LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 9.01.09

Post by Kona2 » September 2nd, 2009, 9:42 am

Take a minute and sign up for the Fall Rowing Challenge, Luna-nauts! Crew participation (oars in space) is up as more rowing machines are freed of their dust bunnies....might be a good opportunity to do some quick maintenance on our relatively maintenance-free ergs....add a bit of chain lube! We have a long way to row, after all !

Image Under the light of yet another full moon, Wild Bill is thundering towards his four millionth meter of the rowing year!

Season meters as of 124/365 = 29,546,300 m

Total meters on the day = 257,980 m

Oars in space = 35 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

3.9 MM William H
Image Wild Bill with a full moon @ 43,000 m
Image Barbara with half marathon #35 on the year rows 25,610 m (whew)

FOUR Million Meter Watch:

Image William H with (99,000 m) to go!

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Peter H with (39,977 m) to go! Definitely in the red zone!

Jim with (82,556 m) to go!

And thanks to today's rowers for bringing us closer to target moon!

Coulter 3,014 m
Terry 5,239 m (row Terry row!)
Peter G 5,500 m
Tom M 6,000 m
Brandy 6,100 m (almost to 100K!)
Tom R 6,273 m
Rick 6,682 m
Teresa 6,832 m
Steven 7,187 m
Jim 7,269 m
Lilia 8,000 m (what's another language when you already know at least two!?'s impressive, that's what!)
Mike M 10,000 m
Ted 11,000 m
Peter H 12,345 m
Tim 14,428 m
Image 14,530 m
Will S 17,254 m
David G 17,311 m
Jack 19,179 m
Barbara 25,610 m
William H 43,000 m

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Re: Too Perfect!

Post by bg » September 2nd, 2009, 11:52 am

Kona2 wrote:Hahahahahaha ha! That BC comic strip is too perfect for my scenario! You see, fellow Luna-Tics, I was a lucky Cheezer participant and won the random drawing for the Concept2 gym bag with all its goodies from the Vermont to Vegas contest. Yesterday the UPS delivery guy left the prize box from Concept2 on the porch...and noticed there was a baby snake....a baby rattlesnake. Fortunately the UPS driver's next delivery was to my neighbor - and he relayed that there was a snake on my porch. Kind neighbor went out and whacked the snake. Hopefully there are not a million other baby snakes lurking in my yard...our neighborhood lost one dog to a snake bite a few weeks ago. Bam, bam, bam to any snakes getting close to my dogs....!
congrats on winning the bag.....hopefully you'll have no more snakes....

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Re: Too Perfect!

Post by Leaky Tiki » September 2nd, 2009, 2:16 pm

Kona2 wrote:Hahahahahaha ha! That BC comic strip is too perfect for my scenario! You see, fellow Luna-Tics, I was a lucky Cheezer participant and won the random drawing for the Concept2 gym bag with all its goodies from the Vermont to Vegas contest. Yesterday the UPS delivery guy left the prize box from Concept2 on the porch...and noticed there was a baby snake....a baby rattlesnake. Fortunately the UPS driver's next delivery was to my neighbor - and he relayed that there was a snake on my porch. Kind neighbor went out and whacked the snake. Hopefully there are not a million other baby snakes lurking in my yard...our neighborhood lost one dog to a snake bite a few weeks ago. Bam, bam, bam to any snakes getting close to my dogs....!
Glad you caught him at the door. Had a rattler in my living room last month....exciting business! The weather stripping under my screen door had been pulled off and he slithered under. I don't believe the erg has ever got my heart rate going that fast.

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Location: Denver, CO did you get rid of the snake?

Post by Kona2 » September 2nd, 2009, 4:05 pm

Mike - just in did you get rid of the snake?

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Re: did you get rid of the snake?

Post by just27 » September 2nd, 2009, 5:25 pm

Kona2 wrote:Mike - just in did you get rid of the snake?
Well, duh, you whack it with your B.C. snake stick ... bam, bam, bam.
(But first you must leave a trail of Purina Snake Chow to entice it out from behind the couch.)

Or, you could surround it with fresh baked bread and let Jesse-the-bread-bandit loose.

Ever considered getting a pet mongoose? (plural: mongeese?) I believe they worked well for Hawaii.

Okay, I'll stop helping. Let's see what Mike recommends ... though his smoked Los Angeles rattlesnakes might respond differently than your mile-high variety.

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Post by nl07695 » September 3rd, 2009, 2:56 am

Hi Jan,

Can I come over for dinner? I still remember very well the taste of the Cobra I had years ago in Indonesia. The meat was very nice and deliciously seasoned and prepared. It's a good and healthier alternative for Kiba pizzas as rowing fuel.

