LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Post by DuluthMoose » January 23rd, 2009, 8:47 am

acrewer wrote:not sure how to get this picture to post here, but I saw this and thought it would be appropriate to share.. ... 00331.html

I may just have to buy one to hang next to the erg.



lol Good One Gina! Nice to start my day with a good laugh!
.... and another one bites the dust.


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tom pinckney
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Post by tom pinckney » January 23rd, 2009, 9:55 am

Kristine: the challenges are meant to put in total meters within a time periord of days. This serves as an incentive to get better and better and d0 things at our pace. I believe that's a great idea because it's "good for us! If one is interested in their (standings against others) meters/times on the erg, it is available elsewhere on the webiste.

There really isn't a "level playing field" when it comes to what one can accomplish. Some of us (retired) have a lot more time to be on the erg (and perhaps pace ourselves throughout the day), while others (work) are limited as to how much time they have. Thus - whatever we do for US is what really matters.

We can compete against ourselves or try to beat the meters rowed by someone else as an incentive also. In my case, my goal is to beat the meters I had last year (600,000). So far, I am doing it and hope to get 700,000. However, I may fall off of the erg first!

Thanks to you and others that have maintained the team room for us. I don't believe any changes are in order.

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JVC Daily Record

Post by DuluthMoose » January 23rd, 2009, 10:13 am

DuluthMoose wrote:Image

Stong Rowing JVC team! We are in fourth place overall and slowly widening the gap between us and RowPro.

We have 8 more days to go in this challenge!

Congratulations to the following milestone achievers:

700K Will H
400K David H, Dan R
100K Rodrigo
Way to row!!!!

JVC Team STARS for the Day
Will Haag 50,000 meters
Dan Roden 44,000 meters
Andrea Cosmin 22,544 meers
Eva-Kristin Schuster 21,322 meters
Chris Turdury 21,097 meters
Kristine Strasburger 21,097 meters
Way to Row!!!!

January Virtual Team Challenge Individual Standings

Name Total Event Meters
David A. Alden 186,174
Michael Anderson 177,074
Darryl Bathel 318,864
Kristine Bay 49,044
Joseph Bennett 70,038
Alistair Black 69,148
Noelle Boyle 0
Pat Byron 4,075
Kiba Chan 520,000
Andrea Cosmin 148,096
Ted Cowley-Gilbert 281,000
Daniel Cox 511,169
Mike Crossley 22,996
Chris Czech 145,687
Nancy Flagg 2,300
Karyn Gallagher 220,379
Rodrigo Garcia 100,985
barbara grandberg 34,758
David Grasfield 91,000
Nigel Greene 101,563
Kenneth Guenther 163,123
William Haag 736,095
Mary Harper 211,084
Robert Hess 85,000
Dawn Howe 28,000
David Hunter 400,902
Peter Huurman 165,000
Bil Kerrigan 94,785
Steven Larky 212,000
Gina Levy 114,481
John Longmire 174,310
Dana Mitchell 55,020
Jane Newall 0
Orion Newall-Vuillemot 0
Anais Newall-Vuillemot 0
Elias Newall-Vuillemot 0
Laurie Pachter 67,663
Angelo Papadopoulos 83,076
Anthony Parendo 179,178
Tom Pinckney 478,000
Tim Porter 146,628
Dan Rhoden 438,000
Debbie Rohlwing 15,923
Tom Rosengarth 54,952
Will Salach 547,908
Eva-Kristin Schuster 125,162
Sorin Spanoche 20,000
Andrea Spoehr 0
Jan Stevenson 106,111
Kristine Strasburger 175,793
Keith Strasburger 35,289
Tim Strasburger 41,358
Ben Strasburger 28,543
Chris Tudury 376,844
AJ Tudury 127,865
peter verdirame 97,000
Debbie Vuillemot 6,003
Andy Ward 4,000
Nicole Williams 3,423
Will Worthwine 99,404

Total Challenge Meters as of 7 AM CST = 8,761,273 m

Total Meters on the Day = 437,325 m


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Post by just27 » January 23rd, 2009, 1:09 pm

tom pinckney wrote:Kristine ... whatever we do for US is what really matters ... I don't believe any changes are in order.
I'm not sure I "get" Dan's post about how to count a HM or FM. No matter. For me, I only count it if I preset the monitor. (Shoot a PM to the Statster if you want your HM/FM effort recognized ... there is no way of telling from the download.)

