ranger wrote:
Mike VB, Bob Spousta, and Jim Dietz are all rowing coaches with a half century of distinguished accomplishment OTW.
In rowing, physical capacity and training are much more important elements of boat speed than technique.
If you are a broken down old man, you can't go anywhere very fast in a 1x.
Mike, Bob, and Jim better start looking over their shoulders.
I'm comin' after them.
I am not in the same class as Dietz and Spousta.
I do not have a lengthy past of distinguished rowing as they do.
I came to the sport in youth, had minor success, was on no elite national teams, returned to competition in my 50's. This is nothing like men like Jim!... 20+ victories at the HOCR... DIamond Sculls competitor at Henley... Fabulous coach of a top program (U Mass)... competed and coached on the int'l scene.
Spousta remains a course record holder at the HOCR and a multi-time winner. He has remained a force to be reckoned with for decades and has produced times that I will never be able to match.
I, OTOH, have no HOCR head racing victories. Even if I'm fortunate enough to win some year, it will never measure up to the records of these two men.
It is true that I have beaten these athletes on occasion but to put these wins in proper perspective you have to look at entire competitive records. I am "small beans" there.
They are also a few years my senior which means that their aging decline is more advanced than mine... so even if I do beat them now, it should be factored that I'm an "E" class and they are "F"s
Might I add that the "banter" about them being broken down is inaccurate and irritating.
My hope is that Cureton, in the pursuit of maintaining a "ranger-esque" persona, is merely hyping this line of reasoning to support the flagging status of his racing reputation as he, like all his age, grows older and slower.
~ Mike van Beuren