Fine, so post that session. Post something. 1 on 1 off at 1:31, 35 doesn't mean shit if you're doing 2 of them, paddling for 5 minutes, doing 2 more, etc. Post a real workout and people will start buying into your claims instead of calling you a fraudulent liar.ranger wrote:I did a lot of 1' on, 1' off, 1:31 @ 35 spm instead.Byron Drachman wrote:Yesterday Ranger wrote:I'll try the 500s tomorrow.
I was astonished that it was happening and didn't want to lose the opportunity to get in the habit.
If I'm reading the last couple pages correctly, there is absolutely zero reason you couldn't pull 1:38 for 2k at this point, correct? I mean absolutely, positively zero chance of you not being able to pull 1:38 for 2k if the workouts you claim to be doing are true. Doesn't matter if it's AT, UT, BS or any other combination of initials, it doesn't seem possible for you not to be able to pull 6:32 or faster on Saturday. Will you agree with this?