I'm with Tom, and leaving status quo. Whatever makes sense for you and your motivation. (Tom ... every time I read a post from you, I have to run over to the teachers' lounge and grab a donut ... they always have a selection to rival any police station.)


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Daily Stats

Post by DuluthMoose » January 23rd, 2009, 1:13 pm

DuluthMoose wrote:Luna-Tic Stats for January 22, 2009
brought to you by DuluthMoose, subbing for, but not up to Kona2’s usual high standards….
You’ll have to prove it to me if you think that I’ve erred. Otherwise this report is as perfect as I’ll ever get.

Season meters to date = 52,129,116 m!

Total meters for January 22 = 322,694!

37 percent of our oars in the water!

Milestones! (…with less restrictive definitions of FM and HM being used on a trail basis)

Congratulations to Will H for a Full “Moon” Marathon and then some….

Congratulations on Half "Moon" Marathons for Captain K, #18; and Chris T ( a whole bunch) Image

2.7 mm Darryl
1.8 mm Steve L
1.7 mm Ted

And today's stars are:

Will H 50,000 m
Andrea C 22,544 m
Kristine 21,097 m
Chris T 21,097 m
Tom P 18,000 m
Rodrigo 17,991 m
David H 16,207 m
Ted C-G 15,000 m
Peter H 15,000 m
Moose 14,519 m
Karyn 10,508 m
Will S 10,105 m
Ken 10,022 m
Mary H 10,019 m
Steven L 10,000 m
Tim P 10,000 m
Tina 9,138 m
Joe B 6,645 m
Gina 6,483 m
Tony 6,302 m
AJ 6.104 m
Peter V 5,000 m
Ben S 4,503 m Payback for yesterday? Who rows first tonight?
Tim S 4,500 m
Sorin 2,000 m

A couple of rowing "hams".
PAY Attention to the STROKE!

Way to row Team!
Last edited by DuluthMoose on January 24th, 2009, 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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William H
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Post by William H » January 23rd, 2009, 3:45 pm

just27 wrote: For me, I only count it if I preset the monitor. (Shoot a PM to the Statster if you want your HM/FM effort recognized ... there is no way of telling from the download.)

I'm a bit of a traditionalist - well, maybe more than a bit ... :?

Doing a Full Marathon or a Half Marathon is just as much a mental exercise as a physical one.

One should challenge oneself at the outset and then accomplish the goal.

I believe this can only be achieved if one sets the monitor to the desired meters and then rows it - in one session.

Rowing separate stints at various times of the day that happen to add up to a Full or Half Marathon total is just not the same.

Therefore, I am not in favor of recognizing Full or Half Marathons based solely on meter totals. As Chris suggested, if you row a FM/HM, let us know and we will be lavish with our approbation :lol:

Having said that, however, and recognizing the value of the encouragement offered by our team, may I suggest an alternative?

I really like the Full Moon and Half Moon graphics as recognition for logging the equivalent (or more) of the FM/HM meters. I just don't like the fact that the "Marathon" verbiage is used.

How about we recognize these achievements and simply call them "Full Moons" and "Half Moons?"


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Post by TechExplorer » January 23rd, 2009, 9:15 pm

I second the thoughts of Wild Bill,A Full Marathon / Half Marathon should be
done @ one sitting ,not spread thru out the day! It makes it, more sweeter when completed!

