E-row Training

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[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » May 30th, 2004, 4:32 am

Good day!<br><br>I hope everyone is doing well. I hope training it going well, and if you have stopped, I hope you are making plans to start again. Speaking of which . . . <br><br>I haven't been rowing that much this past month. I have been lifting weights. I am planning an attack for the month of June. I don't want a repeat of the 20000 plus meters a day I rowed during the holiday challenge which, I believe, sent me going backwards. I recall my biceps always being sore at the onset of the next session. It was good incentive but poor judgement, without being to self-critical. I will continue with the Wolverine Plan. There is enough variation in the plan for me to avoid boredom.<br><br>I will try and plan out a whole month's of training. I will alternate the Level 1 and Level 2 training every other week and fill in rest with Level 3 and Level 4, as outlined in the plan.<br><br>Anyhow, I hope to be on e-row sometime in the morning. I will decide on the distance when I get up. It will probably be a 10k just to see how it feels to row again.<br><br>Later, Thomas<br><br>"The only easy day was yesterday. And tomorrow, is just another easy day."

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » May 31st, 2004, 4:29 am

I am planning 15 x 3 minutes with 1 minute rest for tomorrow. My pace will probably be around 1:48.<br><br>Today went OK. No real disappointment considering. Thanks Marilyn for rowing with me.

[old] Marilyn
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Post by [old] Marilyn » May 31st, 2004, 5:52 am

Hi Thomas<br><br>I think it would be interesting to know what everybody is doing: Werner, Frank, Christine, Cees, Patrick, Raoul, etc<br><br>Is everybody training? On the water? Taking a break?<br><br>I am training without short intervals (or level 1) and doing some weight training <br>and running, but nothing hard. I am 63-64 Kilos, sad that I can not recuperate my old weight (60-61) . I will have to start with a hard diet or anything drastical to bring me to 59 Kilos<br><br>With running, it is really hard, I can not run more than 6KM. I tried 3x5min running interval but in the last interval I was almost crying. Running will be part of my training for sure. To day I will try hills training. We found a small mountain when I need 7:40 to the hill, I think it is a good time for an interval. Anyway I am still breathing very hard in each interval. It is crazy hard.<br><br>I think my training now is more to maintain me in form, I think I will see results first when I start with short intervals again. I tried to do long rows too but defintively I don't want to row/run more than 60min. After 20min at the same pace I am so bored that I would prefer to stop.<br><br>Marilyn<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>

[old] DavidL/SlugButt
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Post by [old] DavidL/SlugButt » May 31st, 2004, 6:42 pm

Howdy all!<br><br>Great to see an eRow forum active again. I've been spending much of my time sculling and bicycling, but end up on the erg 2-3 days/week. I'd been erging using a relatively light damper setting (6-8) and find that my legs are not as strong as I would hope, so I've started doing all of my work at slightly heavier settings (8-10). So far, by knees and back are doing okay, even though my splits are slower than usual. <br><br>I'm definately looking forward to more online races. At present, I have races on the water about every three weeks and would love to be able to compete online as well.<br><br>Again, it's good to see familiar names on an eRow forum! Also, it's nice to hear the ongoing rumors that Digital Rowing will facilitate online rowing for the PM3. <br><br>David

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » June 1st, 2004, 3:45 am

I am training for the 2004 BIRC.

[old] Christine
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Post by [old] Christine » June 1st, 2004, 7:26 am

Hei,<br>I am at the moment rowing in a boat 3 times a week. (Mostly a doublefour and some single)<br>Once a week I do weights.<br>Once a week I bike. My son is speed scating in winter and they are doing a training session biking during the summer. Great training for the legs!<br>Tuesday or Saturday I am erging. I do some speed training on the erg. Missing the online competition! <br><br>Next competition will be women's Henley nearby London (18.-20. june). <span style='color:blue'>Jane and I will row in the same eigth and I am looking forward to it with excitement! </span> The virtual world is getting real.<br><br>Regards<br>Christine

[old] SteveV
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Post by [old] SteveV » June 1st, 2004, 7:27 am

I am not doing anything, planning to restart this week. Will see you on e-row sometime soon. <br><br>Did 5km last night on drag 106, can't believe how hard it felt @2min pace after 10 weeks off

[old] Canoeist
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Post by [old] Canoeist » June 1st, 2004, 11:15 am

I have cut my rowing from an average of 10K per day to 5K per day so that I can add running. So far the running has not been kind to me. I am over the severe aches in the legs and blisters. But now I am having a much worse problem - with my ankles. I walk with a very bad limp. I am worried that I am just to heavy to run. <br><br>My goal is to run a marathon in 3 1/2 hours some time this fall so that I can run in the Boston marathon next year. But, if things continue the way they are going, I may be watching from the sidelines. Maybe I should take my erg out the running course and row a marathon? The Boston marathon starts about 6 miles from my house, so it is my "local" race. My brother in law, who is also 48 years old and close to 100 Kg, wanted to run the Boston marathon. I agreed to join him. But muscles and endurance aren't my problem. Problems in the bone connections are something that I can't deal with. I may have to stick to the erg.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Flack

