ranger wrote:mikvan52 wrote:RIch:
Want to see a dramatic example of comparisons between Lwt & Hwt times OTW?
Go to:
These are the U23 WC results from a week ago.
Then use the pull down menu "Select Class"
compare any and all boat classes an look at the winning times in the A finals.
ask yourself: "Are there any examples of lwts being better than the hwts.....?"

The course record at the Head of the Charles is held by a lightweight.
Conditions vary at different times of day
In order for there to be any true record in rowing, boats have to leave the start line simultaneously...
.. Anyway... what about John Bigelow's record? I thought that was the fastest?
(consulting the archive)
From wikipedia:
Course Records
Club Singles Men: Nat Keohane 18:17.14 (1997) Women: Josee Paquette 20:36.59 (1997)
Club Fours Men: Charles River Rowing Association 16:33.88 (2002) Women: Saugatuck Rowing Association 18:42.95 (1997)
Club Eights Men: Onota Lake Rowing Association 14:56.49 (1997) Women: Univ. of Tennessee 16:49.911 (2005)
Youth Doubles Men: Course Record: B. McEwan/ N. Kelly 17:46.309 Women: L. Sisler/ L. Cowal 19:51:957 (2006)
Youth Fours Men: US Naval Academy 16:23.9 (1994) Women: Community Rowing 17:19.960 (2001)
Youth Eights Men: Harvard University 14:58.6 (1992) Women: St. Catharines Rowing Club 17:02.22 (1997)
Master Singles Men: Robert Spousta 18:16.9 (1984) Women: Cynthia Matthes 19:55.24 (1997)
Master Doubles Men: M. Smith/ D. Gorriaran 17:13.68 (2003) Women: T. Zarzeczny-Bell/ S. Remmler 19:00.316 (2007)
Master Fours Men: Belfast Rowing Club 17:03.38 (1997) Women: Portland Boat Club 18:54.35 (1995)
Master Eights Men: Leander Boat Club, Canada 15:16.13 (2001) Women: Long Beach RA 17:14.17 (2001)
Grand Master Singles Men: Lawrence Klecatsky 18:54.3 (1992) Women: Judy Geer 21:30.930 (2007)
Senior Master Singles Men: Gregory Benning 18:19.758 (2007) Women: Margarita Jekabsons (now Zezza) 20:18.04 (2003)
Senior-Master Doubles Men: R. Haberl/ R. Slocum 18:06.910 (2007) Women: J. Linse/ S. Kinne 19:53.749 (2007)
Senior-Master Fours Men: Toronto Sculling Club 17:25.52 (2003) Women: Watercat Rowing Club 19:48.392 (2007)
Senior-Master Eights Team Attager 15:43.490 (2007) Women: 1980 Rowing Club 18:00.427 (2007)
Veteran Singles Men: C. Collins 19:24.329 (adjusted) (2001) Women: Brook Stevens 23:25.66 (adjusted) (2007) * probable raw time 20:28.329
Senior Veteran Singles Men: R. Kendall 20:31.75 (adjusted) (2001) Women: L. Rindlaub (70 +) 25:34.773 (adjusted) (2007)
Collegiate Fours Men: Michigan Rowing Association 17:10.678 (2007) Women: Marquette University 19:19.167 (2007)
Collegiate Eights Men: Trinity College 14:58.705 (2007) Women: Queen's University, Canada 16:47.321 (2003)
Lightweight Singles Men: Paul Fuchs 17:24.8 (1984) Women: Teresa Zarzeczny 19:00.58 (1992)
Lightweight Fours Men: New York Athletic Club 15:49.63 (2003) Women: Baltimore Rowing Club 18:26.97 (1992)
Lightweight Eights Men: Rowing Canada 14:21.01 (1997) Women: Argonaut RC 16:14.87 (1992)
Championship Singles Men: John Biglow 17:29.8 (1982) Women: Virginia Gilder 18:45.6 (1982)
Championship Doubles Men: Boston Rowing Center 16:01.2 (1992) Women: A. De Zwager/J. Rumball 17:51.46 (2003)
Championship Fours Men: Princeton Training Center 15:34.4 (1997) Women: London Training Center 17:27.35 (2003)
Championship Eights Men: USRowing 13:58.99 (1997) Women: USRowing 15:26.572 (2007)

.... a 17:24 in a lwt race in 1984 is hardly the same event as the 17:29 in 1982!
Do you think that the wind or river flow condition could make up for 5 seconds over 3 miles?

The course start and finish could have been different on those days... the buoy lines could have been set differently on the long HOCR turns... (Did they even have buoy lines in 1982??)
Find us lwt vs hwt on the same day somewhere, please... and even that would be suspect.
Why in LAST WEEKEND's racing was no lwt time faster than a hwts? Why, in a table off all-time elite rowing is no lwt time faster than a hwts time? P.H.Y.S.I.C.S.!!!!, My Friend...