Hello everyone,
Just finished up the Skeleton Crew Challenge row and feeling great.
I had a good day today, I operate a downhill ski area in central Wisconsin, Cascade Mtn, and I have a friendly wager going on with the owner with weight loss. We have a weigh in on Mondays and we've been going now for 2 1/2 months. I lost 7 lbs this last week and I owe it to my erg. This has been a wonderful change in my workout routine, which was freeweights, running, and biking. But since the temps dropped down below 40's and 30's, it's been tough running and biking. My erg has been a blessing, and just the change in workouts has taken me off a plateau that I was on for around 3weeks. So far I've lost 28 lbs, and haven't felt this good since I was in the service. My last attempt to lose weight was with a change in diet and some exercise. This time, I'm choosing more exercise and less change in diet, although, the effort I've been putting into my workouts sure does make me look more at what I am putting into my body and the results are going great. That's alittle info about me and what my motivations are right now.
Good luck to everyone on the challenge, and keep rowing! I'm doing a little math right now trying to set some realistic goals for the rest of this season, thanks for the input on the honor boards, wasn't even aware of those, that will help in setting some goals and something to strive for. Right now the 10k is feeling pretty comfortable and then cooling down with another 1 or 2k.
What are some of your routines? Do you row everyday or do you put a couple of rest days in? Surprisingly, my body has responded pretty well with rowing and just rowing a couple easy days, I don't feel I need to take complete days off to rest. Although, I think this week, I am going to add a couple of High Intensity workouts on the erg, just to mix up my heart rate and keep my body off gaurd. Seems to respond better keeping the workouts mixed up. My sessions so far have been pretty consistant and and paced.
I'll let you know how it goes!
"The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi