by PJM » April 29th, 2009, 4:55 pm
The 2009 Logbook/Ranking Year Ends April 30!
On May 1, your main logbook page will display a new 2010 online logbook which covers May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010. After April 30, 2009, the main logbook page will only accept meters for the 2010 ranking season. After April 30, any meters you have to enter for the 2009 ranking season (or other past seasons) will need to be entered under History.
All of your meters will be accrued toward your Lifetime Meters, which show up under your name at the top of the logbook homepage. To see meters from past seasons, click History from your logbook homepage.
Coming Soon…
Watch your online logbook for a 2009 season certificate. You will be able to download an end-of-year certificate showing your total meters for the year. This is a great way to display your accomplishments!
Also, soon you will be able to order Million Meter Club prizes directly from your logbook (U.S. & Canada only)! Once you log over one million meters (or more!) on the indoor rower, Million Meter Club links will appear under Challenges. Remember, it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to reach your goal, and historical indoor meters count! Keep watching your Challenges page for details.
World Rowing Challenge (WRC) Wrap-Up
Two-hundred and thirty teams competed this year, racking up 504,791,396 meters in the World Rowing Challenge!
North Texas Rowing and Fitness Club, located in McKinney, Texas, rowed the most meters this year with over 49 million meters! With only 10 team members, Grenville Rowing Club in Ontario, Canada, rowed the greatest number of meters per participant—averaging over half a million meters each. Both these clubs won a new indoor rower, as did two randomly selected clubs: Manhattan Masters Rowing Club in Manhattan, Kansas, and Winston Family YMCA in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
The top ten eligible men and women with the most meters received an assortment of Concept2 goodies. Twenty randomly chosen participants won too! Visit the WRC page to access statistics, prize winners and the final standings for the challenge.
Happy New Ranking Year!
The Concept2 Crew
Concept2 Inc.
105 Industrial Park Dr.
Morrisville, VT 05661