Well, rowing WR pace, at weight, without preparing for it, hauling at max drag, is a bit of a strain.APM wrote:On your last pathetic attempt to break the 55-59 WR at a satellite event earlier in the year, you couldn't even finish a 2k, whilst rowing with breaks.
I seem to get it done now and again, though.
This last year, no one my age and weight came within 20 seconds of my 2K.
No 55s lwt came within six seconds.
So, not bad.
This year, I am preparing to race and rowing at low drag (118 df.).
If I get in a good race, I think I'll pull a lwt 6:20.
BTW, there is no precedent whatsoever of a male, 40-70 years old, breaking a WR, much less breaking it by 18 seconds, when they are a couple of months from entering the next age division.
Other than my three 50 lwt WR rows, which I did when I was 52 going on 53, all male WRs, 40-70, have been set when the rower just enters the age category.
The average decline with age among veterans is 1.7 seconds per year.
So, to set a WR when you are just ready to enter another 5-year age divisions, you have to overcome an average of 8.5 seconds of decline with age.
Rocket Roy pulled 6:38 when he was 55.
Now, he would have trouble pulling 6:50.