Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 29th, 2010, 3:30 pm

ranger wrote:
mikvan52 wrote:You see, for me chance no longer is involved...

Doesn't seem that way to me.

Your goal is to win the Head of the Charles.

To do that, I think, you will have to do 2:00 pace for 3 miles, not 2:06, and even so, in bad conditions.

So, in good conditions, in practice, I would say that doing 3 miles at 1:55 or so would take chance out of the picture.

Even at 12 seconds above erg times, that would mean doing 1:43 for 5K on the erg.

So, let's see it.
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder?
The assertions started with your blurting out fictions about the "top 5 at the HOCR" in two different categories in 2011.
Now you changing it over to what I can do right now.... :?

I'm B) with this though...
I guess you're now alluding to what my goals are on the water.
Let's forget about the erg... It has no bearing on my summertime training...

Why not simply watch how I do at Masters Nationals where I've entered 5 events, some with heats and finals...
These are: the hwt E 1x, the lwt E 1x, the hwt E 2x, the lwt E 2x, & the hwt F 2x.... So, two weeks from today I will be into my 2nd day of competition.... and you be doing a little sculling after erging.

After Nationals I will continue with bringing down my splits in a wide variety of workouts tailored to maximize my potential for the HOCR... and you will be doing a little sculling after erging.

hmmm.... a pattern seems to be emerging.

By the end of October, you will start you perennial blather about erging all the big ones and forget sculling entirely until well after April 1, 2011... This will leave you "a day late and a dollar short" vis a vis your experience needed to race with hopes of being near the front of the pack at any distance in 2011 or 2012...

Stick to the erg Rich... It's what you know; it's what turns you on. You don't seem to have a 'heart beat' for sculling other than....doing a little sculling after erging.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 29th, 2010, 3:42 pm

ranger wrote:
mikvan52 wrote:I would love to hear progress reports toward you quest to average 2:13.5.
I have been giving progress reports all along.

Listen, or not.

That's up to you.

But don't say that I haven't been giving them.

My first goal is 6:16 for 2K on the erg.

That should be a _huge_ help for a 60s lightweight OTW rower.

The next will be a combination of better OTW rowing at low rates and high.

2:13 @ 20 spm for long distances together with 1:50 @ 34 spm for sprints.

So, excuse me! How bone headed of me !!
Why can't I realize that a list of goals is a progress report??? :P

I'm so, so, so, ever-so sorry. WIll you ever forgive me? :oops:

Where's my hair shirt?

But I'll play along:
Let's say you do erg a 6:16... (perish the thought)(http://www.spaceheatersinhell.com)

Didn't Stan Vegar erg a 6:16 2k.... and what was his time at the HOCR ?

San Diego Rowing Club (Stan Vegar) 20:45.701 bow#42 +00:20.000 9BR(2) (penalty)
21:05.701 10.64% behind winner

He didn't make the top 5% (your goal).... So, you see, a fast erg time is no guarantee for high placement. I'll wager that Stan Is one of the leanest fittest guys on the erg circuit too. A top athlete... he just needs more on the water experience :idea: :idea: :idea:


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 29th, 2010, 4:38 pm

10K OTW this afternoon, after 15K on the erg this morning.

Got to 2:00 @ 24 spm at one point OTW, however briefly.

8.3 SPI

Delighted with that.

Gorgeous conditions for both sessions.

I was the only one on Europe Lake.

I had the lake all to myself.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 29th, 2010, 4:44 pm

mikvan52 wrote:Let's say you do erg a 6:16... (perish the thought)(http://www.spaceheatersinhell.com)

Didn't Stan Vegar erg a 6:16 2k.... and what was his time at the HOCR ?

San Diego Rowing Club (Stan Vegar) 20:45.701 bow#42 +00:20.000 9BR(2) (penalty)
21:05.701 10.64% behind winner
Stan weighs 50 lbs. more than we do.

OTW, that's worth 1:37 over 5K.

So, his 21:05, if he weighed 165 lbs., would be 19:28.

I'd be happy with that.

2:01 pace?

