hjs wrote:6.46 = 333 WattThetanium wrote:ArmandoChavezUNC wrote:If you put LeBron James on an erg right now, quickly showed him the basics of erging, and let him do a 2k, I doubt he would go faster than 6:45 or so, which weight adjusted wouldn't be that good whatsoever.
Even if he did go faster for his weight he'd have to pull a 5:40 or so to be any good.
I was 193, 90 kg the first time I did a 2k test, with minimal preperation. And I did 6.46.7.
So there is no way that a top athlete of 110 kg 203 couldnt do more than 6:45, being trained in both aerobic and anarobic capacity.
And then you got Shaquille O'Neal 147 kg 216cm, I would be very surprised if didnt make 6 flat.
Although this isnt weight adjusted, but that wasnt the questions in the firstplace.
5.46 = 522 Watt So 56 % more.
Some like Shaquille has a very poor aerobic base, sure he has power, but even that is relative to his body not great. really big guys don,t pull a very good time on an erg.
They proberly pull a strong 500 meter, but a 2k is to far. The athletic guys who can jump and run the hole game will do a lot better.
Where do you get it from that Shaquille has to do 5:46? Its not about weight adjusted time or trying to relate this to actually rowing on the water, its "who can go sub 6?"
And even if he would have a "poor" aerobic base, he wouldnt need to challenge that too much with the height of 216cm and 147 kg moving up and down on the slides.
I saw a power-lifter/gym rat of 205cm, finishing a 2k at rate 28,time 5:58, pure power, but you cant race in a boat at that rate.