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Segmented HM and FM

Post by DuluthMoose » January 23rd, 2009, 11:18 pm

Seems to me the discussion boils down to 3 different ways of rowing the required meters for HM and FM, and they are dependent on the goals of the rower 1) accomplishing the meters anyway they can OR 2) accomplishing the meters within imposed boundaries (all in one sitting, generally in the least amount of time possible, PM4 must remain active, whatever) OR 3) the interval rower (Crash B rower) who is generally more athletic than type 1 or 2, and is often training for on the water rowing, but can rack up the required number of meters for a HM in a session, but they take breaks between intervals. And they usually have more intense workouts than type 1 and 2 rowers.

Type 1 is the citizen racer in a foot race marathon. They run, they walk, they sit on the curb, and many cross the finish line. This is going to include the inexperienced attempt or the rare attempt at long distance rowing and the rower doesn't really know if they have the physical ability or "guts" to stick it out to accomplish the row.

Type 2 seems to be the elite racer in a foot race marathon. They run the race with confidence, tracking minutes per mile, and running a well planned out race. Likewise there is this level of confidence in the rower that they can set the PM4 to a HM or FM countdown and make the row in one sitting. This requires the rower be experienced and know their physical ability. They are more rewarded when it takes a shorter the time to do the row, then the last one.

So should we only count type 2 rowers for HM and FM? I vote no. But I'll also add that a rowing session for type 1 and 3 rowers IS OVER, once the rower is no longer primarily focused on rowing in that session. You head to the shower, leave the gym, or head out for coffee or lunch and you are definitely done rowing for that particular HM or FM in that session. My $.02

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Re: Daily Stats

Post by just27 » January 23rd, 2009, 11:50 pm

DuluthMoose wrote:Image
PAY Attention to the STROKE!
Way to row Team!
Hey, hey ... when did the cute little rodents show up? ... I'm sure they weren't there earlier! Tricky, Moose-edits.

Who wants to lay odds on when we hear from Jan in New Zealand? I'm guessing an uploaded bike shot on Sunday, with sheep in the background. Or Hobbits. (No, K2, don't pick up The Ring!)

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Post by tom pinckney » January 24th, 2009, 7:24 am

Last year I rowed 54,000 in one day. However, it was over the entire day with HOURS of time between sessions. Yep - it was a lot of meters, but did not compare to even a 1/2 marathon.

I agree with William. It is a mental AND physical feat to accomplish either one of them and should be recognized as such. You are only kidding yourself if you do it any way than what's recognized on the Concept II website. Rowing a 1/2 or full marathon should only be counted as "completed" unless it is done at one sitting. According to the rules (somewhere on the website), you are allowed to take SHORT breaks which would probably mean to stretch, eat or drink, but not for very long.

Today, I'm going to Pa for a fishing seminar and won't (most likely) have time to row. That leaves me with seven more days to get 200,000 meters. I WILL make my goal. I'm posting that right here to MAKE me do it. Goals set and made public = goals to meet.

Here's an incentive for all of us: a challenge to others: row at least a 1/2 or full marathon each day between now and the end of the challenge. Who's with me? :D
Last edited by tom pinckney on January 24th, 2009, 8:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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JVC Daily Record

Post by DuluthMoose » January 24th, 2009, 8:50 am

DuluthMoose wrote:Image

We are in fourth place overall this morning.

Now that there are less days left than I have fingers, I can get an accurate count. Including today, there are 8 more days to go in this challenge! Lets meet those personal goals this next week!

Congratulations to the following milestone achievers:

500K Tom P
100K Peter V, Will W
Way to row!!!!

JVC Team STARS for the Day
Will Haag 38,905 meters
Rodrigo Garcia 22,284 meters
Tom Pinckney 22,000 meers
Way to Row!!!!

