I'm not so sure. Last year he got faster as the races went on. If he ccontinues to loose a bit of weight, making lightweight will get easier and easier so he may turn in a good time. He already demonstrated he can do a 6:48 (probably as a hwt), faster the MVB at crash-B's but slower then MVBs severely negative split trial run last month, so he doesn't have fastest 2K time this year.leadville wrote:If our hero races this weekend, his results will likely be on par with, if not worse than, his last witnessed effort. And they will not improve over the next few weeks. I'm betting he doesn't race this weekend or any more this season; he's just getting slower and slower due to his ignorant training regime.
Our hero shot his wad, and it didn't dent a rice paper screen.
I think he has a 6:43 in him by the end of the season and given that there are a number of races left he is likely to get it in one of the races.