That would beat Dietz by a minute, and would beat you, too.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by leadville » July 29th, 2010, 6:28 pm

ranger wrote:
mikvan52 wrote:Let's say you do erg a 6:16... (perish the thought)(http://www.spaceheatersinhell.com)

Didn't Stan Vegar erg a 6:16 2k.... and what was his time at the HOCR ?

San Diego Rowing Club (Stan Vegar) 20:45.701 bow#42 +00:20.000 9BR(2) (penalty)
21:05.701 10.64% behind winner
Stan weighs 50 lbs. more than we do.

OTW, that's worth 1:37 over 5K.

So, his 21:05, if he weighed 165 lbs., would be 19:28.

-mindless blather-

rangerboy, you blithering idiot.

you claimed a couple weeks ago that lighter scullers were faster OTW because they had less weight to pull.

Now you claim that a heavier sculler goes faster.

Well, which one is it, you clueless moron?

50 pounds is 97 seconds over 5k? Why? which bodily orifice did you yank that out of?

On what do you base that conclusion? rangerlogic?

You'd lose a chess match to my Great Dane. And although she's very sweet, she's really dumb. You, you're just dumb.
Returned to sculling after an extended absence; National Champion 2010, 2011 D Ltwt 1x, PB 2k 7:04.5 @ 2010 Crash-b

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by NavigationHazard » July 29th, 2010, 7:06 pm

Stan Vegar needs OTW experience???

He's won Masters' Nationals in his 1x at least once (D final in 2006, with a 3:39.58 - ahead of Slocum) and in a 2x at least once (also 2006, with Slocum, in 3:33.21) -- an hour or two after finishing a credible 5th rowing up a category in the 1x C final). On home water in San Diego in 2008 he was second in the 1x D final, didn't make it out of the heats in the 2x C event but finished second the same day in the 2x D event (3:34.20, with Roman Lesnau). He may well have rowed other events at these races.

In any case I think those results speak for themselves. At HOCR he's 1) on the other side of the country and 2) rowing in conditions rather unlike anything down San Diego way....
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 29th, 2010, 7:23 pm

leadville wrote:you claimed a couple weeks ago that lighter scullers were faster OTW because they had less weight to pull.
No, bobble-head.

Just relative to erg scores.

The erg does not punish weight.

A scull does.

If you row 6:16 on the erg and weigh 160 lbs., it is completely different affair than rowing 6:16 and weighing 210 lbs.

Over a 5K, relative to the erg scores, an OTW row in a 1x will punish each kg. 2.5 seconds.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Carl Watts » July 29th, 2010, 8:37 pm

ranger wrote:
hjs wrote:Again a lie. You would pull a 6.16 LIGHTWEIGHT.
Sure, 6:16 is my long-term goal.

"Long-Term"? No offence but most of us are hoping you don't live to 100, we could not handle another 40+ years of this babble about when I'm fully trained.

If you couldn't do it in 7 years then you have missed the boat, quite literally.
Carl Watts.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by whp4 » July 29th, 2010, 8:46 pm

ranger wrote:
hjs wrote:Again a lie. You would pull a 6.16 LIGHTWEIGHT.
Weight is irrelevant for me.

My best lightweight and heavyweight times (6:28 vs. 6:27.5) are pretty much identical.

My 6:29.7 in 2006 at 31 spm (without even preparing for it) is no lie at all.
Right. And a few weeks later, rowing as a lightweight, same stroke, same drag factor, you did 7:04.3...and you've been afraid to go to Boston ever since.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by leadville » July 29th, 2010, 9:05 pm

ranger wrote:
leadville wrote:you claimed a couple weeks ago that lighter scullers were faster OTW because they had less weight to pull.
No, bobble-head.

Just relative to erg scores.

The erg does not punish weight.

A scull does.

If you row 6:16 on the erg and weigh 160 lbs., it is completely different affair than rowing 6:16 and weighing 210 lbs.

