LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.10.10

Post by Kona2 » October 11th, 2010, 1:04 pm


Whoop, whoop! Wow! Way to row! Lotsa meters added in the last few days....we're getting closer to the moon every hour!

Season meters as of 162/365 = 35,742,864 m

Total meters since last update = 1,317,982 m

Oars in space (participation) = 42 percent! That's what'd we'd like to see everyday!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

Image Tim S - Portland Marathon - full moon and extra stars
Image Kristine S - Portland Marathon - full moon and extra stars....looks like you crossed the finish line together....way to run!
Image K2 - it's a bicycle season wrap!

AJ's done a great job of capturing a lot of the milestones, so these might be duplicates....but hey, if it's a milestone....we can celebrate it ever so many times!

3.2 MM Will S
2.6 MM Chris
2.5 MM Danno
2.1 MM AJ
1.1 MM Steven L
800 K Peter G
700 K Katerina
600 K Ross
500 K Brett ....a cool half million...!
400 K Dave H (AUS)

ONE Million Meter Watch: These guys might just cross the million meter milestone mark at the conclusion of the Fall Challenge! Cool stuff! Row strong!

David T with (22,000 m) to go!

Ted with (27,000 m) to go!

And thanks to all our crew who rowed over the last few days - what a boatload of meters! 1,317,982 m...!!!

Akira 80 m
Elias 660 m
Anais 990 m
Jane 2,510 m
K2 5,000 m
Andrea 5,143 m
Orion 5,200 m
Tom M 7,000 m
Kelly B 8,129 m
Greg C 8,161 m
Mike M 10,000 m
Dave H 10,000 m
Kelli Image 10,460 m
Jill 10,481 m
Dan T 15,122 m
Rick 20,000 m
Ted 22,000 m
Jim 22,513 m
Brian 25,000 m
Greg H 25,002 m
David T 30,000 m
Rodrigo 35,970 m
Peter G 38,000 m
Ross 39,000 m
Baz 39,286 m
Kenneth G 40,087 m....and a new photo!
Steven L 41,651 m
Robyn 49,555 m
Tim 53,095 m
Katerina 56,525 m
Brett 69,225 m
Charles 83,291 m
Chris aka Minnie the Mooner 89,397 m
Will S 114,000 m
Danno 140,449 m
AJ 185,000 m

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » October 11th, 2010, 10:53 pm

Toothdoc wrote:Man-O-Man, there are Lunatics everwhere; marathon loons, biker loons, erginging loons, sick loons and some just plain ole cartoons loons. Congrats to all, the achievemnt just keep coming.

7 days to go unless you live down-under.

Geez, I'll second that, the Luna-tics are on the move!

Cheers BBB B)
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Fall Team Challenge Update

Post by Kona2 » October 12th, 2010, 12:17 am

Woot! Woot! TEN Million Fall Challenge Team Meters!!!


Congratulations, team Luna-Tic, on achieving a TEN million meter rowing challenge....and there's still time left on the clock!

And wowzer....! AJ is heading down millionaire meter lane with only 65K to go for this MEGA milestone....I seem to recall Moose calling this the Jedi Master Million or something like that. Boatload I say, boatload. :D

Many, many strong efforts by all during this challenge....some of you need to find the cable that uploads your meters...I know you have 'em! We want 'em!

Robyn - your Giants win the division! Hope you rowed strong while watching the game....and if it can't be the Rockies for the division, at least it's a divisional competitor. I'll have to dig my Giants Panda hat out of the voodoo bin.

Hooyah! Luna-Tics! Lots to celebrate! Didn't realize initially that Tim and Kristine S
walked the Portland Marathon! Whew. Some serious hours of hoofing there!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by BAZzy » October 12th, 2010, 2:15 am

You might recall I posted way back in late May that I will be abseiling, or rappelling to my North American friends, off the AMP Building in Sydney on October 22 in support of the Sir David Martin Foundation and to help raise much needed funding to assist in their valuable work.

The Foundation’s aim is to help realise Sir David’s dream of an Australian Community ‘where children can grow up in safety with hope and opportunity’.

Well it is hard to believe that it is only a little over one week away. Janet is quite relaxed (she's as cool as a cucumber), and TomO has offered me plenty of advice (cheeky as it was!) and despite both of us being quite accustomed to flying and jumping out of aircraft I must confess to being quite nervous about going over the edge of a skyscraper. :shock: Taking my chances in the jungles of Papua New Guinea is starting to look more attractive...but that is another story!

