E-row Training

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[old] SteveV
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Post by [old] SteveV » June 13th, 2004, 2:46 am

1.7 is supposed to have the internet racing option, due out in next month or so i believe

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » June 13th, 2004, 11:57 am

<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Have you seen any real benefit from using "RowPro"? Are you using a HRM with the PM2+ and RowPro? Any real added benefit of useable info for the erger?<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> <br>I tried rowpro about a year ago or so. I thought it was kind of neat. I did not really explore the program too much since it did not have internet racing. <br><br>I did find that the interval aspect did not work the way I hoped. I was hoping to set up Level 4 sessions where the pace boat would speed up or slow down at a particular minute. I found my boat/rower would pause at the given change up until I took another stroke, but the pace boat would keep going and leave me behind. It would disappear off the screen. <br><br>I don't recall the rowpro having a function like erow where the boat size changes, if you want, to fit the screen of all rowers or if the rowpro had it where you can set the "view" like in erow.<br><br>I like the rowpro graphics. They are very good.<br><br>It would be good if you could "spot" somebody some pace time. I didn't see this on rowpro either. A good example would be if I was racing someone who rows around a pace of 2:14 for 6k, to make that person's pace equivalent to some other pace similar to mine such as 1:45. The computer program would respond through some sort of interpolation in adjusting the pace based on effort. So if 2:14 is to 1:45, then 2:13 would be to 1:44.2. We could actually see the boats battling back and forth based on the value we had assigned a given effort. This "spot" could be for any sort of pace adjustment. You could do it for any pace such as 2:14 is to 1:36. When you cross the finish line, you are done. If you had an adjusted pace, you are given the actually distance covered over the time you rowed to get to the virtual finish.<br><br>A benefit of rowpro would probably be that it could fend off loneliness in workouts since the graphics are of rowers. Additionally, their may be less of a chance of quitting workouts when compared to looking at the erow boats. <br><br>I don't use a heart rate monitor. <br><br>I have a PM2+ on a Model C. The Model D is better. The PM3 is better. I found out from doing the WIRC that your actual name appears on the PM3 with other rowers' names as well. The PM3 shows who is in first and by how many meters, who is just ahead of you and by how many meters, and who is just behind you and by how many meters. So for my race, Graham Benton's full name was at the top of my PM3, then the next three names were the guy just ahead of me, my name, and the guy just behind me. When I sprinted at the end, the names of the person ahead of me would change to the next guy just ahead of him but Benton's name remained at the top. As you know, the PM2+ will show you what place you are in, that someone is X meters ahead of you, and that someone is Y meters behind you (unless of course you are in last or in first).

[old] Roland Baltutis
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Post by [old] Roland Baltutis » June 14th, 2004, 3:39 am

Although I haven't done many e-row races over the internet I was using this software to record every workout. That was until the new season began. Since May 1st every session I have done on the erg has been recorded in Rowpro. Everything is stored in my Rowpro logbook. Consequently I've decided not to use e-row anymore as it would mean that session couldn't be added or used later to analyze technically, upload to C2 rankings or row against as a pace boat.<br><br>That means I'm committed to Rowpro and can't race online until Rowpro 1.7 version comes out later this month. I miss all the interaction with other e-row ergers but will re-join the fold when 1.7 comes out.<br><br>Come on Thomas, Flack and co. Get onto Rowpro now. Your only delaying the inevitable as e-row is destined for extinction.<br><br>Presently I'm doing some nice long rows on the water with new club equipment. I'm sorry but when you have a choice of doing a long erg or long on water row, the on water row wins every time (more so when you have new equipment to play with). Especially when your guaranteed smooth water most days regardless of climatic season.<br><br>Winter has arrived with snow now falling in the nearby mountains. That means now I need to find time for my other passion. XC Ski skating. Skiing on the weekends, on water rowing during the week and erging in between. Oh and going to work to recover and pay for it somewhere in there as well (not to mention family commitments too). <br><br>Keep it smooth, keep it relaxed<br>Roland Baltutis<br>

[old] Canoeist
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Post by [old] Canoeist » June 14th, 2004, 9:27 am

