ranger wrote:bellboy wrote:Yes he did you obnoxious twat
I missed it.
So what did Mike pull for 2K in his 1x at Junior Worlds in his second year of rowing?
I was the stroke of the US's coxless four... I also did the toe steering as no one else in the boat had had prior experience with it.
I never sculled until I was out of college and, then, very little.
I started sculling in earnest in 1998 in a old '84 Kaschper. I doubt that I was in a sweep or sculling boat more than 50 times in the decade of the 80's. I ran instead to make time for work.
Marlene Royle got me started again at Craftsbury.... Great coach and a great competitor too!
In my last post on this subject I said that I've forgotten the times of my heats and finals in Greece in 1970. I believe the records have been lost....
Our Nat'l team boat wasn't super-fast compared to the powers of that age ~ mostly the East Germans... We were very small. I weighed in the 140's in that era.
We benefitted from the Rosenberg-type training under the leadership of Bill Stowe, stroke of the US's gold-medal-winning 8 in Tokyo... Rosenberg had coached that eight.... Bill and others coached at a club formed by him and Hart Perry: Litchfield Rowing Association... LRA. We trained on the Housatonic out of Kent School and came from various east and midwestern high schools.
If anyone is interested: There is a fascinating book about Stowe and his Vesper teammated written by Stowe and published in 2005.
ALL TOGETHER : The Formidable Journey to the Gold with the 1964 Olympic Crew
ISBN: 0-95-34388-0
When it came out, Bill sent me a couple of copies I had sent him a check for. He even wrote some kind words in one for me....