LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: Tranquility Base

Post by just27 » December 8th, 2009, 1:33 am

Kona2 wrote:Thanks for the congratulatory words everyone! Keep rowing! We have many meters to go to get to Tranquility Base!

S-I-X Million Meters:

She's fired up,
She's turning up the heat.
When you’re headed to the moon
K-2 can't be beat!
GOOOOO, Astrogator!

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.06.09

Post by nl07695 » December 8th, 2009, 7:59 am

Image Peter H with half marathon # 34...unless the full marathon was really two halves...which would then make this # 36....or so some say .... btw Stig, one of the news shows here in the US showed that new housing was being built on stilts for the Netherlands due to rising water levels...? Another reason to go to the moon!
Hi jan,

It was HM # 36 of this season. FM are not yet to be expected.

Funny I've seen a simular documentory on Discovery channel lately. Indeed it is true. We are now building also floating houses on the riverbanks. We already had our famous canalboats in Amsterdam but those can not been compared with the newly developed floating houses. It's basically a hugh concrete bathtub on which they built a regular house. One big advantage... if you don't like your neighbour... call a tugboat and there you (or they) go !!

About my situation. I live 16 feet below sea level. As long as the dikes are strong enough my rower remains dry. If not I have to move it to the top floor. There it should just stay dry.

Congratulations with your 6MM. Mine will hopefully be in January.

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Re: 6 MM Meters

Post by denver_bill » December 8th, 2009, 2:06 pm

Kona2 wrote:Woohoo! Just hit the 6 MM lifetime meter mark!

5 MM 8 July 2009
6 MM 7 Dec 2009
I am in awe! Congratulations!

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 12.07.09

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2009, 2:35 pm

Image Keep an eye to the sky.....we're flying by! The Holiday Challenge is bringing out the meters and the participants! Whoa....about a thousand people have already met the initial challenge of 100K....but fear not! If you're just getting underway, there is still plenty of time to complete the challenge - and live to tell about it.

Astrogator plagued by iffy internet connection...wants a laser communicator...

Season meters as of 221/365 = 63,798,582 m

Total meters on the day = 397,898 m (and it's a Monday for those numbers!)

Oars in space (participation) = 33 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations: Bring it on!!! Image And that was a fine cheer, Minnie! I am so keeping that one!

6.8 MM Wild Bill
1.7 MM Ted
900K Rick

Image Wild Bill lassos another full moon with 43K
Image Will S with a half moon and 31,126 m
Image Dan C with 27,565 m and a half marathon # 108 in there
Image Barbara with half marathon/moon # 108...keeping up with Dan at 25,119 m
Image Bart with a half moon and 25,000 sitting around eating Belgian chocolates for this fellow...

ONE Million Meter Watch: the ergs are churning

Gina with (55,463 m) to go! Woohoo! Red zone is just over the horizon!

Rick with (91,372 m) to go!

And sincere thanks to all who row as Luna-Tics! To the moon!

Jeff 3,011 m
Dan T 5,000 m
Tony 6...7...8....9......and when he reaches 100....alle alle auch sind frei
Steven 7,244 m
Jim 8,025 m
Gina 8,261 m ....she's pushing that envelope of 35 minutes with more meters!
Kenneth G 8,284 m
Noelle 8,813 m
Teresa 9,129 m....marvelous!
Peter G 9,500 are zooming along at a fast rate!
Karyn 9,642 m ...150K coming up
Matt 10,000 m
Mike M 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Dave H 10,000 m
K2 11,965 m
Rich 13,019 m
Ted 14,000 m
Darryl 14,742 m
Jack 15,050 m
Mitch 16,010 m....whoa....I'd better pick up the pace!
Tim P 17,196 m....dashing thru the snow....
Tom R 20,408 m
Bart 25,000 m
Barbara 25,119 m
Dan C 27,565 m
Will S 31,126 m
Wild Bill 43,000 m

Minnie took the day off to do some rousing cheerleading....


Hooyah! Have a marvelous rowing day!

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Fits us to a T....or three

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2009, 4:14 pm

Image New to the Holiday Challenge Board Image


And what to my wondering eyes did appear.....21 Luna-Tics on the Holiday Challenge Boards....

Image Avoid the crash and burn of too many meters at once!

21 Image

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CRASH-B Sprints

Post by acrewer » December 8th, 2009, 4:26 pm

I just found out that the Beach Sprints (west coast trials for the Boston CRASH-B's) will be held on SUNDAY :D :D not Saturday as in past years. The reason is many HS Juniors have SATs on Saturday. But it's wonderful news for me! I can participate. Question is, should I continue with my 35 minute workouts or do something different? The race is 1/24/10, so I think I'll continue with what I'm doing until the end of the Holiday Challenge. That gives me one month to get ready for the race.


PS. I'm just happy to be able to compete...I have no hope of winning one of the 4 free trips to Boston. There are too many former Olympians.

