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A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.
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Post by PJM » May 24th, 2008, 11:11 am

Hi Susan..
Great to see you posting here.You really have a good "handle" on your fitness goals.I am a certified Personal trainer and fitness and health are my life's passion.At 64..you certainly can gain or add muscle.You will not bulk up..but will be able to develop long lean muscle just by doing what you are doing.Rowing helps with your cardio as well as your strength training.As far as I am concerned you get alot of bang for your buck with the Concept 2 rower.I was always asked.."what should I do first..cardio or strength training?"That is totally an individual thing.There are as many theories and opinions as there are trainers in the world.If you are in a routine that makes cardio your main objective..you want to do the cardio first so that you have the optimal energy to do so.If you are trying to tone and do more strength training( that is so important for us older women ..to keep osteoporosis at bay)..then you do the strength training first or simply mix it up.
With the rower you do alot of pull motion that works the shoulders and back..so it is really important to add some push motion so you can balance your workout and use opposing muscles in a way so as not to make one set of muscles stronger than their counter parts.The chest muscles need a little boost off the erg.Push ups or bench flies..etc.
Hope that we can use this forum to help one another.I try to post interesting articles that I receive from my fitness associations.
Take care..happy fitness and row strong!!


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Post by PJM » May 24th, 2008, 11:27 am

Heart Rate Myth

Being in the Zone

Being in the zone isn’t just for athletes any longer. Whether it’s in your group exercise class or during personal training, you’ll find more recreational exercisers strapping on their heart rate monitors to stay in the “fat-burning zone” and get the most of their workout.

There’s just one fundamental problem as Fabio Comana, ACE’s Exercise Physiologist, sees it: Max HR calculations aren’t just imperfect, they can actually lead exercisers down the twilight zone.

Max HR = 220 – age

Consider this: The standard formula, which calls for subtracting your age from 220 to calculate a particular value for a training zone can deviate as much as 12 beats.

“For someone whose maximal heart rate is lower than what the actual maximal heart rate is, they may end up overtraining whereas if the maximal heart rate is higher than their actual heart rate, they may be undertraining,” says Comana. “Also, the 220 minus your age calculation tends to overestimate exercise heart rates in younger populations and underestimate exercise heart rate in older populations.”

Max HR = 208 – (age x 0.7)

A better mathematical formula is Dr. Hirofumi Tanaka’s 208 minus 0.7 times your age. At least with the Tanaka formula the standard deviation is less, or 7.4 beats vs. 12 beats for the Haskins and Fox formula. Hence, with a 20-year old client, using Max Heart rate calculation, the actual heart rate may be 212 or 188 vs. 207 or 194 using Tanaka’s formula.

Most clients exercise to achieve cardiovascular fitness combined with weight loss or maintenance. While this overall goal doesn’t seem to change much over the years, the means to get there seem to follow trends in fitness, Comana says.

Going High or Low?

In the last eight to nine years, there has been a reversal from (focusing on) low-intensity, fat-burning classes (such as low-intensity step or aerobics classes) to more high-intensity bouts of exercise (boot camps for instance).

Both approaches are counterproductive, especially for unconditioned, sedentary persons wanting to lose weight. A sedentary, healthy person who keeps working out in Zone 1 (50 to 60 percent of Max HR) is unlikely to burn enough calories to achieve the desired weight loss.

Neither will performing high-intensity exercise bouts where people burn predominantly carbohydrates. Considering that the normal carbohydrate intake for average Americans is about 50 percent to 55 percent of their daily diet, adding a hard cardio workout trains muscles to store more carbohydrates. This increases the glycogen storage capacity, which is desirable for endurance athletes who want to carbo-load, but not for recreational exercisers. The added water (2.4 grams to 2.7 grams) per grams of glycogen may lead to increased weight gain, which will leave you with a very unhappy client.

Focus on the Middle – Caloric Quality and Quantity

“The key is to teach clients to burn fat efficiently,” Comana says. The best way to do this is by focusing on quality first, and teaching the body how to burn fat. Then it’s time to focus on caloric quantity. For trainers and clients who want to work with heart rate zones, Comana suggests performing an appropriate sub-maximal heart rate test, such as the One Mile Walk Test or a Step Test to estimate maximum heart rate. This way, trainers have a better platform for figuring out proper exercise zones for their clients.

Talk Threshold Test

If Comana had his way, more trainers would rely on the talk test to assess clients’ exercise intensity.

University researchers, such as Drs. Asker Jeukendrup and Carl Foster have supported the idea that using ventilation threshold One (VT1) may be just as effective as heart-rate monitoring for differing training zones. Clients who speak in complete sentences are in the aerobic zone, which corresponds to less than 80 percent of maximum heart rate. When clients can speak only in short bursts, they have moved into the threshold zone, which is effective for increasing endurance, but can only be sustained for short periods.

Comana’s recommendation for training clients: Create a two-zone model with zone 1 being the fat-burning zone approaching the ventilation threshold (VT1) when breathlessness develops; and zone 2, being a 10-beat zone above VT1.

Clients initially will spend most of their exercising time in zone 1, so they can learn how to burn fat more efficiently. After about three to six training sessions, depending on your client’s fitness level and progress, incorporate aerobic intervals on a 1:1 ratio. For instance, have a client exercise a bit harder (between zone 1 and 2) for five minutes, back off the intensity for five minutes, and then repeat the cycle. After a few weeks of training, retest the ventilatory threshold of the same client and recreate appropriate exercise zones. This allows trainers to increase clients’ fat-burning capacity slowly and safely while using appropriate training zones to help them gain a higher fitness level and wanted weight loss.

