mikvan52 wrote:What ranger imagines, he never even tries to do.
That's why I have three WR rows on the erg, shaving four seconds off the WR in all, and you haven't come within a couple of seconds per 500 of a WR on the erg.
To row 6:16, the first task is to row a HM, 1:45 @ 25 spm (or a FM 1:48 @ 22 spm).
So that's what I am working on, the first task.
Not trying?
The sweat for three feet on each side of my erg never dries.
You do a HM on the erg at about 1:53.
So, how do you get to 1:45?
Got any ideas?
Right now, you miss it by 8 seconds per 500m (at the same rate).
At the moment, you can barely do 2K @ 1:45 rating 30 spm.
You pull under 10 SPI when you rate 25 spm for a HM; you need to pull 12 SPI.
You know how to row well.
Why row like shit?
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)