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Re: CRASH-B Sprints

Post by nl07695 » December 8th, 2009, 5:06 pm

acrewer wrote:I just found out that the Beach Sprints (west coast trials for the Boston CRASH-B's) will be held on SUNDAY :D :D not Saturday as in past years. The reason is many HS Juniors have SATs on Saturday. But it's wonderful news for me! I can participate. Question is, should I continue with my 35 minute workouts or do something different? The race is 1/24/10, so I think I'll continue with what I'm doing until the end of the Holiday Challenge. That gives me one month to get ready for the race.


PS. I'm just happy to be able to compete...I have no hope of winning one of the 4 free trips to Boston. There are too many former Olympians.
Hi Gina,

Twice I was at the Crash-B in Boston (2007 and 2008) I kind of followed the 20 week preparation training progam to prepare for the race. Since you don't have that much time anymore, the "standard" advice as described on the Concept2 training for competition page will be the best advice at the moment:

Key Workouts to Prepare for a 2,000 Meter Race

1. 30-40 minutes steady piece at a moderate to hard intensity, focusing on effective technique.
2. Three 10-minute pieces with 2-3 minutes rest. Your total meters rowing should end up being more than the meters you row in a single 30-minute piece.
3. Four to six 5-minute pieces with 2-3 minutes rest. Make these pieces more intense than the 10-minute pieces.
4. Four 1000-meter pieces with 3-4 minutes rest, at about the pace you might row a 2000 meter race.
5. Six 500-meter pieces with 3-4 minutes rest, at a pace 2-3 seconds faster than your pace for the 1000 meter pieces.

The first time I was coached by the Mexican national coach. He gave me the following tips: Try to keep as level as possible for most of the race and only start to sprint under 300m. During the first 1500m the times my go up slightly but not much more then a second each 500m.

I was set off on a schedule of 6:45. He devided my race in four 500m segments with the following targets <1:40 , 1:42 , 1:43 , <1:39. This last segent was too hard / fast for me. I started too sprint at the 500m mark but was empty with still 200 to go. I still managed to squeeze out a 06:46

Good Luck !!

Peter H.

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Post by acrewer » December 8th, 2009, 5:28 pm

Well Peter, my 35 min workouts at mod-hard intensity are right on track then! When the Holiday Challenge is over, I'll add in the interval workouts.

Thanks. I haven't raced since 1980!


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Re: CRASH-B Sprints

Post by kgallagher » December 8th, 2009, 8:33 pm

acrewer wrote:I just found out that the Beach Sprints (west coast trials for the Boston CRASH-B's) will be held on SUNDAY :D :D not Saturday as in past years. The reason is many HS Juniors have SATs on Saturday. But it's wonderful news for me! I can participate. Question is, should I continue with my 35 minute workouts or do something different? The race is 1/24/10, so I think I'll continue with what I'm doing until the end of the Holiday Challenge. That gives me one month to get ready for the race.


PS. I'm just happy to be able to compete...I have no hope of winning one of the 4 free trips to Boston. There are too many former Olympians.
Good for you. I only did the Crash-B's once when I was in college and was ill prepared for the intensity. I have done a local CT indoor challenge twice in more recent years, once in 2004 the other 2007. Surprisingly I won my age division both times. Unlike you, we don't have as many former Olympians in CT. You do have tough competition in your area.

I honestly didn't train excessively prior to about a month before either race, so personally I think you'll be fine to finish out the challenge as you are and kick it up in Jan. Both times, I did a time trial 2k piece on my own to figure out where I was about a month before the race. Then I mixed up my workouts. Some days I did steady state or pyramid rows but others I did the shorter sprint like bursts to work on dropping my splits, such as 6 x 1 min. on 2 min. off; 3 x 1 min. 40 sec. on 2 min. off; 2-3 sets of 3 x 500meters on 3 min. rest (6-8 min. rest between sets). It's important to warm up before these sprint types of workouts. Get in a good 10 min. warm up first and don't forget to cool down after.

Good luck in your training and in the race. Know that there will be plenty of Loonies cheering you on from afar.


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Gina makes a move!

Post by Kona2 » December 8th, 2009, 8:54 pm

Yeah, Gina! This is exciting news! I like the sound of Beach Sprints much better than Boston in February.....but one does lead to the other! You go, girl! We'll be cheering you on for sure!

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Crash B

Post by Toothdoc » December 8th, 2009, 9:54 pm


Great goal and I am confident in your success. Know for sure, all us less equipped looneys will be cheering you on!!!!!


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Post by acrewer » December 8th, 2009, 10:23 pm

Karen - My 35 min workouts average at around 2:11 now, with the last 4 minutes at around 2:08.5. I have no idea what I could reasonably expect to do in a race situation. I haven't even done a 2K trial yet this year - guess I should do that first! Maybe this weekend.


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Post by bg » December 8th, 2009, 11:20 pm

woooo hooooo goooooo gina.....

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6 Million reasons to celebrate!

Post by Dave_H » December 9th, 2009, 12:00 am

Congrats Jan - fabulous work! B) B)

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Post by Kristine Strasburger » December 9th, 2009, 1:33 am

Jan, way to go on your quick million. Great job!

Gina, go for it. You will do great!

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