Team Row Pain, Row Gain

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[old] copywriter
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] copywriter » August 5th, 2005, 2:27 am

Mike, that's just awesome. <br /><br />You're going to have to change your 'fish-bothering' picture to one of you in your brand-new million metre tee-shirt.<br /><br />Congrats, Ken<br /><br />(I'll get there, too, sooner or later)

[old] rowmantic
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] rowmantic » August 7th, 2005, 3:31 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-julieofarc+Jul 30 2005, 10:03 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(julieofarc @ Jul 30 2005, 10:03 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Just wanted to say hi to everyone!  I just joined Row Pain, Row Gain (at least, I think I did it correctly.....)  I'm a 31 yo SAHM of 4 children, and I'm planning on losing 50 lbs. by Christmas.  I rowed in college (about 10 years and 65 lbs ago), and rowed on water last summer for a couple months with a community rowing group.  I'm taking sculling lessons in 3 weeks (yeah!), and can't wait to buy a single to use on the water at the small lake near our house.  I'm working on low, slow rows until about November, when I plan to start training for the Mile High Sprints here in Denver!  Be seein' ya'll! <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br /><br />Hi Julie,<br /> I read your message with much interest. I had not rowed in 15 years and was cough, cough 80 pounds heavier than college when I joined the Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (RMRC) at the Cherry Creek Reservoirin 2000. Will you be learning to scull there or at Dillon or somewhere else all together? I ended up loving being back on the water and got back into racing. I started training with 3 others in a quad. It was great. They used to laugh at me for bringing a cell phone in a baggy in the boat, but when you need to reach your kids, you need to reach your kids. I live in California now as my husband was recalled to the military and compete with the Long Beach Rowing Association, but we still race with RMRC as well. How exciting and fortunate for you that there is a body of water nearby for you to row a single. Hope you love your sculling lessons.<br />~Grace<br /><br />P.S.<br />WELL DONE ON ROWING OVER A MILLION METERS MIKE! <br />Personally, I think that dropping your marathon time by 30 minutes is more impressive than any amount of weightloss could be.

[old] Jumpsoda
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Jumpsoda » August 10th, 2005, 1:02 pm

Hey, I won a T-Shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....extra motivation to keep rowing.

[old] deppe4
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] deppe4 » August 10th, 2005, 2:36 pm

Hi Everyone, I just joined Row Pain, Row Gain. I rowed a few times 10 years ago and liked how I felt but was still into running at the time. Now I'm trying to overcome my sedentary desk jockey physique <br /><br />I'm on Workout #2 of 5 (the beginner's workouts in the Training Manual). I'm hoping to drop about 60lbs and inches from around the waist. <br /><br />I have a newbie question: Has anyone else had hurting achilles tendons after working out? I imagine as I get more flexible this will stop.<br /><br />deppe4<br /><br />p.s. Congrats on the Million Meter Row!!<br /><br />

[old] julieofarc
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] julieofarc » August 10th, 2005, 2:47 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-rowmantic+Aug 7 2005, 12:31 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(rowmantic @ Aug 7 2005, 12:31 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->    I read your message with much interest.    I had not rowed in 15 years and was cough, cough 80 pounds heavier than college when I joined the Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (RMRC) at the Cherry Creek Reservoirin 2000.  Will you be learning to scull there or at Dillon or somewhere else all together?  I ended up loving being back on the water and got back into racing.  I started training with 3 others in a quad.  It was great.  They used to laugh at me for bringing a cell phone in a baggy in the boat, but when you need to reach your kids, you need to reach your kids.   I live in California now as my husband was recalled to the military and compete with the Long Beach Rowing Association, but we still race with RMRC as well.  How exciting and fortunate for you that there is a body of water nearby for you to row a single.  Hope you love your sculling lessons.<br />~Grace <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hey Grace! I haven't checked the forums lately and just noticed your post. I'll be learning to scull at Dillon. Next weekend! We even have hotel reservations now. They've changed how they are doing camps there to just 3 hour sessions in the ams on weekends (7a-10a) when the water is good. I rowed with Boulder Community Rowing last summer for a couple months, and I think the consensus was that Dillon is a fantastic place to go to learn to scull. BCR does private lessons as well, but the Boulder Res has lots of motorized traffic, and that scares the daylights out of me. I'd rather not have to worry over who is going to run me over when I'm learning! <br /><br />Are quads purely sculling? Or can they be sweep as well? (I'm used to them being called 'fours' or 'eights' from college.) My dh has been really supportive about the rowing thing. It falls in that whole "if mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" category. He's a smart man, that's why I married him! LOL<br /><br />A loop around the Boulder Res is about 4K, and the small lake here is about 1.7K. It's smaller, but only non-motorized traffic. I'm still trying to figure out if I can use a dolly or something to walk a boat to the lake rather than stick in on top of the car for a 2 block drive. <br /><br />Congrats to you Mike! I'm hoping to be there in about 10 months! (All that for a t-shirt? Doesn't take much to motivate us, eh?)

