1:18.3. I don't give a duck fart.
You miss my point.

Your 500m is entirely credible.

To predict a 2K, then, you need to match that with a 10K.

If you can pull 10K at 1:43.5, you get a 2K prediction of 1:34/6:16.

Anything slower than that for 10K predicts a slower 2K.

If you row 1:45 for 10K, it predicts 1:35.5 for 2K.

If you row 1:46 for 10K, it predicts 1:36.5 for 2K.

If you row 1:47 for 10K, it predicts 1:37.5 for 2K.


So, if you are _really_ interested in getting a prediction of what you can do for 2K, now, just row a 10K and see what you get.

Then add it to you 500 score and divide by two.

Last edited by ranger on October 26th, 2010, 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by luckylindy » October 26th, 2010, 7:19 pm

NavigationHazard wrote:Image

He'd gain some credibility even with a 500, like this one. Just because I'm that sort of guy, I thought I'd go back to the erg before dinner and rattle off the fastest-ever ranked 500m piece by a 55+ MHW. Yes I know that the record category is 50-59, and that the record is now John Grady's 1:18.3. I don't give a duck fart.
Too bad you're the only one backing up your smack talking with actual #s on this thread. If ranger could pull this off (and show some pics), we'd all have a pretty nice show to watch up until BIRC ... like the lead-up to a heavyweight boxing match.
6'1" (185cm), 196 lbs (89kg)
LP: 1:18 100m: 17.3 500m: 1:29 1000m: 3:26 5k: 18:58 10k: 39:45

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » October 26th, 2010, 7:30 pm

luckylindy wrote:[
Too bad you're the only one backing up your smack talking with actual #s on this thread. If ranger could pull this off (and show some pics), we'd all have a pretty nice show to watch up until BIRC ... like the lead-up to a heavyweight boxing match.
For a 2K, power/speed is only part of the issue.

The other part is aerobic capacity and endurance.

Given his 500m, Nav only has to match it with a 10K trial to get a 2K prediction.

But if he doesn't do the 10K trial, the 500m is meaningless.

The 2K is not just a sprint, although it is that as well.

It is also a challenge to aerobic capacity and endurance.

It is a "middle" distance piece.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » October 26th, 2010, 7:33 pm

BTW, I suppose we'll have to wait and see, but I think I can also do 500m @ 1:24 and 8 x 500m @ 1:32, even though standards in Nav's age and weight division and standards in my age and weight division this year at WIRC 2011 will differ by six seconds per 500m.

The 55s hwt WR is 6:18/1:34.5.

The 60s lwt WR is 6:42/1:40.5.

Nav shouldn't be talking to me.

That's pathetic.

I am just a little old guy.

Nav is both younger and huge.

Nav should be talking to Dick Cashin, who holds the 55s hwt WR.

Dick Cashin pulls his 2Ks at 15.5 SPI.

I don't have any ambition, or even potential, to do that--at all.

I am delighted to have a stroke that is now as strong as 12.5 SPI, up from 10.5 SPI eight years earlier.

12.5 SPI is rowing pretty darn well for a lightweight, especially given my age (a couple of months shy of 60).

But 12.5 SPI isn't any respectable _heavyweight_ stroke--at any age.

I don't presume that it is.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » October 26th, 2010, 7:57 pm

luckylindy wrote:
backing up your smack talking with actual #s
Everyone besides ranger backs up their talk...
If you go to concept2.co.uk and look at blogs... it's all there.

ranger erased most of his blogs... there weren't any stats there anyway.
His endearing deflection of requests for current stats with reference to the pre-IND_V era is pretty darn lame.

Newbies here should note that lwt ranger is very seldom at weight so he cannot log lwt performances... w/o lying...

I have the 55-59 best at the hour, the 2nd best at 5k...
Where does ranger rank... 1st in everything but in talk only... :roll: :lol:
Last edited by mikvan52 on October 26th, 2010, 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
3 Crash-B hammers
American 60's Lwt. 2k record (6:49) •• set WRs for 60' & FM •• ~ now surpassed
repeat combined Masters Lwt & Hwt 1x National Champion E & F class
62 yrs, 160 lbs, 6' ...

