by ranger » September 25th, 2010, 4:07 pm
Mike VB is just a "man in a straw hat," spouting "agarian lore."
What I am about to do is _radical_.
Watch out for the carrot, Mike!
"that which it is impossible to force, it is impossible /to hinder."
Marianne Moore will tell you about it.
to a point, conserving everything,
this carrot is predestined to be thick.
The world is
but a circumstance, a mis-
erable corn patch for its feet. With ambition, im-
agination, outgrowth.
with everything crammed belligerent-
ly inside itself, its fibres breed mon-
a taillike, wedge-shaped engine with the
secret of expansion, fused with intensive heat to
the color of the set-
ing sun and
stiff. For the man in the straw hat, stand-
ing still and turning to look back at it
as much as
to say my happiest moment has
been funereal in comparison with this, the condi-
tions of life pre-
slavery to be easy, inclined
away from progress, and freedom, hard. For
it? Dismiss
agrarian lore; it tells him this:
that which its is impossible to force, it is impossible
to hinder.
--Marianne Moore
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)