January Virtual Team Challenge Individual Standings

Name Total Event Meters
David A. Alden 186,174
Michael Anderson 192,074
Darryl Bathel 333,484
Kristine Bay 49,044
Joseph Bennett 85,314
Alistair Black 71,321
Noelle Boyle 0
Pat Byron 4,075
Kiba Chan 520,000
Andrea Cosmin 148,096
Ted Cowley-Gilbert 281,000
Daniel Cox 511,169
Mike Crossley 30,496
Chris Czech 151,921
Nancy Flagg 2,300
Karyn Gallagher 220,379
Rodrigo Garcia 123,269
barbara grandberg 34,758
David Grasfield 91,000
Nigel Greene 101,563
Kenneth Guenther 170,639
William Haag 775,000
Mary Harper 221,162
Robert Hess 85,000
Dawn Howe 28,000
David Hunter 400,902
Peter Huurman 165,000
Bil Kerrigan 94,785
Steven Larky 222,000
Gina Levy 114,481
John Longmire 174,310
Dana Mitchell 55,020
Jane Newall 0
Orion Newall-Vuillemot 0
Anais Newall-Vuillemot 0
Elias Newall-Vuillemot 0
Laurie Pachter 67,663
Angelo Papadopoulos 83,076
Anthony Parendo 185,583
Tom Pinckney 500,000
Tim Porter 146,628
Dan Rhoden 438,000
Debbie Rohlwing 15,923
Tom Rosengarth 54,952
Will Salach 561,212
Eva-Kristin Schuster 125,162
Sorin Spanoche 20,000
Andrea Spoehr 0
Jan Stevenson 106,111
Kristine Strasburger 175,793
Keith Strasburger 35,289
Tim Strasburger 51,366
Ben Strasburger 33,046
Chris Tudury 391,894
AJ Tudury 127,865
peter verdirame 101,000
Debbie Vuillemot 6,003
Andy Ward 4,000
Nicole Williams 3,423
Will Worthwine 100,404

Total Challenge Meters as of 6 AM CST = 8,978,129 m

Total Meters on the Day = 216,856 m


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Re: Segmented HM and FM

Post by Toothdoc » January 24th, 2009, 11:01 am

DuluthMoose wrote:Seems to me the discussion boils down to 3 different ways of rowing the required meters for HM and FM, and they are dependent on the goals of the rower 1) accomplishing the meters anyway they can OR 2) accomplishing the meters within imposed boundaries (all in one sitting, generally in the least amount of time possible, PM4 must remain active, whatever) OR 3) the interval rower (Crash B rower) who is generally more athletic than type 1 or 2, and is often training for on the water rowing, but can rack up the required number of meters for a HM in a session, but they take breaks between intervals. And they usually have more intense workouts than type 1 and 2 rowers.

Type 1 is the citizen racer in a foot race marathon. They run, they walk, they sit on the curb, and many cross the finish line. This is going to include the inexperienced attempt or the rare attempt at long distance rowing and the rower doesn't really know if they have the physical ability or "guts" to stick it out to accomplish the row.

Type 2 seems to be the elite racer in a foot race marathon. They run the race with confidence, tracking minutes per mile, and running a well planned out race. Likewise there is this level of confidence in the rower that they can set the PM4 to a HM or FM countdown and make the row in one sitting. This requires the rower be experienced and know their physical ability. They are more rewarded when it takes a shorter the time to do the row, then the last one.

So should we only count type 2 rowers for HM and FM? I vote no. But I'll also add that a rowing session for type 1 and 3 rowers IS OVER, once the rower is no longer primarily focused on rowing in that session. You head to the shower, leave the gym, or head out for coffee or lunch and you are definitely done rowing for that particular HM or FM in that session. My $.02

Hey Moose,

Well thought out and well put. I think you pretty much nailed it. Was may post a few days ago about ways to row a HM or FM causing all this discussion? What I was tring to do was describe as a legal method of rowing and collecting the meters. Moose has distilled the essence of the issue down so that it is prefectly clear. And the key is when your session is over. I would like to add to moose's definition: you could still be in the gym but have move to different equipment, that would end your rowing session too. And you must add the time,between pieces, when you are not rowing into your total time rowed.

