LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Post by Kiba » October 30th, 2009, 2:14 pm

Hey guys, sorry I keep disappearing.

Did they already take the FRC certificate down? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

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FRC Certificate

Post by Kona2 » October 30th, 2009, 4:00 pm

All I can find in a quick search is the overall FRC standings. If you click on our team name, it will give you a print out of all the meters by individual if you request it. For the certificate, I'll bet that you can contact the folks at and they will steer you in the right direction.

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Post by bg » October 30th, 2009, 5:02 pm

Kiba wrote:Hey guys, sorry I keep disappearing.

Did they already take the FRC certificate down? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
no need to apologize...hope everything is okay...

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Re: Let it snow....

Post by Trouble1 » October 30th, 2009, 8:45 pm

Kona2 wrote:If I left my bikes outside....I'm sure that I'd be greeted with a sight similar to this photograph from a 9News viewer in Nebraska (thanks for sharing the photo btw):

So far (and the white stuff is still falling!), we have about 20 inches of snow where I am....Tim in Blackhawk has received about 40 inches I believe....Yesterday's rowing was supplanted by a few sessions of shoveling! This being skies by Friday!

I had great ambitions for the skeleton challenge. However, being in the moving business the storm really made it tough on the crews and equipment. Then going uphill on the ice to get home the multiple hours of shoveling. Sorry no meters the last three days. Tim

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Post by Kiba » October 30th, 2009, 9:51 pm

That is a whole lot of snow. We've had a few flurries here, but mostly just rain.

Things are okay here :) And thank you to everyone for your concern. I went home for a while because of family things, and then I fell way behind with my school stuff. But now everything is all sorted out :)

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muffins and moonlight

Post by just27 » October 31st, 2009, 2:53 am

Kiba wrote:Things are okay here :) And thank you to everyone for your concern. I went home for a while because of family things, and then I fell way behind with my school stuff. But now everything is all sorted out :)
Good to have you back, muffin maker.

After much angsting about whether it was going to be too chilly to kayak this evening, I went for it. I'm hooked on that moonlight-over-the-lake paddling scene, and the moon is only a couple of days shy of being full. Quite lovely. Lake Natoma regularly hosts West Coast college rowing championships, and as we were getting ready to get on the water, there were a bunch of crew teams just finishing up. (Smart kids ... they were quitting as the sun was going down.) Got to see some "real" rowers and their bossy little coxes in action.

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Another Meter Millionaire!!

Post by Kona2 » October 31st, 2009, 10:18 am


Woohoo!! Today is THE day!! Congratulations to Peter G on attaining a ONE million meter season.....and, according to his notes on the team page, lifetime meters must be getting pretty close to 19 MM or so.....we wish you MANY more!

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Re: muffins and moonlight

Post by Kona2 » October 31st, 2009, 10:28 am

just27 wrote:
After much angsting about whether it was going to be too chilly to kayak this evening, I went for it. I'm hooked on that moonlight-over-the-lake paddling scene, and the moon is only a couple of days shy of being full. Quite lovely.

Sounds pretty marvelous!

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Post by Kiba » October 31st, 2009, 10:39 am

Congrats on 1 MM Peter G!!!


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Post by Toothdoc » October 31st, 2009, 10:50 am

Kiba wrote:Congrats on 1 MM Peter G!!!


Glad you're back CupCake Girl!


PS Congrats on 1 MM Peter G!!!

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Re: Another Meter Millionaire!!

Post by bg » October 31st, 2009, 11:20 am

Kona2 wrote:ImageImageImage

Woohoo!! Today is THE day!! Congratulations to Peter G on attaining a ONE million meter season.....and, according to his notes on the team page, lifetime meters must be getting pretty close to 19 MM or so.....we wish you MANY more!
congrats peter g...

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.30.09

Post by Kona2 » October 31st, 2009, 11:50 am

Image Get out the cauldrons! Carve out the pumpkins! Definitely roast the pumpkin seeds! It's Halloween.....row like the character you are! (Just don't get your superhero cape caught under the rower seat....)

Image Two more crew members hit the xray machine on their way through the skeleton crew thus far is 21...

Bart Valgaeren 217,000
Chris Tudury 114,339
Jan Stevenson 64,992
Mike Smith 32,346
Will Salach 148,481
Tim Porter 52,551
Barry O'Malley 53,881
Anne Nelson 42,500
Steven Larky 36,539
Mitch Johnson 46,254
Peter Huurman 31,000
William Haag 303,000 - by the end of the day, you'll be well over 20 percent beyond your original goal of 250K - well done!
Kenneth Guenther 36,017
barbara grandberg 111,068
Mike Crossley 50,000
Daniel Cox 154,739
Ted Cowley-Gilbert 47,000
Kiba Chan 40,000
Rick Carveth 43,217
Jim Brink 54,334
Darryl Bathel 86,834

It's a milestone kind of is shimmering.....we've got some celebrating to do! Afterburners were lit yesterday, and the rowing rockets are streaking across the sky towards the target moon!

