whp4 wrote:ranger wrote:
I have rowed a couple of million meters OTW since this video.
Helpful tip: sitting in the bathtub, splashing the water around with your hands while going "whoosh, whoosh" is
not rowing OTW

But for lightweights who have worked hard at their OTW rowing over a number of years, I would guess that erg scores correlate highly with OTW times.
For instance, if a 60-year-old lightweight pulled 6:16 on the erg and had been working hard on their OTW rowing for five years or so, I think this might have a significant bearing on their OTW performance, given that the 60s lwt WR on the erg is 6:42.
Don't you?
Many big heavyweights pull much better erg scores than OTW scores, but that's just because they are big and heavy and erg times don't penalize them for this, as OTW does.
For instance, the weight adjustment between Nav and me is about 40 seconds.
The age adjustment is about 10 seconds.
So Nav's 6:26 this year, adjusted for age and weight, is equal to something like 7:16 for me.
If I row 6:16 for 2K on the erg, adjusted for age and weight, the row is about a minute better over 2K than if Nav pulled 6:16.
In a 5k, between Nav and me, the age and weight adjustment becomes two and a half minutes.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)