Bar-B-Q'd Rattler

~ 1 rattlesnake, cut into 2 inch steaks
~ 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
~ 1/2 cup honey
~ 1 tbsp fresh ground ginger
~ seasame seeds

In a bowl, mix together the teriyaki sauce, honey and ginger.
Pour marinade into a large ziplock bag. Add the snake steaks.
Squeeze out the air and seal. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
Remove the steaks and roll in seasame seeds.
Place on hot grill. Cook over medium heat until done.

Serve and Enjoy!

Peter H.

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Post by Kona2 » September 3rd, 2009, 8:16 am

Everything sounds really good...if you can get past the snake is the steak part. Aaack.

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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 9.02.09

Post by Kona2 » September 3rd, 2009, 8:47 am


Fall Challenge Team: I am hoping to get a view of who is on the roster sometime today!

Season meters as of 125/365 = 29,723,568 m

Total meters on the day = 177,268 m

Oars in space = 22 percent

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

700K Mitch J! Good to see you back on the erg!

Image Half moon for Wild Bill with 22,000 m
Image Barbara with half marathon # 36
Image Chris with half marathon # 83

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Peter H with (27,632 m) to go!

Jim with (75,231 m) to go!

FOUR Million Meter Watch:

Wild Bill with (77,000 m) to go!

Great rowing by all today's crew:

Jane 3,014 m
Terry 5,000 m
Mitch 5,517 m
Peter G 7,000 m
Steven 7,180 m
Jim 7,325 m
Peter H 12,345 m
Tim 14,370 m
Darryl 14,630 m
K2 16,500 m
Will S 20,010 m
Chris 21,097 m
Barbara 21,280 m
William H 22,000 m

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FRC Team Thus Far

Post by Kona2 » September 3rd, 2009, 9:59 am

Here's the list of FRC Luna-Tics Team participants as of this morning:

1 David A. Alden
2 Tim Garlick
3 Daniel Cox
4 Kristine Strasburger
5 Jan Stevenson
6 Terry Miele
7 David Thomas Garcia
8 Ted Cowley-Gilbert
9 Debbie Rohlwing
10 Nancy Flagg
11 William Haag
12 Rick Carveth
13 Dana Smith
14 John Longmire
15 Tom McGuire
16 Gail Whitelaw
17 Mike Mulvihill
18 Dawn Howe
19 Will Salach
20 Peter Huurman
21 Gina Levy
22 Tim Porter
23 Mitch Johnson
24 Angelo Papadopoulos
25 Andy Ward
26 Chris Tudury
27 Steven Larky
28 Jennifer Goodman
29 barbara grandberg
30 Bart Valgaeren
31 Barry O'Malley
32 Lilia Luna-Huurman
33 Kiba Chan

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Just like chicken ... ?

Post by just27 » September 3rd, 2009, 11:25 am

nl07695 wrote: Bar-B-Q'd Rattler

~ 1 rattlesnake, cut into 2 inch steaks
~ 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
~ 1/2 cup honey
~ 1 tbsp fresh ground ginger
~ seasame seeds
" ... tastes just like chicken?"

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Re: Just like chicken ... ?

Post by DuluthMoose » September 3rd, 2009, 12:06 pm

just27 wrote:
nl07695 wrote: Bar-B-Q'd Rattler

~ 1 rattlesnake, cut into 2 inch steaks
~ 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
~ 1/2 cup honey
~ 1 tbsp fresh ground ginger
~ seasame seeds
" ... tastes just like chicken?"
Never et snake before, but my mind's eye sees it more like eating a long chicken neck, if it tastes like chicken.... Snapping turtle I've eaten quite a bit in my poorer college days and it tastes pretty good. Some say that tastes like eating chicken, but I say it tastes like snapping turtle. And I've eaten gator and sea crock, and that's not bad either. Same story. I think "taste like eating chicken" phrase is an old wives story meant to get kids to eat something other than chicken drumsticks!

Kona2 - I know rattlesnakes don't mix with humans and their pets in urban area backyards. But all God's critters have a place in the choir. If your State DNR or municipality has a rattlesnake hotline to call where someone would come out, capture the snake, and release it where it won't be a public hazard, that would be what I would suggest. SE Minnesota has such a service for timber rattlers; don't know about Colorado.

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Post by bg » September 3rd, 2009, 5:00 pm

nl07695 wrote:Hi Jan,

Can I come over for dinner? I still remember very well the taste of the Cobra I had years ago in Indonesia. The meat was very nice and deliciously seasoned and prepared. It's a good and healthier alternative for Kiba pizzas as rowing fuel.

Bar-B-Q'd Rattler

~ 1 rattlesnake, cut into 2 inch steaks
~ 1/2 cup teriyaki sauce
~ 1/2 cup honey
~ 1 tbsp fresh ground ginger
~ seasame seeds

In a bowl, mix together the teriyaki sauce, honey and ginger.
Pour marinade into a large ziplock bag. Add the snake steaks.
Squeeze out the air and seal. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
Remove the steaks and roll in seasame seeds.
Place on hot grill. Cook over medium heat until done.