The problem with the five Max HR zones—Zone 1 (50 percent to 60 percent of Max HR); Zone 2 (60 percent to 70 percent of Max HR); Zone 3 (70 percent to 80 percent of Max HR); Zone 4 (80 percent to 90 percent of Max HR); and Zone 5 (90 percent to 100 percent of Max HR Vo2 Max)—isn’t that they aren’t useful, Comana says. Finding the correct zone to train in can be tough to calculate.

However, in terms of how many calories you burn in each zone, researchers have learned a lot: In Zone 1, which is the lowest level and beginner-friendly, you’ll burn between three to five calories a minute. Training in Zone 2, where people will start seeing additional health benefits, burns seven to nine calories a minute. Training in Zone 3, or the cardiovascular fitness zone, will burn about 10 to 12 calories a minute. Most recreational exercisers may never want to cross into the anaerobic zone (Zone 4, which burns 13 to 15 calories a minute); but only the fittest clients should cross into Zone 5, which burns 16 or more calories a minute.

Since most Americans in weight-loss mode ultimately rely on the number they’ll see looking down standing on their bathroom scale, trainers may be well served to develop an exercise program that doesn’t enslave their clients to technology, but rather teaches them to pay closer attention to their breathing, and learn how their bodies react to exercise.

Marion Webb is the managing editor for the American Council on Exercise and an ACE-certified Personal Trainer. For specific fitness-related story ideas or comments, please email her directly at marion.webb@acefitness.org.

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Post by dragonfly » May 24th, 2008, 11:45 am

Thanks for the info Pat,

I do work on push-ups. When I started the P90x program I couldn't do one, could do girl push ups on the knees. Now I can do almost 10 full push ups. I am looking forward to the new Cathe Friedrich series as it is going to teach you how to calculate your 1 rep max for all the weight training and will focus on mesocycles (what ever that is). I need stuff like that to keep me going. I could probably do it on my own but won't take the time to figure out my own plan. Having a DVD to pop in makes it so much easier. Wish I could afford a trainer to push me along but I figured investing in some good equipment would motivate me and give me more bang for the buck. Going to try to get in a couple of rows today along with some weight work even if it is only some bench presses and flys like you said. I need to do some lunges and squats but since the knees are bothering me I am going to wait and see what the doc says.


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Post by PJM » May 24th, 2008, 11:48 am


Mesocycle refers to the type of training/phases being performed. It can be as little as 6 weeks or up to 12 weeks/3 months.

A series of training sessions called microcycles make up your training
program. Microcycles are your daily and weekly training sessions. Microcycles include variations in exercise volume, intensity, and selection.
Your training plan is termed a mesocycle. It may last from a month to a few months. For optimum results, a mesocycle should proceed without interruption. Usually a mesocycle begins with several exercises and plenty of repetitions. Remain consistent on your mesocycle regimen.

Mesocycles and microcycles are a part of periodization


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Post by dragonfly » May 24th, 2008, 12:06 pm

Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. I may be getting in over my head with these but I am going to sure give it a try. They are still in production so will probably be another month or two before they are released.


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Post by Lyric » May 24th, 2008, 4:14 pm

I'm surprised by the muscle-building power of the erg. I was starting to get upset, because I've had my erg for a month or so and haven't seen any weight loss. None. Nada. But then I went shopping this weekend and discovered I went down a bra size (at least fat is coming off somewhere...) and can fit into a size smaller shorts than I was expecting. So some of the weight must be due to more muscle. It's good because I've never been able to stick with a strength-training routine. This way I get two for one. :D

After that, I trashed my scale and bought one of the new models that gives you fat/water/muscle/bone percentages. I don't know how accurate they are, but I figure it will be less discouraging than staring at the same number on my scale day after day. I know it's just a number, but still... it IS awfully depressing when it doesn't change.


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Post by PJM » May 24th, 2008, 4:23 pm

Yes..they are just numbers..
I don't weigh myself anymore on a conventional scale.I have one that measures body fat and I go by my clothes and their fit.You can tone your muscles and wear a smaller size but not lose pounds so to speak.The muscles become more toned and say, compact.
Many of us are so used to stepping on the scale to measure what we weigh and get so stuck on numbers that we lose sight of what we are doing.Loss of weight can be false after an intense workout..by loss of water weight.
I always lose weight during a challenge when I row several times a day.But when I row consistently I maintain my weight fairly steadily...during the main season.
When I introduced rowing to my clients who wanted to lose weight ..they always complained and didn't like the exercise..but when they experienced the transformation in their bodies..they changed their tune.
It became their favorite exercise.
I have a couple of pair of pants that I gauge my weight on..and that is better for me than that dang ol' scale :lol:


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Post by dragonfly » May 24th, 2008, 4:53 pm

Same here. When the jeans start getting tight I know it's time to check the weight and the diet. I was begining to feel fat and bloated before I got the rower. I was getting back into the potato chips and southern cooking. Since I started with the rower on Monday I have also come back to my senses about eating and already feel better and less puffy. Need to lose about 5 lbs to be comfortable again.


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