They tell me the record for a 100 metre descent is around 10 seconds or thereabouts, and I didn’t enquire just how the feat was achieved just in case it was because they forgot to ‘tie the rope off’. So I’m figuring (hoping) I won’t be that quick, but maybe a more leisurely descent with time to take in the view over the harbour! B)

Anyway, thanks to all the Luna-tics who have supported me in this 'lunacy' and if would like to make a donation you can do so by visiting the following link.

They tell me there will be a photographer on–site so hopefully I will be able to post some pictures.

You’d have to be a Luna-tic, I guess :lol:

Cheers, BBB
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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by bg » October 12th, 2010, 3:25 am

woo hooo and congrats on all those meters.....and good luck bbb......

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Re:LIFE off the ERG

Post by DUCKMARX » October 12th, 2010, 5:29 am

BAZzy wrote:. . . I will be abseiling, or rappelling to my North American friends, off the AMP Building in Sydney on October 22 in support of the Sir David Martin Foundation and to help raise much needed funding to assist in their valuable work.

Cheers, BBB
BigBadBaz, do you know the approximate time you start down the rope? We can translate it to our local date and time and send you good thoughts during your abseiling.

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » October 12th, 2010, 12:12 pm

Image Still # 5 ! 31 team members have crossed the 100K marker!! Whoop! Whoop!


Who knew the Fall Challenge would send one of our own over the edge? Don't let go of the ropes, Bazzy!

Fall Team Challenge 2010 Individual Standings

Name Gender Age Total Event Meters
1 AJ Tudury M 62 937,000
2 Daniel Cox M 66 679,133
3 Will Salach M 54 579,000
4 Charles Dykstra M 43 537,301
5 William Haag M 59 515,829
6 Barry O'Malley M 50 479,028
7 Chris Tudury F 61 463,378
8 Brett McCrory M 34 441,319
9 Tim Porter M 52 330,691
10 Katerina Mack F 30 316,461
11 Robyn Lee F 33 312,451
12 Rodrigo Garcia M 33 246,307
13 Ross Drown M 62 230,107
14 Ted Cowley-Gilbert M 49 228,000
15 Steven Larky M 48 217,074
16 Darryl Bathel M 61 205,289
17 George Wyner M 52 193,000
18 peter verdirame M 56 191,000
19 Jennifer Browning F 46 169,440
20 Jeffrey Grous M 47 166,869
21 Kevin Clark M 45 164,925
22 AUCHER Romain M 32 162,289
23 David Tangerini M 62 156,000
24 David Hunter M 50 151,098
25 Jim Brink M 38 148,330
26 Heather Woiciechowski F 49 136,782
27 Rick Carveth M 58 136,240
28 David Haas M 58 111,000
29 Mike Mulvihill M 50 102,000
30 Roger Evens M 45 100,575
31 Jill McCrory F 34 100,091

Red Zone!
32 David Ballard M 45 95,063
33 Kenneth Guenther M 62 85,101
34 Andrea Cosmin F 53 79,908
35 Brian Kenney M 40 77,504
36 David A. Alden M 50 76,835
37 Mike Crossley M 54 76,166
38 Greg Halac M 50 75,017
39 Tom McGuire M 58 72,500
40 beverly dellinger F 58 72,000
41 John Dunlop M 52 70,000

Getting Closer!
42 Greg Childs M 55 68,616
44 Jan Stevenson F 58 55,030
45 Melissa Talbot F 41 48,256

Still in the hunt!
46 Tom Pinckney M 65 40,240
47 Kristine Strasburger F 45 39,859
48 Murielle Curcio F 53 30,363
49 Karyn Gallagher F 41 30,201
50 Mitch Johnson M 55 28,345
51 Kelly Berry F 36 25,403
52 Andy Ward M 37 24,650
53 Dana Smith F 25 20,621
54 John Longmire M 66 16,215
55 Tracy Clark F 45 15,050
56 Gina Levy F 52 12,409
57 Brandy Cowley-Gilbert F 50 10,838
58 Thomas Tullia M 56 8,878
59 Gloria Miller F 51 5,555
60 Anthony Parendo M 67 4,444
61 Debbie Rohlwing F 53 2,140
62 Ally MacManus F 49 2,000
63 Karon Baucum F 58 0
64 Rocket Man M 38 0
65 Noelle Boyle F 43 0
66 Mitch Terra Sanitatis Friedland M 51 0
67 Peter Huurman M 37 0
68 Angelo Papadopoulos M 44 0

