kini62 wrote:ranger wrote:
The erg is a truth machine.
And the truth is, that you are NOW a middling level erger who lives in the past. Phhfftt- 7:11, shit nearly anyone can do that AND without training for "60 million meters"
You are now and forever more a certified HAS BEEN. Enjoy.
It is more than a little premature to assess what I will have done this year, when the winter racing season finally concludes for me in Detroit March 7th.
You can check the rankings in three weeks.
That will give you the information.
The facts will be recorded there permanently, independent of all the talk.
Honestly, I think I will do all of the 2Ks in my AT 4 x 2K workouts over the next three weeks quite a bit faster than Mike rowed for one 2K, flat out, at WIRC.
In fact, I think I have a good chance of doing 4 x 2K below WR pace (1:39.5), which Mike predicted he could reach, but missed by three seconds per 500m.
In any event, we will have to wait three weeks to see what my training will lead me to this year in terms of one 2K, flat out, at a race venue.
My point about Mike is just about rhetoric and the words that have been slung around here.
The gap between Mike's words and deeds this year was 12 seconds, exactly the amount that I have been suggesting I might improve on what I did in 2002-2003, when I am fully trained, and so what I have been laboring so long to realize.
Therefore, the fact is, even if I fail entirely, Mike's talk about his training has been just as "fantastic" as mine has been.
And, of course, if I succeed, which I seem to be doing in my training at the moment, and still have quite a bit have time to work on, my talk will have been sensible, practical, real, and factual--all along.
Only Mike's will have been "fantastic."
Interesting situation, no?
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)