I only put this up because of session I rowed a couple days ago. I wasn't sure want I wanted to row, So started out with a light wormup of 560 meters, then I did a more aggressive warmup of 2023 meters. At this point I set the meter to Just Row with the intention of rowing about 25-30K. When I got to 30 it dawned on me; I only had a few meters to reach the FM number. So I soldiered on. After completing this workout I emailed both Kona2 and C2 to ask if I could legally claim a marathom for this row and both said yes.

Notice I never got off the erg except to strecth or for bathrom break; both legel and encouraged when using the count down method. Now had I left, for say 15 minutes or more, and came back this would not have been considered one session. You will also notice all the entries in my Logbook are of the (standard C2Log) except one that I entered manually so I include the time in between pieces, a total of 2 minutes.

I never intended to imply you could row in the AM, the PM and the evening and count it as one session, unless of course you never get off the erg other than to strecth or use the bathroomm or you keep the monitor working continusely.

I hope this clarifies the issue rather than making it more obscure.

Dan C

PS I hope this gives you all a chuckle. The hazards of getting old with bad eyesight struck this AM. I rolled out of bed about 8 AM went immediately to my dop kit to retieve my aspirin and cholesterol medicine. Some minutes after swallowing the 2 pills I went back to see how many refills I had on the cholesterol med only to discover I have taken a Lunesta by mistake. So my question is. If I row a marathon this AM with a sleeping pill in my system will I stay awake for the entire row and is this considered doping or just being a dope?

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Post by grams » January 24th, 2009, 11:56 am

One more clarification please. It was my understanding when I did my marathons that all the times, both bathroom breaks and rowing had to be added together for the final time. Just like running or cycling, if you stop to have a drink or take a 'natural break' you must include that time in your overall time. Are you including the time you were resetting the PM4 etc in you time, and was the marathon a single session?

For marathons C2 says if you want to rank your time:
1. At least one support person must be present throughout the marathon attempt. This person will keep a log of your meters rowed at intervals throughout the marathon and will serve as your witness upon successful completion. This person is also helpful to be there if you run into any trouble or need extra water, etc...

2. You may rest as often as you need to, but we suggest a minimum break of several minutes in each hour of rowing; you should drink fluids at least every half hour.

3. It is allowable for the wheel to stop spinning. But, your elapsed time must also include all the time that the wheel is not spinning, so you will need to figure out how best to balance your work time and rest time to optimize the rate at which you can accumulate meters.

During my first marathon I developed a bad blister and had to run upstairs for a bandaid. I included that time in the row. And the leap off the machine to unstick my cd player. Otherwise I was on the machine without any other breaks.

2nd marathon I prepared better and did it without stopping. For officiating purposes for both marathons I had a stopwatch running to get the total elapsed time in case something happened to my PM3, and my husband was my witness and backup time tracker.

My take is that if you want official recognition you need to have a witness and a backup timer which tracks the total time from the time you sit down until you finish and fall off.

(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
5 kids, 6 grandkids, 1 great-granddaughter
Marathon mugs available at Profits go to charity

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Post by just27 » January 24th, 2009, 12:55 pm

grams wrote: ... my take is that if you want official recognition you need to have a witness and a backup timer which tracks the total time from the time you sit down until you finish and fall off.

Very cool HM and FM mugs and coffee cups, Grams! Thank you for sharing the link to the motherlode.

Cheers to all the Ducks we meet on our way to the moon.

(Dan, are you asleep yet?)

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Post by Toothdoc » January 24th, 2009, 2:32 pm

just27 wrote:
grams wrote: ... my take is that if you want official recognition you need to have a witness and a backup timer which tracks the total time from the time you sit down until you finish and fall off.

Very cool HM and FM mugs and coffee cups, Grams! Thank you for sharing the link to the motherlode.

Cheers to all the Ducks we meet on our way to the moon.

(Dan, are you asleep yet?)
I've got 12,000 meters to go. Nodding a little.


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