Total Challenge Meters = 10,233,284 m

Total Meters on the Day = 431,036 m

And then there were 3 or 4 days depending upon whether you're down under (over the edge!) or on this side of the IDL! C'mon team!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.11.10

Post by Kona2 » October 12th, 2010, 1:25 pm


36 Million Team Meters!! Way to row!!!

Red giants in the east! Red giants in the west! Half moons sprinkled throughout our rowing universe! Who could ask for more!? (well, actually.... :D )

Season meters as of 163/365 = 36,091,182 m

Total meters on the day = 348,318 m

Oars in space (participation) = 24 percent

ONE Million Meter Watch:

David T with (22,000 m) to go!

Ted CG with (27,000 m) to go! probably already finished it...

Tim with (117,458 m) to go! Snowing up in the Blackhawk 5" of the white fluffies

Robyn with (129,391 m) to go! Giants might have the pennant as she crossing the meter millionaire line!

Image Charles wows us with another red giant! Posts 57,195 m....that could be a full moon plus some...! :shock:
Image AJ posts 52,000 m for a red giant and advancement in his quest to make a million meter fall challenge be a reality...and to catch Minnie....again. (Psst...put on your water wings if she asks you to go kayaking again...)
Image Brett quietly making a move up the rowing ranks posts 26,086 m and gets another half moon
Image Baz contemplates the edge of the world...cheeky son Tomo and all...25,572 and another half moon...rowing is good for stress!
Image Katerina sets another sequence :D and earns a half moon with 22,222 m
Image Minnie the Mooner....need we say more?

Congratulations to all who rowed today! A push to all who thought about it!
Richard M 2,000 m
Tim 6,209 m
Steven L 7,212 m
Andrea 7,296 m
Mike C 8,152 m
Greg C 8,223 m
Peter G 9,500 m
Mike M 10,000 m
Jim 10,012 m
Dan C 11,121 m
Robyn 12,500 m
Greg H 12,502 m
Dan T 13,080 m
Rodrigo-go-go-go 13,089 m
Ross 13,250 m ....adds a few more meters to his daily routine! Woohoo!
Chris 21,097 m
Katerina ImageImageImageImageImage A million meter's in the cards!
Baz 25,572 m
Brett 26,086 m
AJ 52,000 m
Charles 57,195 m

Image Better put a GPS on Moose....

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.11.10

Post by bg » October 12th, 2010, 2:13 pm


36 Million Team Meters!! Way to row!!!

wooo hoooo luna-tics..........

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Post by DUCKMARX » October 12th, 2010, 3:12 pm

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

900 K Robyn

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Post by Kona2 » October 12th, 2010, 4:17 pm

DUCKMARX wrote:MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

900 K Robyn


California Mooning! Robyn not only catapults into the million meter watch countdown, she does so with a FULL moon. Hooyah and congratulations on that full marathon!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Toothdoc » October 12th, 2010, 4:32 pm

Way to go Robyn. That's some serious rowing


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Re: Re:LIFE off the ERG

Post by BAZzy » October 12th, 2010, 7:00 pm

BAZzy wrote:. . . I will be abseiling, or rappelling to my North American friends, off the AMP Building in Sydney on October 22 in support of the Sir David Martin Foundation and to help raise much needed funding to assist in their valuable work.

Cheers, BBB
BigBadBaz, do you know the approximate time you start down the rope? We can translate it to our local date and time and send you good thoughts during your abseiling.
Yes..both Janet and I are going over at 11.30am (well that is the posted time!) which should be 8.30pm in New York assuming there are no time changes between now and next week. We changed our clocks forward a couple of weeks ago to daylight saving time!

Cheers BBB
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Post by DUCKMARX » October 12th, 2010, 8:01 pm

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

2.6 MM Danno
600 K Charles

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Re: Re:LIFE off the ERG

Post by Bob S. » October 12th, 2010, 9:03 pm

BAZzy wrote: We changed our clocks forward a couple of weeks ago to daylight saving time!
That really threw me for a moment, since we are scheduled to go off it in about three weeks. Then it struck me - ah yes - he is in the southern hemisphere - summer is acoming in down there. Duh!

Bob S.

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