Logcard issues with PM4?

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Logcard issues with PM4?

Post by megmac » April 28th, 2010, 4:28 pm

I have a logcard that works fine in a PM3 monitor at my club but does not register in my PM4 at home. My husband's logcard will register fine in both machines. Anyone have a similar problem?

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Re: Logcard issues with PM4?

Post by Citroen » April 28th, 2010, 4:40 pm

Best bet is to delete all the users from the card on a PM3 (hopefully one running with recent firmware), then when it asks if you want to reformat choose yes, let the formatting run then pull the card.

Insert that into your PM4 and it should spot that its a card with no users and do the right thing.

If the PM3 is running less than V105 (or V308 for PM3A) then try upgrading it with the C2 Utility.
If the PM4 is running less than V25 (or V310 for PM4A) then try upgrading it with the C2 utility.

I use my LogCard in PM3s (running V105) and PM4s (running V25/V310) and have never had the problem you're seeing.

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