Over a 5K, relative to the erg scores, an OTW row in a 1x will punish each kg. 2.5 seconds.

that's not what you said, so again, another rangerLie.

a 'scull' is an oar. I don't see how an oar could punish weight. If you are once again demonstrating your amazing capacity for ignorance, and think (!) a scull is a boat, then on what do you base that statement?

facts, rangerboy, not more of your usual uninformed speculation.

btw, if anyone here is a bobblehead, it's you on the erg. I, on the other hand, am not.
Returned to sculling after an extended absence; National Champion 2010, 2011 D Ltwt 1x, PB 2k 7:04.5 @ 2010 Crash-b

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 29th, 2010, 10:10 pm

Mike beats Stan OTW because Mike is 50 lbs. lighter than Stan, not because Mike rows better than Stan.

But I can row OTW at just Mike's weight.

So if I pull 6:16 on the erg and Mike pulls 6:50, the difference is a pure advantage (for me) in skeletal-motor and aerobic capacity, both OTW and off.

Weight is not a factor.

And in a couple of years, I will row just as well as Mike OTW, too.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 29th, 2010, 10:33 pm

NavigationHazard wrote:Stan Vegar needs OTW experience???

He's won Masters' Nationals in his 1x at least once (D final in 2006, with a 3:39.58 - ahead of Slocum) and in a 2x at least once (also 2006, with Slocum, in 3:33.21) -- an hour or two after finishing a credible 5th rowing up a category in the 1x C final). On home water in San Diego in 2008 he was second in the 1x D final, didn't make it out of the heats in the 2x C event but finished second the same day in the 2x D event (3:34.20, with Roman Lesnau). He may well have rowed other events at these races.

In any case I think those results speak for themselves. At HOCR he's 1) on the other side of the country and 2) rowing in conditions rather unlike anything down San Diego way....
These results show my ignorance of historical results at 1k.... Indeed, Stan Vegar is a strong sprinter and this extends to his excellent performances on the erg (2k).
But what about 5k? on the water?

ranger would have us believe that great 2k performances off the water make you the best at 5k on the water... I don't see any certainty in this.. This is why I brought up Stan's case.

I have not seen many 5k OTW results for Stan... This is why I ventured to say that perhaps he'd improve if he had more experience.

I agree, though, I was wrong to say (in blanket form) that he doesn't have OTW experience.
Sorry to see that he seems to be off the circuits these days... No WIRC, No HOCR, No Masters Nationals...

Maybe he's scared of ranger? :wink: :mrgreen:

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 29th, 2010, 10:54 pm

Pure Fantasy:
ranger wrote:
Stan weighs 50 lbs. more than we do.

OTW, that's worth 1:37 over 5K.

So, his 21:05, if he weighed 165 lbs., would be 19:28.

The physics of this must come from too much cartoon watching when ranger was a child...
Was it Roadrunner vs. Wile E. Coyote? :lol: :lol:

Seriously, Rich. Why say something so egregiously ignorant and false.

All WR on the water by heavyweights are faster than the ones for lightweights in all boat classes.

get out the ACME spi enhancers, Rich :lol: :lol: :lol:


The Coyote has tried every trick in the book with the help of an assortment of devices from the ACME Corporation, such as tornado seeds, earthquake pills, dehydrated boulders, and a jet-powered unicycle and nothing has worked.


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Bob S. » July 29th, 2010, 10:55 pm

mikvan52 wrote:
Sorry to see that he seems to be off the circuits these days... No WIRC, No HOCR, No Masters Nationals...
It is too damn expensive for Californians to go to those fancy-dan eastern events.

If you want to know what he can do for 5k you might check out results of the west coast head races.

Bob S., provincial Californian.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by NavigationHazard » July 30th, 2010, 4:11 am

Southern Californians also have to check their suntan lotion and tofutti at LAX security before boarding planes for Boston. That's so wrenching hardly anyone goes....

I did a little digging. As of 2006 Stan had won a total of 9 Masters' Nationals events in various categories. He evidently was good enough in his youth to have trialed for two different US Olympic squads (I think in pairs). As for West Coast head races he's won Head of the Marina at least once.
67 MH 6' 6"
