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Post by Kona2 » October 2nd, 2009, 11:11 am


Pat -

Happy birthday - belatedly (there was a delay with our communications satellite!)! Wishing you many more birthdays - and renewed zoom with some good thyroid drugs!

Jan aka Kona2

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Post by PJM » October 2nd, 2009, 11:17 am

Ray..you can see the individual meters rowed by going to Team Standings and under the main heading..click on "individuals" and all the individual stats are there..and click on the headings at the top and they become listed by team or alphabetical etc.Hope this helps.. B)


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Post by PJM » October 2nd, 2009, 11:22 am

Kona2 wrote:Image

Pat -

Happy birthday - belatedly (there was a delay with our communications satellite!)! Wishing you many more birthdays - and renewed zoom with some good thyroid drugs!

Jan aka Kona2
Thanks Jan!!!


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Post by PJM » October 2nd, 2009, 12:30 pm



With 40 crew members with their oars in the virtual waters:
#14 in the overall rankings( out of 1121 teams)
#12 in the virtual rankings (out of 119 teams)

17,701,374 meters for the season
107,238 meters for the day

LISA...21,014 meters ImageImage
LINDA...15,916 meters
JIM...14,348 meters
ANDREW...12,615 meters
PAUL...6,500 meters..nice new team page pic, paul B)
PAT...5,472 meters
KATHY...5,082 meters
CINDY...5,049 meters
LAURA...5,025 meters
STU...5,000 meters
BOBBIE...4.005 meters
BERNIE...3,012 meters
TRISTAN...2,100 meters
DALTON...2,100 meters



”There ain’t no rules here. We’re trying to accomplish something.”
- Thomas Edison

You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.”


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Post by n1lul » October 2nd, 2009, 1:38 pm

Thanks for pointing me to the individual meters. There are some monsters out there.
Ray Wright
M-50 5'11" 200lbs.

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Post by dr. espo » October 2nd, 2009, 1:49 pm

n1lul wrote:Thanks for pointing me to the individual meters. There are some monsters out there.
I wonder if they have day jobs!
ps: I had to take the day off yesterday...feeling a bit fatigued after rowing 7 straight days or so...felt good to get back on the erg today though B)
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Post by HiAltRowgal » October 2nd, 2009, 2:06 pm

I have a love-hate relationship with my machine, Ray! Days off do wonders for my bones, though, especially the old hip!

Rockies have done well this week (sorry Brewers fans) and have clinched a playoff spot. Sure wish we lived closer to the BIG CITY sometimes so we could attend more games in person. TV baseball (yawn) just doesn't do it for me!

Pat, our football team plays Florida Atlantic on Saturday. We've been improving each week but are untested with Florida teams so who knows how it will go. Do you know anything about FA? Football is such a big deal in Florida and Texas; it's hard to compete!


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Post by PJM » October 2nd, 2009, 2:13 pm

dr. espo wrote:
n1lul wrote:Thanks for pointing me to the individual meters. There are some monsters out there.
I wonder if they have day jobs!
ps: I had to take the day off yesterday...feeling a bit fatigued after rowing 7 straight days or so...felt good to get back on the erg today though B)
Taking a day off is very helpful in regaining rowing power and "mental" health :lol: All exercise programs call for days of rest to allow the muscles to recover adequately.The muscle fibers can break down without rest.Muscles actually grow when we rest.
So taking time off is a GOOD thing.

Our team is remarkable.There are 62 listed as team members but only 50 of us have our virtual oars in the waters.
The fact that our team has remained consistent in position..varying ever so slightly speaks volumes about the strength, spirit and support that TIMBUK2 is known for.

There is no need to row beyond our physical capabilites to achieve a winning rank.Each of us have goals and they all work together synergistically.That is what team work is all about.There is healthy competition among our mates here..that gives us the ultimate in motivation.So..row as your goals and health allow..where there is injury..another rower takes the lead.Rest & recover!!!Row for the health of it and enjoy the ride!!!


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Post by PJM » October 2nd, 2009, 2:22 pm

HiAltRowgal wrote:I have a love-hate relationship with my machine, Ray! Days off do wonders for my bones, though, especially the old hip!