Season meters as of 183/365 = 50,543,832 m

Total meters on the day = 457,730 m

Oars in space (participation) = 29 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations: Astra Events!

3.2 MM Dan
2.8 MM Chris
1.8 MM Tim
1.0 MM Peter G (and the 19th meter millionaire on this year's team!)
Image + Image A red giant and a full moon for Bart's update of 98,000 m
Image Wild Bill shoots down another red giant plus a CRASH B 2K...with 52,000 m
Image Kiba, busy baker that she is, with a half moon plus some extra for 40K
Image Will S with 35,381 m for a half moon
Image Peter H pops in out of space with 31,000 m
Image Chris with 25,313 m for half marathon # 115 and a victory lap for kayaking (although these were not recorded as on the water meters)
Image Dan with half marathon # 96 and then some
Image Barbara with half marathon/moon # 80

SIX Million Meter Watch:

Wild Bill with (40,000 m) to go!

THREE Million Meter Watch: These rowers popped into the arena!

Bart with (2,000 m) to go....

Kiba with (60,000 m) to go!

TWO Million Meter Watch:

Baz with (60,698 m) to go!

And thanks to all today's crew for getting us closer to the moon!

AJ 4,024 m (like the new avatar)
Ben 4,153 m
Mike C 6,000 m
Tim P 6,213 m
Jim 7,597 m
Keith 9,088 m
Scott 9,438 m
Laurie 9,500 m
K2 10,127 m
Anne 10,500 m
Peter G 11,000 m
Tim P 14,356 m
Darryl 14,520 m
Rick 16,731 m
Barbara 21,140 m
Dan 21,749 m
Chris 25,313 m
Peter H 31,000 m
Will S 35,281 m
Kiba 40,000 m
William H 52,000 m
Bart 93,000 m

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 10.30.09

Post by William H » October 31st, 2009, 1:37 pm

Kona2 wrote: William Haag 303,000 - by the end of the day, you'll be well over 20 percent beyond your original goal of 250K - well done!

SIX Million Meter Watch:

Wild Bill with (40,000 m) to go!
Thanks for the kudos, but I have a confession to make ...

I was so ... annoyed ... that the 354,285 metres posted in the Skeleton Crew Challenge by Paul van Zijl from Australia on the very first day of the challenge have been allowed to stand, that I decided the only way to "get over it" was to row enough metres so his obviously fraudulent posting became irrelevant. That means rowing more than 354,285 metres for the challenge.

We'll see if I make it :shock:

I know that these challenge "Honor Boards" are subject to fraud from time to time and it really shouldn't matter.

I also know that I am rowing for myself (and the Luna-Tics, of course) and should not let such obvious fraudulent "gaming" of these challenges bother me.

But ...

I don't like it and this is my way of putting things right - at least in my world.

I did send an E-Mail to C2 about it at the beginning of the challenge, but have received no response :roll:

A positive side effect of all this rowing will be the achievement of 6 Million Metres for the season - hopefully :wink: Again, we'll see by the end of the day.

At least I can take pride that I am honestly representing my efforts to C2 and my team by having all my metres entered electronically from my PM3 Log Card and, as such, all are verifiable by C2. I wonder how many others who usually show up in the top 10 of the challenges can say the same :?

So ... not the purest of motives, perhaps, but it's resulting in a boat load of metres :D

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

As always, thanks to all for the continuing support and motivation (the good kind) without which I would never have been able to accomplish what I have so far this season.

Now, back to the Erg ...


Just call me, "Wild Bill"

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Post by Kiba » October 31st, 2009, 2:27 pm

Good luck Wild Bill!!

I've felt the same way before. I remember when I was going for my first supernova on June 21, and someone posted 400 000m... Which from personal experience, I'm going to say that's impossible for one person to achieve in 24 hours.

On the other hand sometimes it's hard to know. I used to think Dave Holby was full of it, until I found out more about his story (He's rowing for charity (in a mall I think) in the UK)

At the end of the day, just remember cheaters aren't winners. And in a sport like indoor rowing your main competitor is yourself, and you'll get far more satisfaction out of acheiving personal goals than someone else will by uploading fraudulent workouts just to "win"

As a final note, good luck on this massive mission of yours, you're almost there!! And we're all behind you (with cupcakes!) :)

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Post by William H » October 31st, 2009, 5:12 pm

Kiba wrote: And we're all behind you (with cupcakes!) :)


There will be cupcakes?

Then ... on to Erg Glory :D

Thanks, Kiba :wink:

Just call me, "Wild Bill"

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