redzone wrote:ranger wrote:
Why should I take your advice if you are no good yourself?
A persons ability in a particular field is not necessarily linked to the ability to provide instruction in that field. Some people excel but are poor teachers and some have a modicum of talent but are superb at bringing improvement in others.
Have you had much of your poetry published?
Well, to take it a step further, there's nothing that has been done or said to indicate that Ranger knows much at all about rowing or sculling or how to move a boat fast, but he's quite willing to tell people who know how to, and how to coach rowers to go fast, that they don't know what they're doing. Ranger, you haven't coached. You haven't rowed (or at least raced). Why should anyone listen to what you have to say? That's a tripartite of abuse/rhetorical question/honest question.
Rich, I am pretty good in a boat. My times say it. The level of the people I've raced with and against say it. My results say, well, that I probably didn't do the right things on the right days, but they say I'm pretty good. From the coaching I've done at Masters level I'm not too bad either. I'm not great, but I'm not crap.
The previous sentences may say that I'm an a"£$hole, but you probably reckoned that anyway.
But none of this will change a thing. You're not interested in listening to anyone or anything that doesn't confirm what you believe. Not what you THINK, but what you believe. It's difficult to believe that rational thought has entered your consideration of rowing.
Seriously: put up or shut up.
You could start racing - show what level you actually are, give yourself a basis to compare, but you don't want that, do you? It'd remove the mystery and expose your 'training paces' as the lies that they are.
You could try coaching scullers or rowers, but with your lack of achievement as a rower or coach, that would be a problem. Why would anyone listen to you?
Or you could just go the hell away, learn how to scull on your own, or even take some lessons, and come back and kick everyone's arse. You know, let your performance speak for itself?
Fat effing chance of that. You'll hide at your computer screen while the racing is on, and spout about how much better you are than the people who turn up and race and and compete and win.
You will never beat Mike. You will never beat Jim Dietz. You will never beat Spousta. I'd venture to say that you'll never beat anyone on the water, because you have to show up to race.
You are just a revolting braggart.