[old] FrankJ
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Post by [old] FrankJ » June 1st, 2004, 5:58 pm

Well I have cut back on my rowing with the nicer weather so I can start house building. Averaging about 40k a week and only one weight workout instead of my normal 60K-70K and 3 weight workouts. I am trying to keep the quality up so I tend to do long intervals or row against past workout with RowPro. The overall increase of physical activity with the outdoor work is also helping. I am still getting lighter. I now weigh about 81Kg and when the weather gets warmer I expect to sweat off a few more pounds.<br><br>Frank

[old] ceesie
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Post by [old] ceesie » June 1st, 2004, 10:17 pm

I've been rowing on the water mostly over the last couple of months. I've rowed a couple races around Seattle in 8+ and quad. As the weather gets much better in the Northwest I prefer to spend my sparse time for working out outside rather than in a gloomy basement...<br><br>Next up is a 7k quad race in The Netherlands with my former crew. Looking forward to that. Besides rowing in the boat I still row on the erg about 2 times a week. I never see anybody online anymore in the evenings though, bummer...<br><br>Hope to be there for the sprints this weekend, don't expect any fast times however..<br><br>cheers, Cees<br>

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » June 10th, 2004, 3:36 pm

(I copied/pasted this from the topic "USB/Serial adapter" in light of the content. It was in response to a question asked by LacticAcid).<br><br><br><br>Thanks for the link.<br><br>Are you lazy or just too busy? <br><br>I found myself too busy in April and May to row. I wish I had done something on those days instead of a complete abandonment. Perhaps just 30 minutes steady, 30 minutes Level 4, a 6k, a 5k. I have given thought to having a "A" plan and a "B" plan. An "A" plan would be where everything is relatively normal in my day. A "B" plan would be where somthing has caused my day to not be relatively normal and to attempt an "A" plan workout would result in a stoppage and/or abandonment. <br><br>For example:<br> A Plan: Level-3, 12k.<br> B Plan: Level-3, 9k<br><br>Some other ideas are to have an "A","B", and "C" plan with the same idea; or, to have the "B" plan as the relatively normal day, the "C" plan as the not so relatively normal day, and the "A" plan as the exceptional day. But, I think if I was to have an exceptional day, it would be reflected in the pace over the distance or distances such as in a Level-1, 4 x 1k. If I felt exceptional, maybe the last two are distinctly faster than normal as opposed to doing them all the same pace and with the addition of more 1k's.

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » June 11th, 2004, 12:24 pm

A thought on the above is to reduce some of the stress I put on myself to accomplish sessions at goal paces over set distances. I think sometimes it is just not physically possible to attempt some of the sessions I plan for myself for whatever reason. It doesn't happen too often, but it happens enough where I have considered the above. <br><br>There was a number of times in the last erg season leading up to the WIRC where I was physically/mentally unable to attempt planned sessions. I think of a planned Level-2 session of 4 x 2000 meters which was not attempted because it looked like too much at the moment, was then planned for later in the day or the next day, and still would not happen because something else would get in the way. I think it would have been better to perhaps do 3 x 2000 meters or 2 x 2000 meters. I had a cycle of this type of thinking which resulted in a loss of eight training days in later December. If I had done anything on those days, it would have been absolutely better than not doing anything at all; however, just to note, I am not dismissing the importance of rest.<br><br>I want to keep my sessions goal oriented with a critical note that the goal is reasonablely achievable and not impossible. I believe it would be not reasonable to think I can start where I left off two months ago in regards to paces for particular sessions. I can bring the same intensity, motivation, and enthusiasm that I had where I left off but that intensity, motivation, and enthusiasm will not have the same numerical result as it once did a couple of months ago. Eventually, the persistence of the process of breaking down, rebuilding, breaking down, rebuilding, etc will evolve into times that I believe are the fastest I can go.<br><br>If you have gotten away from internet racing/internet training, I would cordially invite you to start at the beginning.

[old] LacticAcid
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Post by [old] LacticAcid » June 11th, 2004, 5:22 pm

Hey Tommy, when is your book coming out?<br><br>Will you send me an autographed copy for saving ya $$ on the USB/Serial adaptor?<br><br>L.

[old] Thomas
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Post by [old] Thomas » June 12th, 2004, 12:08 pm

<br><br>Think of my comments as being more private, as if a bunch of us are at Starbucks, drinking coffee, and we are going back and forth on different training ideas.

[old] LacticAcid
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Post by [old] LacticAcid » June 12th, 2004, 4:46 pm

Gotcha, when it comes to erging, I just sit, push and pull. ha ha<br> <br><br><br>That might change....., I'm trying to justify the $99. for the RowPro. I haven't purchased it yet. I wonder what version will have "internet racing"? RowPro hasn't returned my e-mails and they want $99. ?? Where's the communication??<br><br>Right now I got a couple of trys left on the 1.6 download, I wonder what features are new in the 1.7 update???<br><br><br>Have you seen any real benefit from using "RowPro"? Are you using a HRM with the PM2+ and RowPro? Any real added benefit of useable info for the erger? <br><br>I'll probably never have the Vespoli single I want, so what's your take on RowPro 1.6?<br><br><br><br><br><br>