Serve and Enjoy!

Peter H.

hmmm..if i could substitute the snake with tofu and leave out the sesame seeds......

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Re: did you get rid of the snake?

Post by Leaky Tiki » September 4th, 2009, 2:49 am

Kona2 wrote:Mike - just in did you get rid of the snake?
Kona, sorry for the delay. I usually only check the forum the day after I've rowed (how self-centered). He (she?) was against the baseboard of one wall and I used the *** DELETE - SPAM *** broom to shoo him into turning 180 degrees (still against the baseboard). Then I prodded him into heading into a corner, and he slithered down another baseboard and out the front door. The whole process took about two minutes for him to travel ten feet or so. The only real problem was every so often he would coil, and rear his head. The broom was probably 4.5 feet long, but I had no idea how far the snake might jump (he was maybe 24-30 inches long). Afterwards, my neighbor asked why I didn't just call Vector Control, but if they hadn't arrived soon enough and I lost track of him in the house I don't know if I could've fallen asleep. Then my neighbor added "Do you really think that's the first one that ever got in?" :shock: Big help. King snakes are infrequent visitors in the garage, where the rower is, but they only bother the mice, not me. Don't know if he would have tasted like chicken. I much prefer steaks on the barbie.

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Post by Dave_H » September 4th, 2009, 8:58 am

Hi All,

I have been "AWOL" for a while now - took an impromptu road trip (~3,500kms) with my wife up to Queensland for some sunshine, some whale watching, some surf... and some fun! Looks like some great work has been done in my absence - congrats to our new millionaire Ted, our multi millionaire Chris, and belated birthday wishes to Gina!

Cheers to all, will spend some time on the erg tomorrow! B)

PS - Kiba, the suggestion from the Moose is spot on - try it! Should low cost to buy these tiles and they really work!

If not, tell your neighbours we will be over to sort their objections out! :twisted: Some of your 40 new friends will no doubt be able to explain the importance of erging to them!

PPS - Uncle Pete rocks! Way to put those Gen Y upstarts in their place! B)

PPPS(?) - Snakes in houses - not the best combo... my mum found an Eastern Brown Snake in the outside toilet on our farm many years ago. Two things learnt - shooting a snake in a porcelain toilet isn't good for the porcelain; and finding a highly venemous snake where you ar just about to sit down can lead to constipation! :lol: :oops:


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress Thru 9.3.09

Post by Kona2 » September 4th, 2009, 10:22 am

ImageFall Challenge Team roster continues to fill in - it's all good! More people = more fun = more meters = closer to the moooon! You want to be on this list!

1 David A. Alden
2 Tim Garlick
3 Daniel Cox
4 Kristine Strasburger
5 Jan Stevenson
6 Terry Miele
7 David Thomas Garcia
8 Ted Cowley-Gilbert
9 Debbie Rohlwing
10 Nancy Flagg
11 William Haag
12 Rick Carveth
13 Dana Smith
14 John Longmire
15 Tom McGuire
16 Gail Whitelaw
17 Mike Mulvihill
18 Dawn Howe
19 Linda Bressem
20 Will Salach
21 Peter Huurman
22 Darryl Bathel
23 Gina Levy
24 Tim Porter
25 Mitch Johnson
26 Angelo Papadopoulos
27 Andy Ward
28 Chris Tudury
29 David Hunter
30 Steven Larky
31 Jennifer Goodman
32 barbara grandberg
33 Bart Valgaeren
34 Barry O'Malley
35 Lilia Luna-Huurman
36 Kiba Chan
37 Jim Brink
38 Brandy Cowley-Gilbert

Season meters as of 126/365 = 29,890,101 m

Total meters on the day = 166,533 m

Oars in space = 25 percent

MILESTONES....Bragging Rights....Celebrations:

1.3 MM Will S
1.2 MM Image
700 K Peter G

Image Barbara with half marathon # 37 and 25,106 m
Image Chris with half marathon # 84

FOUR Million Meter Watch:

Wild Bill with (77,000 m) still to go! A rare day off yesterday...or alien abduction? Image

ONE Million Meter Watch:

Peter H with (27,632 m) to go!

Jim with (67,718 m) to go!

And thanks to each of you for every single meter:

Barbara 25,106 m
Chris 21,097 m
Will S 20,113 m
Darryl 14,776 m
Tim 14,137 m
Peter G 11,500 m
Ted 8,000 m
Jim 7,513 m
Steven 7,147 m
K2 7,000 m
Tom M 6,327 m
Brandy 6,300 m
Mitch 6,020 m
Terry 5,100 m
Tom R 3,386 m
Coulter 3,011 m

Have a blue sky day wherever you row! Keep the moon in your sights!!


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