Rockies have done well this week (sorry Brewers fans) and have clinched a playoff spot. Sure wish we lived closer to the BIG CITY sometimes so we could attend more games in person. TV baseball (yawn) just doesn't do it for me!

Pat, our football team plays Florida Atlantic on Saturday. We've been improving each week but are untested with Florida teams so who knows how it will go. Do you know anything about FA? Football is such a big deal in Florida and Texas; it's hard to compete!


Sorry..no.I don't know much about Football.My husband is a huge football fan...he has tried to teach me the game and I sat thru 4 years of high school football as front row trombone player in the Marching band and pep band.I never got it then and I still am clueless :oops: :lol:
I even had a great book for wives on the game and my dog ate it.Guess it wasn't in the cards for me to learn :? :lol:
I watch and look interested.
I originated in the land of the Cincy Bengals and they have been a disappointment for a long time.Winning this year though.
So Florida FB is not on my list of things I know. :( :oops: :lol:
I would much rather do the beach thing..

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Post by damselfly » October 2nd, 2009, 3:57 pm

PJM wrote: Taking a day off is very helpful in regaining rowing power and "mental" health :lol: All exercise programs call for days of rest to allow the muscles to recover adequately.The muscle fibers can break down without rest.Muscles actually grow when we rest.
So taking time off is a GOOD thing.
Even though I know this, I have such a hard time with it. :( It may be today though, because Friday is housecleaning day (which I just finished), and now I have to settle down and do my (job) work, and I have a commitment out this evening. So, maybe no meters for me today. :cry:

But it's tough when that erg is just sitting in the other room, calling me, and other folks are out there rowing away........

Obsessed? Who, me? :D
-- Lisa

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Post by dr. espo » October 2nd, 2009, 4:24 pm

damselfly wrote:
PJM wrote: Taking a day off is very helpful in regaining rowing power and "mental" health :lol: All exercise programs call for days of rest to allow the muscles to recover adequately.The muscle fibers can break down without rest.Muscles actually grow when we rest.
So taking time off is a GOOD thing.
Even though I know this, I have such a hard time with it. :( It may be today though, because Friday is housecleaning day (which I just finished), and now I have to settle down and do my (job) work, and I have a commitment out this evening. So, maybe no meters for me today. :cry:

But it's tough when that erg is just sitting in the other room, calling me, and other folks are out there rowing away........

Obsessed? Who, me? :D
Obsessed...no way...preoccupied perhaps, but definitely NOT obsesed.

I think it would be a great idea for you to take a day off and just relax, perhaps some nice 2005 Sonoma Cab for you?! yeah, that's the ticket, and I promise you'll feel GREAT.

Now, I can't stay and chat, I have this errr, thing I have to get to, ahhhh, yeah that's it, no worries...now where did I put those rowing gloves...I mean I have to go out and do some yard work, with the gloves ya know...sure, YOU take a rest...lemme see those standings again...

Mike B)
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Post by damselfly » October 2nd, 2009, 4:37 pm

LOL!!! :D

Mike, you're too funny! That made my afternoon!

Don't you have some teeth to drill or something?
-- Lisa

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Post by dr. espo » October 2nd, 2009, 5:09 pm

damselfly wrote:LOL!!! :D

Mike, you're too funny! That made my afternoon!

Don't you have some teeth to drill or something?
Nope, its a no teeth day today...just got in from powerwashing the deck. The good news is that I got to scratch off one item from my "honey-do" list, only problem is when I got to the list to scratch that item off I noticed my honey had added two more!!!!

What's with that???

Mike :shock:
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Post by PJM » October 3rd, 2009, 11:48 am




WAY TO ROW!!!!!!!