Roland,<br><br>The races on e-row are becomming non-existant. Same goes for the number of rowers who show for workouts.<br><br>I have agreed to participate in the alpha test of internet RowPro. I just bought a new computer so that I am compatible with the RowPro software. Supposedly, the software will allow e-row to compete/workout with RowPro users. I will be using my Model C and e-row to find out if this is true or not. Hopefully we can get together soon on-line and have another good workout.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Flack

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » June 14th, 2004, 11:00 am

Hello Rolland,<br><br>Like Paul wrote, the erow scene has kind of faded. I am trying to remember if this is the usually pattern where participation drops after the OIRC and then gets going again after the summer. For me, I have just started rowing again after a 2 month hiatus. Yesterday, I did a 6k with DougB, Willh, and DavidL. I planned to row at a 1:48 pace. Because of these guys, I rowed alot harder. It was a real race between DougB and I. I found myself interested in where I was at in relation to Doug than how I felt. I even thought that I might not have enough meters left in the race to catch him. I rowed harder yesterday because of those other guys than I would have on my own. This even comes to mind the time I did a session of 15 x 3 minutes with 1 minute rest with Paul and Patrick a year ago. Each 3 minute piece was actaully a calculated race of some sort. That was another good session.<br><br>It would probably be good that once a week we all do something together like a 6k as a way to keep in touch with one another, perhaps treated as a rollcall of some sort. We could even use the challenges that Concept2 devises. <br><br>I am not dismissing rowpro. I do think it is cool. Internet racing/training is my intersest of which rowpro appears to be almost there. I might have a problem with the computer aspect in light of my lap top has Windows ME and I believe rowpro really desires Windows XP. <br><br>I saw Andreas has signed up on e-row for a 6k which he is going to attempt to break his pb of 20:11. That is really awesome if a person can break 20 minutes. Just having it 19:59.9 looks really fast. My fastest 6k was 20:30.5 which was done in April of 2003. I posted my time from yesterday (21:17) for 6k and was surprised to see it in the top 10. I think this would be another indication that people are taking a break from racing and time trialing. <br><br>I am really excited about the upcoming Tour de France. We get all day coverage on the Outdoor Life Network (OLN). We get live stuff in the morning, two replays during the afternoon and late evening, and some sort of recap at night. I really like to watch the Tour de France when I am training. Phill Liggett and Paul Sherwin do a great job commentating. The cyclists really motivate me to "suffer".<br><br><br><br><br>

[old] SteveV
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Post by [old] SteveV » June 14th, 2004, 11:52 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Canoeist+Jun 14 2004, 08:27 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Canoeist @ Jun 14 2004, 08:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Roland,<br><br>The races on e-row are becomming non-existant. Same goes for the number of rowers who show for workouts.<br><br>I have agreed to participate in the alpha test of internet RowPro. I just bought a new computer so that I am compatible with the RowPro software. Supposedly, the software will allow e-row to compete/workout with RowPro users. I will be using my Model C and e-row to find out if this is true or not. Hopefully we can get together soon on-line and have another good workout.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Flack <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> Tues/Thurs OnlineRowing sessions that Nigel runs are still quite popular. Haven't noticed a great dropoff in participation levels for these recently.<br><br>I think the format of these encourages people to turn up. They are on every tuesday and thursday without fail, always at 19:40 UK Local time. Ulways get at least 5 rowers, often oversubscribed<br><br>

[old] LacticAcid
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Post by [old] LacticAcid » June 14th, 2004, 12:13 pm

Paul, I don't see internet racing with RowPro becoming popular anytime soon.<br><br>Too many little things, first the software is $99., user's computers must be up-to-date and loaded with XP, Time Zones, different levels of fitness and so on.. <br><br><br>I want to race ya'll on RowPro, but I don't have $99. to blow.<br><br><br>If money grows on trees where you live, maybe you can donate some to my paypal account haller@snip.net<br><br><br>

[old] Thomas
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] Thomas » June 20th, 2004, 3:24 pm

That would be interesting to see if more people were to race or train on the internet if RowPro were to become internet compatible. <br><br>The unique aspect about internet racing, or even racing at erg venues, is that there are no secrets about how fast you are, what you are doing during your piece, if you are falling apart, if you quit, or whatever, but there are just no secrets. It really takes a special person to log onto the internet, row against others that may be in an entirley different league of speed, be it racing or training, and furthermore know that the result is going to be posted under <i>race results</i> for everyone in the world of e-row to see and analyze. <br><br>Gladiators, . . . I salute you.
