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Well, maybe that last sentence was not in the original article.February 16, 2010
America's Big Health Problem: Delusional Fitness
When researchers recently asked more than 2,000 people to compare their own health to the health of others, the answers added up to a mathematical impossibility: more than half of those questioned believed that the health of others was going in the wrong direction, and only 17 percent believed that there own health was going in the wrong direction. Wait, there's more delusion where that came from. Nearly 30 percent of the respondents gave themselves an A for managing their personal health, while 92 percent of doctors gave them a C or lower. Nearly a third of the study respondents gave themselves an A for eating healthy, while 92 percent of doctors gave them a C or lower. And roughly one third gave themselves an A for getting regular exercise, while 91 percent of physicians gave them a C or lower. --snip--
Other symptoms of delusional fitness include exaggerated reports of training volume, excessive intake of calories or alcohol causing an overweight condition and therefore requiring dehydration in order to make a weight requirement at a competition, and the unshakable belief that one is going to compete at a level that is not realistic.