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Post by PJM » October 3rd, 2009, 1:07 pm



1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 29,632,484 295 100,449
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 14,135,825 180 78,532
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 7,249,607 69 105,067
4 RowPro Online Virtual Club 6,315,341 81 77,967
5 UK Rowers Virtual Club 4,889,105 75 65,188
6 'Big Blue' International Undefined 4,864,142 14 347,439
7 TIMBUK2 Virtual Club 4,806,504 62 77,524
8 Greenville Indoor Rowing Health Club 4,540,204 81 56,052
9 ANCIENTS Virtual Club 4,223,733 19 222,302
10 Forum Flyers Virtual Club 4,195,594 39 107,579


1 Age Without Limits Virtual Club 29,945,632 295 101,511
2 Free Spirits Virtual Club 14,225,378 180 79,030
3 LUNA-TICS Virtual Club 7,271,658 69 105,386
4 RowPro Online Virtual Club 6,334,113 81 78,199
5 UK Rowers Virtual Club 4,910,105 75 65,468
6 TIMBUK2 Virtual Club 4,832,204 62 77,939
7 ANCIENTS Virtual Club 4,250,813 19 223,727
8 Forum Flyers Virtual Club 4,216,401 39 108,113
9 SUB7 & PaddyPower FRC Team Virtual Club 4,121,096 42 98,121
10 Empty the tanks Virtual Club 3,566,496 58 61,491


949 Joel Westerhof TIMBUK2 M 41 302,274
950 James Kielma TIMBUK2 M 55 293,788
951 Chris Hughes TIMBUK2 M 46 270,412
952 Lisa Hakesley TIMBUK2 F 47 256,995
953 Linda Brown TIMBUK2 F 59 250,630
954 Pat Mazzei TIMBUK2 F 60 218,853
955 William Fisher TIMBUK2 M 61 213,813
956 Andrew Augenstein TIMBUK2 M 57 195,440
957 Christopher John Green TIMBUK2 M 75 170,725
958 mike esposito TIMBUK2 M 53 157,909
959 Raymond Wright TIMBUK2 M 46 154,625
960 Sheryl Moody TIMBUK2 F 44 147,958
961 Bobbie Kielma TIMBUK2 F 57 141,560
962 David Heistand TIMBUK2 M 55 140,440
963 Paul Edgar TIMBUK2 M 41 130,722
964 Michael Taft TIMBUK2 M 39 129,900
965 Charles Pester TIMBUK2 M 51 123,060
966 Spike Clancy TIMBUK2 M 62 112,829
967 Bryan Schreiber TIMBUK2 M 39 110,000
968 Mike O'Rourke TIMBUK2 M 54 101,000
969 Robert Hoffman TIMBUK2 M 67 89,768
970 James (JD) Liddil TIMBUK2 M 49 87,874
971 Yisroel Homnick TIMBUK2 M 50 83,556
972 Ted Parr TIMBUK2 M 50 82,528
973 Glenn Yaniero TIMBUK2 M 47 70,633
974 Gabriela Caranfil TIMBUK2 F 46 66,911
975 Carol S TIMBUK2 F 37 63,502
976 Jeff Rice TIMBUK2 M 60 63,180
977 Kathy Butters TIMBUK2 F 53 62,426
978 Alison Hughes TIMBUK2 F 46 58,770
979 Dalton B TIMBUK2 M 7 56,555
980 E Lynne Fitzmorris TIMBUK2 F 60 44,135
981 Cindy Kepler Reck TIMBUK2 F 37 43,548
982 Tristan B TIMBUK2 M 11 42,406
983 Allison Biggar TIMBUK2 F 26 36,476
984 Erika Millen TIMBUK2 F 41 32,392
985 Sanjeev Kulkarni TIMBUK2 M 48 29,075
986 Daiva Satas TIMBUK2 F 45 27,000
987 Sandi Jump TIMBUK2 F 42 22,665
988 MARY HILLMAN TIMBUK2 F 65 19,350
989 Julie Dillon TIMBUK2 F 37 19,202
990 Leif Henecke TIMBUK2 M 48 15,750
991 Joy Chan TIMBUK2 F 30 13,325
992 Bernie Julian TIMBUK2 M 58 13,012
993 Brian Varney TIMBUK2 M 44 11,680
994 Laura Southward-Ellis TIMBUK2 F 45 10,069
995 Grace Rodnitzki TIMBUK2 F 40 9,451
996 beverly dellinger TIMBUK2 F 57 9,000
997 Dave Hall TIMBUK2 M 46 7,907
998 Kelsey Olsberg TIMBUK2 F 21 7,026
999 Chris Tompsett TIMBUK2 M 48 6,320
1000 ROBERT AYRES TIMBUK2 M 51 3,779

GO TEAM!!!!!!!


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