[old] rowmantic
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] rowmantic » August 11th, 2005, 10:40 am

<span style='color:purple'>Julie,</span> Thanks for the laugh. I thought that you had originally contaced me because of that particular post. <br /> Single, Double, Quad and even on the rare occassion is there an octuple (not sure of the spelling), these are the sculling boats. I've seen 4s turned into a quad so that a coxswain can help beginners learn to scull. I believe that there are even some races still with coxed quads, but for the most part the scullers are responsible for steering the boat themselves.<br /> I always enjoyed rowing at Dillon. I do remember that the altitude up there would occasionally get to me. There used to be races there, not sure if they do them anymore. The races there would cause me to wonder why I had not brought an <span style='color:blue'>oxygen tank</span> with me. <br /><br /> <span style='color:green'>Deppe4,</span> I am curious about your achilles tendon problem. Have you tried adjusting the foot positions? I am wondering if you are perhaps rowing with them too high or low. I only had problems with my legs when I would just hop on a machine without checking the foot position first. <br /><br /> <br />~Grace<br />

[old] deppe4
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] deppe4 » August 11th, 2005, 11:01 am

<!--QuoteBegin-rowmantic+Aug 11 2005, 09:40 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(rowmantic @ Aug 11 2005, 09:40 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><span style='color:purple'>Julie,</span> Thanks for the laugh.  I thought that you had originally contaced me because of that particular post.  <br />    Single, Double, Quad and even on the rare occassion is there an octuple (not sure of the spelling), these are the sculling boats.  I've seen 4s turned into a quad so that a coxswain can help beginners learn to scull.  I believe that there are even some races still with coxed quads, but for the most part the scullers are responsible for steering the boat themselves.<br />    I always enjoyed rowing at Dillon.  I do remember that the altitude up there would occasionally get to me.  There used to be races there, not sure if they do them anymore.  The races there would cause me to wonder why I had not  brought an <span style='color:blue'>oxygen tank</span> with me.  <br /><br />    <span style='color:green'>Deppe4,</span> I am curious about your achilles tendon problem.  Have you tried adjusting the foot positions?  I am wondering if you are perhaps rowing with them too high or low.  I only had problems with my legs when I would just hop on a machine without checking the foot position first.  <br /><br />    <br />~Grace <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I've been rowing with the foot setting at 3 (i'm 5'8" if that bit of info helps) and was thinking of trying a row out with it at the 4 setting. I double posted (Training Forum) the achilles question, which is probably a no-no, but it has me worried. One response so far suggests, "Do not go up as far on your slide. That stretches the calves which are getting tight and making your tendons sore." So, I'll try out both tomorrow and see how the achilles feel.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />-deppe4<br />

[old] Ken Frimley
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Ken Frimley » August 11th, 2005, 11:28 am

Dear All,<br /><br />I would like to also join the group..................<br /><br />I have been Erging now for 4 months. Returned from Hong Kong on vacation, full of beer and food. Needed to do something, I normally cycle at weekends, 40 miles but English weather!!!!<br /><br />Anyway, jot the my 1 million meters last Saturday, and 3 kg weight loss. I want to lose 5 more kg. And maintain my social output, beer wine, Indian food...................<br /><br />So, next stop 2 million.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Ken

[old] rowmantic
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] rowmantic » August 11th, 2005, 3:55 pm

Deppe4, I believe that somewhere on this website is a guide for foot placement based on shoe size. I have my set at 4 and I am 5'9". The other bit of advice of not over extending when coming forward is probably a very good bit of advice. Hope this helps make your time on the erg less painful. <br /><br />Welcome to the group, Ken. <br /><br /><br />~Grace

