Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 19th, 2010, 6:06 am

ranger wrote: I have never raced OTW--at all.
However wouldn't it be nice to see the TRAINING leading up to whatever goal you're headed towards right now?
It would be interesting and a valuable resource for those who want to get better on the erg :idea:
Look, Rich!.... We're oldsters now... No need to keep secrets going forward :idea: :idea: :|

Something like this maybe?
(From my c2.uk blog-log)

The "verdict" is in... You don't have to train massive meters to be faster than your peers if you're getting on in years.


This Concept 2 logbook table shows what I did in preparation for my 3:40.18 1k in Providence on Saturday, July 17, 2010.
I was blessed that most everything fell into place for a strong row up to my current capabilities.


see official results at:

http://www.rownbc.org//documents/Sweeps ... esults.pdf

4th page ("E" Final) Evidently I won by nearly 7 seconds...

Wish you wanted to share some hard TRAINING stats, Rich... It would help reestablish you mojo.
Last edited by mikvan52 on July 19th, 2010, 6:21 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Citroen » July 19th, 2010, 6:12 am

PaulH wrote:It's starting to get a bit tedious, isn't it? I'm thinking of deleting any post from ranger that contains misattributed quotes. What does everyone think (including ranger, of course)? Note that I won't be looking out for misattribution, but would respond if anyone points one out (and delete the post pointing it out as well, to keep things clean).
Might be more fun to delete the posts from the dimwits who constantly respond to his postings. Then Rangy won't have anyone to misquote and this thread can be ignored by everyone except our favourite OTW and ergo virtual champion.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 19th, 2010, 6:20 am

ranger wrote:
mikvan52 wrote:Of course I'm way off the WR in my age group. The competition in my group are professional elite athletes who don't have to squeeze a 60 hour working week alongside training 5 days a week. The competition in your group are a few enthusiastic amateurs.
I, mikvan52, did not write this.... :roll:

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by hjs » July 19th, 2010, 7:50 am

Citroen wrote:
PaulH wrote:It's starting to get a bit tedious, isn't it? I'm thinking of deleting any post from ranger that contains misattributed quotes. What does everyone think (including ranger, of course)? Note that I won't be looking out for misattribution, but would respond if anyone points one out (and delete the post pointing it out as well, to keep things clean).
Might be more fun to delete the posts from the dimwits who constantly respond to his postings. Then Rangy won't have anyone to misquote and this thread can be ignored by everyone except our favourite OTW and ergo virtual champion.
:wink: Good idea

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Bob S. » July 19th, 2010, 8:57 am

Rockin Roland wrote: posing next to his huge black SUV with the word Ranger across the side of it.
Bullshit. A ranger is a mini-truck, a very small pickup with the same design as a Mazda pickup. When I drive mine up Sherwin grade in overdrive it drops down to 45 mph. By shifting out of overdrive, I can get it up to 55, but everything else is passing me by at 65 (the legal speed limit) or faster. An SUV, it is not - and it looks miniscule alongside a standard pickup like a Ford 150. Mine is black as well, but with a white camper shell on it, a friend (?) referred to it as the skunk.

If you feel the need to ridicule the guy, that's your business, but try to stick to the facts.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 8:58 am

Mike's 9.4 SPI for 1K OTW is mighty impressive.

I don't have any ambitions in that direction.

For me, about 7.3 SPI is fine as a OTW goal and training regimen; and when I am rowing well, I do that right now.

The best thing I can do for my OTW rowing is just keep stretching out the distances each day until I can put in as much as 40K at 22 spm and 7.3 SPI.

That's 2:10 @ 22 spm.

I'll let Mike do 1:59 @ 22 spm.

A FM is done at 5K + 10 or so.

So this would be great training for head races.

For 5K/3miles OTW, I would then try to rate 28-30 spm, keeping my technique constant at 7.3 SPI.

That would be in and around 2:00 pace.

That's fine for now.

No need to be any more ambitious that that.

Last edited by ranger on July 19th, 2010, 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 9:02 am

mikvan52 wrote:Wish you wanted to share some hard TRAINING stats, Rich
I have been sharing all of my training.

Training "stats"?

The only "stats" that are relevant in my case at the moment are total distance and ballpark rate and stroking power.

I have been citing those stats continuously for years.

I am not doing "pieces." I am not racing.

I am not working on fitness.

I am drilling on technique.

Just taking a lot of good strokes.

I got to a comfortable 1:48 @ 21 spm (13 SPI) on the erg this morning.

At low drag, that's a first.

Delighted with that.

I was doing a steady 2:10 @ 23 spm for good stretches OTW.

Pretty happy with that, too.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 9:08 am

Today: 12K on the erg followed by 12K OTW.

21-24 spm

12-13 SPI on the erg, 120 df.

