The link that Xeno posted didn't work, so I did a search and here it is, Without going over things point by point, and wanting to end this thread on a good note, I wish you [Xeno] the best with your business and your WaterRowers.Sunday, November 02, 2008
Side By Side Comparison WaterRower And Concept2
Hello Rowers
I love my WaterRower.
Today I had a side by side comparison of the WaterRower and the Concept2 at a regatta here in Newport Beach, called NARF (Newport Autumn Rowing Festival).
Here are a few reasons why I enjoy the WaterRower:
1. The WaterRower is made out of wood and the design is pleasing to the eye.
2. You have a clear view of the scenery, because there is no huge flywheel sitting ahead of the foot board. This makes TV viewing easy and face to face rowing with a partner more comfortable.
3. The seat is form fitting and comfortable, no need for a seat pad or folded towel to keep the rear from getting soar.
4. The handle is softer to the touch and therefore kinder on the finger joints.
5. The belt mechanism is quiet, whereas the concept2 chain noise is loud and metalic. 6. The water sound is quieter and kinder to the ears than the whistle of the C2 flywheel. This makes rowing at home more social with non rowing family members.
7. The connection at the beginning of the rowing stroke (catch) is smoother on the WaterRower than on the C2.
8. The resistance on the WaterRower is more evenly spread out through the stroke, from catch to finish, than on the C2, where you find the resistance of the finish running out, unless you really keep the acceleration going to the point that it does not feel like real rowing anymore.
9. I enjoy the horizontal track on the WaterRower, instead of the slight slope that the Concept2 has, which makes over compressing the knees more likely.
I am very excited about rowing the WaterRower.
To Concept2's defense, stroke rates of 38 and above run more smoothly through the chain mechanism.
All the best,
Ps I will not be selling my C2 anytime soon but I will say I did enjoy reading Xeno's blog.