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Mike at HOCR

Post by Byron Drachman » October 26th, 2010, 8:00 pm

Go to race number# 1 and bow #65. Enjoy:


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Carl Watts » October 26th, 2010, 8:06 pm

Why shouldn't Nav be talking to you ? just a few weeks ago you were predicting a 6:16 2k? or was that a 6:20 2K? So what is the latest "Prediction" ? Of course it would help if you actually did some rowing instead of spending all your time posting and doing all that virtual rowing in your head so you could finally put up the ultimate 2K predictor like a current 5K PB. Just not going to happen though is it, when in reality it's going to predict a 6:45 2K if your lucky.

Get on the Erg and upload some IND_V's to the C2 Rankings. Everyone else can do it why can't you ?
Carl Watts.
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Re: Mike at HOCR

Post by Bob S. » October 26th, 2010, 8:47 pm

Byron Drachman wrote:Go to race number# 1 and bow #65. Enjoy:

Clicking the show clip produces no hay nada. No response from the other buttons either. crappy site! Probably run by the same people that run that horse shit outfit FISA.

Bob S.
Last edited by Bob S. on October 26th, 2010, 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by NavigationHazard » October 26th, 2010, 8:49 pm

Works for me....
67 MH 6' 6"

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Bob S. » October 26th, 2010, 8:56 pm

NavigationHazard wrote:Works for me....
What browser do you use? Safari is my default browser, so I thought that it might be a Mac thing, but FireFox didn't do any better.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by luckylindy » October 26th, 2010, 8:57 pm

ranger wrote:Nav shouldn't be talking to me.

That's pathetic.

I am just a little old guy.

Nav is both younger and huge.

Nav should be talking to Dick Cashin, who holds the 55s hwt WR.
But won't you still be in the 55-59 group at BIRC? And aren't you clearly in the HWT range right now (even if you slim down to LWT for the competition)? And didn't you say:
No, I didn't claim I would outrow you by 20 seconds.

I claimed I would outrow you.

That claim still holds.
Seems like Nav is simply rising to the challenge set by you, and demonstrating (with proof) that he is more than up for it.

I just started rowing, but if rowing training is anything like running, swimming, or biking, then your 'different' approach to training likely hurts you much more than you realize. 4 hours of training with over an hour of bicycling per day to train for a 2k? While simultaneously trying to cut weight? Why? If you were training for a marathon or 100k distance, this training might be effective.

I'm guessing a 2k competitive row is somewhat similar aerobically to a cycling sprint, a 1500 run, or a 400m swim - an equal mix of speed and endurance (or what some would call gut wrenching stamina). You'd be hard-pressed to find a top 1500m specialist out there biking to help his run ... he's spending a heck of a lot of time on interval training (400/800m repeats), distance, and drills. His training looks pretty similar, in time/intensity, to the training done by many of the other top rowers here in the forums.

You're obviously a strong rower, but from what you and others have said you seem to shoot yourself in the foot continuously. If your goal is a 6:20, why worry about your weight? Dropping the pounds won't help your time, it will only increase the chance that you'll crash and burn. If your goal is the win the LWT competition, why not keep your weight at that level and stop talking smack to the heavyweights?

Alright, back to work ... I've wasted WAY too much time on the forums today :shock:
6'1" (185cm), 196 lbs (89kg)
LP: 1:18 100m: 17.3 500m: 1:29 1000m: 3:26 5k: 18:58 10k: 39:45

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by luckylindy » October 26th, 2010, 9:08 pm

Bob S. wrote:
NavigationHazard wrote:Works for me....
What browser do you use? Safari is my default browser, so I thought that it might be a Mac thing, but FireFox didn't do any better.

Bob S.
Worked on Chrome here (Vista), so Safari should work (Chrome and Safari use the same rendering engine).
6'1" (185cm), 196 lbs (89kg)
LP: 1:18 100m: 17.3 500m: 1:29 1000m: 3:26 5k: 18:58 10k: 39:45

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Re: Mike at HOCR

Post by mikvan52 » October 26th, 2010, 9:10 pm

Byron Drachman wrote:Go to race number# 1 and bow #65. Enjoy:

thanks Byron!

Some fabulous scullers out there this year!
Hope to return in '11!!
