Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by PaulH » July 11th, 2010, 5:11 pm

ranger wrote:
PaulH wrote:
ranger wrote:I will rate 38 spm, as I do on the erg
For 1K on the erg?

No lie.

And rates feel about the same to me, whether on the erg or OTW.

I use the same stroke.

To be clear, you didn't make a claim about what you *intend* to row a 1k at, or what your *goal* is. You claimed that you *do* row 1k on the erg at 38spm. So, when did you do this, with your current stroke?

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 5:20 pm

mikvan52 wrote:I went to junior worlds in my second year of rowing.
You raced a single at junior worlds in your second year of rowing?


What did you pull for 2K?

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 5:25 pm

mikvan52 wrote:1. How long is the body of water on which you scull?

2. Do you row the full distance? Wasn't it a mere 2500m or less?
No, it's about 3K.

I also row on Portage Lake, which is only 2.5K, and Europe Lake, which is only 1.5K.

I also row on Lake Michigan, which is bigger, I think, about 400 miles, top to bottom, I would say.

If you rowed the coastline, I suspect you could put in 1000 miles on each loop.

:D :D

For whatever reason, I haven't tried it yet, though.

:D :D

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 5:34 pm


Like you, I could have just continued to parade my strengths, just preparing to race on the erg, yanking the chain, hard and fast, day after day, avoiding the water (like Roy Brook, Paul Hendershott, Mike Caviston, Nik Fleming, Andy Ripley, Paul Siebach, etc.) and relying on my fitness to win races, slowing down two seconds a year from 53 to 60, until, at 60, I pulled 6:42 and just nabbed the 60s lwt WR, winning every hammer, every year, from 55 to 60, in the 55s lwt division, on the way there.

6:32 when I was 55
6:34 when I was 56
6:36 when I was 58
6:40 when I was 59
6:42 when I was 60

I didn't.

I avoided preparing to race and racing (which never makes you any better) and worked on my weaknesses, which also involved learning to row a single OTW.

Now, I have overcome my weaknesses (effectiveness and efficiency as a rower) and I am ready to prepare to race again, both on the erg and OTW.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

With my improved technique, on the erg, I now pull 12 SPI with the same effort that I used to pull 10 SPI.

Because of this, when I am fully trained and ready to race, I think I am going to pull a lwt 6:16.

Won't _that_ be something?

Over the last seven years, I have also learned to row pretty darn well OTW, as I have mentioned, when I am fully trained up for it, well enough to pull 3:40 for 1K OTW and rate 30 spm at the HOCR.

OTW, when I am rowing well, I now pull 7-8 SPI.

Wish me luck!

It is now time to parade my fitness again in my racing, but only because I now row effectively and efficiently.

Last edited by ranger on July 11th, 2010, 6:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 5:55 pm

mikvan52 wrote:#1: You perfected your stroke on the erg. #2: You row with the same stroke on the water.

The best erg stroke is a good OTW stroke.

Bit by bit, rowing both on the erg and OTW, I have learned to do a good OTW stroke.

Yes, I use the same stroke both OTW and on the erg.

Now, I can really move a boat.

And if you can do this, the same stroke can really spin an erg, too.

The best OTW rowers are also the best ergers.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 6:06 pm

mikvan52 wrote:I have only passing interest in SPI.
:D :D

It's not good to lie to yourself.

You talk a endless streak about your prowess OTW with rating down.

Give it a rest.

You do it well!

No need to convince anyone about it, including yourself.

Stop parading your strengths.

Work on your weaknesses (e.g., rating up).

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Flipper21 » July 11th, 2010, 6:27 pm


You are nothing short of a disgrace to yourself let alone the erging community. As for the OTW community, you know absolutely nothing and I mean NOTHING. You are but a fool and one who deserves NOTHING. Get a grip of your psychosis and redeem yourself as you are nothing more than a laughing stock.

YOU have nothing to claim.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 11th, 2010, 6:40 pm

ranger wrote:
mikvan52 wrote:I have only passing interest in SPI.
:D :D

It's not good to lie to yourself.

You talk a endless streak about your prowess OTW with rating down.

Give it a rest.

You do it well!

