???? Bodyfat % is relative, the same percentage looks the same on every person. 9% on a 50 kg guy is 4.5 kg , on a 100kg guy is simply the double amount.sheehc wrote: As for TO looking shredded at 9% I think, and I readily admit this is pure speculation, that the sheer size of his muscles may play a part in that. I would imagine the muscle size would cause what body fat he does have, to be stretched out over a greater surface area allowing him to look more shredded than a much lankier and muscularly smaller rower of the same body fat.
Older people tent to have more fat hidden around there organs, so the same 5 looks different on a 60 years old compered to a 20 year old. Less fat below the skin and more around the organs.
You often see older people with no fat on there legs for example, but with certainly no sixpack. There fat reserves are stored in the trunck.