This warning:
"Reader beware: Check definitions of what ranger says with good sources here on the C2 website, wikipedia, pubmed, etc.:
Accepted definitions of common elements of exercise physiology have routinely been ignored by Richard Cureton (ranger).It is a widely held opinion that it is dangerous to take his advice or to assume that we are getting an accurate or complete impression of what his training really is by reading this thread.
Attempts by readers to reign in these elements of deceit and poor understanding have failed for many years in this and other threads. There is no point in going over old ground again and again.
We wish that every rower reaches his or her goals but to parade accounts of fictitious progress toward wild imaginings doesn't do anyone any good. This has gone on for years and needs to be 'put to bed'. "
... is not censorship. It is an opinion that readers can take under equal advisement to what you write here.
I, for one, no longer have any interest in discussing anything here because we do no use the same definitions or concepts in what is brought up over and over.
Henry and others are correct : What you propound endlessly is at best reckless but potentially dangerous advice. Whether it be weight cutting, over training, technique, periodization of training, etc.., I see little that is of any use to anyone.
As for your ersatz goals: We've all waited for years and years to see the 6:28 and the 6:16... Dougie has a point : JFDI ! Now that you are closing in on 60, forget about going lightweight +++===> JFDI !
Hard sharpen under your own choice of what "hard sharpening" actually is (I'd call it sharpening

Did I say JFDI ?

You should be proud of your 6:4x's at 2k on the erg.... That's all that's left for any 60 year old of your stature...

No disgrace there...
We all know you very well, Rich: You won't follow this advice... The warning in orange is for those who have no experience in listening to what you say... so, put away your Bible and shelve your charges of censorship...
Be well. You used to be a WR holder... That's quite an achievement ot be proud of.