No need to convince anyone about it, including yourself.

Stop parading your strengths.

Work on your weaknesses (e.g., rating up).

rating it up?
Like a 1k OTW age 60 at 38 spm?

n'existe pas!

All the evidence is out there, Rich.
You call Spousta, Dietz, and Meyer "broken down" scullers who cannot match what you BELIEVE you CAN do POTENTIALLY in the spm dept... They win!... Dietz has won at the HOCR more than 2O times :o
And you erged to victory once at Crash-B... hmmmm.
I stick with Dietz and the kinds of things he does

I am prepared to shut my trap now and wait for your first head race or 1k (whichever appears first).
You've stated that 1k will be at 38 spm avg... 4:00 at 38... hmmm.. That's 152 strokes!
Others will only take 115 strokes for the same distance and time.
Explain why you'll take the extra ones, again? Some kind of male-thing?

"Come on and Whip-it! Whip it good!"
- Devo

I'd like this to be a collegial thread where we all share training... Not accusations...
Can we start now?

My rowing venue for training is miles and miles long w/o a turn around. It's called the CT River.
Yours is ... (?)...and is (?) how long before you have to stop??

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Byron Drachman » July 11th, 2010, 6:49 pm

mikvan52 wrote:Rich:
Here, let me be of assistance to you:

A "1st race opportunity":

Official Name Michigan Club Invitational Regatta
Date Saturday, July 24, 2010
Event Type sprint
Venue Argo Pond
Ann Arbor, MI
Host/LOC Ann Arbor Rowing Club
Email leonard.marcia@gmail.com (Marcia Leonard)
Phone n/a

Sanctioned By
Chief Referee Not yet available
This regatta is an invitational. Contact the regatta to inquire about eligibility and/or authorization.

Hi Mike,

Did you notice the entry for the master 1x-F in the Michigan Invitational? Our intrepid hero believes when he is 60 he will dominate 60's OTW racing in the midwest. Heh, heh.


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Steve G » July 11th, 2010, 6:59 pm

Come on guys, why bother replying to this complete waste of space, he will never be ready for racing OTW, fully trained etc! He has been training OTW for years now, he stated he would race OTW many times last year, result all DNS!
Most people would have turned up, had a go, realised their failings, worked on them and had another go!
He thinks he rows well OTW, without an observer, how does he know?
Note, nothing measurable yet !

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 7:47 pm


Did you find out your rate at UT2 and 12 SPI on the erg?

That is a measure of your ability to rate up in a 1K or 5K OTW.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 7:49 pm

mikban52 wrote:how long before you have to stop??
On Lake Michigan?


Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 11th, 2010, 7:51 pm

Byron Drachman wrote:
Hi Mike,

Did you notice the entry for the master 1x-F in the Michigan Invitational? Our intrepid hero believes when he is 60 he will dominate 60's OTW racing in the midwest. Heh, heh.

In Rick Anderson's case the yellow shirt means yellow jersey and yellow boat (Empacher)


I only eked out a win over him last year. I'm lucky he turned 60!
He won the Canadian Henley last year in his division.
He had a great HOCR too.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » July 11th, 2010, 7:51 pm

Steve G wrote:He thinks he rows well OTW, without an observer, how does he know?
My speed coach, Garmin, etc.


You row well OTW when you go fast.

Easy as that.

Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by mikvan52 » July 11th, 2010, 7:52 pm

ranger wrote:Mike--

Did you find out your rate at UT2 and 12 SPI on the erg?

That is a measure of your ability to rate up in a 1K or 5K OTW.

No sarcasm by me here:

Are you serious?

I'll answer as if it is a serious observation:
"UT2 and 12 SPI on the erg is a measure of ability to rate it up for the standard OTW race distances."

example 2:08 pace and 14 spm is 12 spi...and I can do it at UT2.
Does this measure my ability to rate it up for a 1k where I scull at 1:55 pace and 28 spm? for 1k.

I don't know. I don't watch such things.

I think that erging 16k in one hour flat at 24 spm helps though.. I can do that.
What's your latest hour rating and how many meters did you erg? (last 3 years only, please)
Last edited by mikvan52 on July 11th, 2010, 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