7-7.5 SPI OTW.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 9:19 am

leadville wrote:Mike rowed a 3:40 against the tide. Winning by three lengths. At a 28.

So, what did you rate to pull your 3:43?

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 9:36 am

mikvan52 wrote:Wish you wanted to share some hard TRAINING stats, Rich... It would help reestablish you mojo.
"Reestablish [my] mojo"?

No "restablishment" necessary.

I am just learning to row OTW, and am doing _very_ well with it, I think.

And this does just fine for the erg:
ranger wrote:Given the steam of distractions in any normal life, and given my project of learning how to row with a good OTW stroke, and therefore my commitment to foundational, low rate rowing, and work on technique, rather than preparing to race, nonetheless, over the last eight years years, between the ages of 51 and 59, I had the best time in my age and weight division as a lightweight in 2003 (6:30, WR), 2004 (6:29 WR, 6:28 WR), 2007, 2009, and 2010, and pulled sub-6:30 in 2002 (6:27.5, 6:28.5) and 2006 (6:29.7), as a heavyweight.
The next installment on this "stat" sheet for the erg will be BIRC 2010.

I am rowing about 25K a day now, half OTW and half OTErg.

Over the rest of the summer, I will try to push that up to 40K.

Last edited by ranger on July 19th, 2010, 4:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ausrwr » July 19th, 2010, 11:00 am

More of the same, more obfuscation and misrepresentation...

Truly impressive Prof, that a man who's already going so fast on the water is scared of competition.

Unless you're lying as usual. You will never get within 20 seconds of Mike's 1k time. The only possible way would be if you picked the biggest tide and tailwind of all time.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by leadville » July 19th, 2010, 11:02 am

ranger wrote:
leadville wrote:Mike rowed a 3:40 against the tide. Winning by three lengths. At a 28.

So, what did you rate to pull your 3:43?

Why do you care, rangerboy?
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 11:14 am

leadville wrote:
ranger wrote:
leadville wrote:Mike rowed a 3:40 against the tide. Winning by three lengths. At a 28.

So, what did you rate to pull your 3:43?

Why do you care, rangerboy?
Just curious.

Mike's 1:50 @ 28 spm seems _very_ odd, given that he does 1:47 @ 28 spm OTErg for 5K and 1:42 @ 34 spm on the erg for 2K.

That is, he rows right about the same SPI both OTW and OTErg: 9.5 SPI.

I just wondered if you did similar things with stroking power OTW vs. OTErg, given your similar time for 1K OTW, or something different.

Last edited by ranger on July 19th, 2010, 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 19th, 2010, 11:18 am

ausrwr wrote:more obfuscation and misrepresentation

These are just the facts:

ranger wrote:Given the steam of distractions in any normal life, and given my project of learning how to row with a good OTW stroke, and therefore my commitment to foundational, low rate rowing, and work on technique, rather than preparing to race, nonetheless, over the last eight years years, between the ages of 51 and 59, I had the best time in my age and weight division as a lightweight in 2003 (6:30, WR), 2004 (6:29 WR, 6:28 WR), 2007, 2009, and 2010, and pulled sub-6:30 in 2002 (6:27.5, 6:28.5) and 2006 (6:29.7), as a heavyweight.
The next installment on this "stat" sheet will be BIRC 2010.

My goal for BIRC 2010 is 6:16, but I would be happy with a lwt 6:23 or better, five seconds or more under my lwt pb of 6:28.

That would be under the 50s lwt WR, the 55s lwt WR, and the 60s hwt WR.

A good warm up for WIRC 2011, when I will be 60.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by hjs » July 19th, 2010, 11:54 am

ranger wrote:
ausrwr wrote:more obfuscation and misrepresentation

These are just the facts:

ranger wrote:Given the steam of distractions in any normal life, and given my project of learning how to row with a good OTW stroke, and therefore my commitment to foundational, low rate rowing, and work on technique, rather than preparing to race, nonetheless, over the last eight years years, between the ages of 51 and 59, I had the best time in my age and weight division as a lightweight in 2003 (6:30, WR), 2004 (6:29 WR, 6:28 WR), 2007, 2009, and 2010, and pulled sub-6:30 in 2002 (6:27.5, 6:28.5) and 2006 (6:29.7), as a heavyweight.
The next installment on this "stat" sheet will be BIRC 2010.

My goal for BIRC 2010 is 6:16, but I would be happy with a lwt 6:23 or better, five seconds or more under my lwt pb of 6:28.

That would be under the 50s lwt WR, the 55s lwt WR, and the 60s hwt WR.

A good warm up for WIRC 2011, when I will be 60.


There is only one simply fact and that is that your Pb is your very first race ever. After that you only got slower.
After that 2006 heavyweightrace you have not been able to get below 6.40 and often get above 7.00
next year you again wil be slower and won,t get below 6.41.........