[old] gaijin
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] gaijin » August 11th, 2005, 4:14 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Ken Frimley+Aug 11 2005, 08:28 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Ken Frimley @ Aug 11 2005, 08:28 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Dear All,<br /><br />I would like to also join the group..................<br /><br />I have been Erging now for 4 months.  Returned from Hong Kong on vacation, full of beer and food.  Needed to do something, I normally cycle at weekends, 40 miles but English weather!!!!<br /><br />Anyway, jot the my 1 million meters last Saturday, and 3 kg weight loss.  I want to lose 5 more kg.  And maintain my social output, beer wine, Indian food...................<br /><br />So, next stop 2 million.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Ken <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Wecome aboard, Ken.<br /><br />Just edit your profile to select Row Pain Row Gain as your club affiliation and you're in!<br /><br />I'll race you to 2 million!<br /><br />Bill<br />

[old] cnapier
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] cnapier » August 12th, 2005, 8:43 am

Good morning all,<br /><br />Just wanted to say "Howdy" after joining Team Row Pain, Row Gain.<br /><br />Started back rowing on 6-18-2004<br />1st million 11-7-2004<br />2nd million 3-4-2005<br />3rd million 6-8-2005<br />4th million...soon<br /><br />Charles<br />(254/211/158)<br />(peak wt/current wt/goal wt)<br />

[old] deppe4
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] deppe4 » August 12th, 2005, 9:27 am

<!--QuoteBegin-rowmantic+Aug 11 2005, 02:55 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(rowmantic @ Aug 11 2005, 02:55 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Deppe4,  I believe that somewhere on this website is a guide for foot placement based on shoe size.  I have my set at 4 and I am 5'9".  The other bit of advice of not over extending when coming forward is probably a very good bit of advice.    Hope this helps make your time on the erg less painful.  <br /><br />Welcome to the group, Ken.  <br /><br /><br />~Grace <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Thanks Grace , I found the sizing chart you were talking about (though I ended up having to have to Google to find it). Here's what the C2 Fall Update 2002 recommends:<br /><br />* You should avoid heels that rise up too far, as they may irritate your achilles tendon at the finish of the stroke.<br /><br />* Seat comfort may also be affected by the height of the Flexfoot heel cups. If your feet are too low, the backs of your thighs may rest harder against the front edge of the seat, tending to cut off circulation to the seat area as well.<br /> <br />* In fact, there are a number of factors that determine the best Flexfoot setting for any given person. In general, you should set the Flexfoot so that the strap crosses the ball of your foot. However, the less flexible you are, the lower you will probably want your feet. Similarly, if you haven't yet worked off all that spare tire around the mid-section, you may also need to set your feet a little lower than a lean person with similar foot-size. Finally, if you row in socks, you will want to set the Flexfoot higher than when you row with shoes on. See chart below.<br /><br />Foot size --- Flexfoot Hole # <br />Women's 6 --- 1-2 <br />Women's 7 with shoes on --- 2-3 <br />with shoes off --- 1-2 <br />Women's 9/(Men's 7) --- 3-4 <br />Men's 10 --- 4-5 <br />Men's 12-13 --- 4-6 <br /><br />I row tonight - since my heels ached all yesterday I wanted to give them a longer rest. I actually can't wait to row - I have to laugh at myself, since I've never been this excited about exercing before. <br /><br />Thanks again Grace.<br /><br />-deppe4<br /><br />~ Hello Ken~<br />

[old] gaijin
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] gaijin » August 12th, 2005, 11:05 am

<!--QuoteBegin-cnapier+Aug 12 2005, 05:43 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(cnapier @ Aug 12 2005, 05:43 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Good morning all,<br /><br />Just wanted to say "Howdy" after joining Team Row Pain, Row Gain.<br /><br />Started back rowing on 6-18-2004<br />1st million 11-7-2004<br />2nd million 3-4-2005<br />3rd million 6-8-2005<br />4th million...soon<br /><br />Charles<br />(254/211/158)<br />(peak wt/current wt/goal wt) <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Welcome aboard Charles!<br /><br />Bill<br />(300+/213/185)<br />(peak wt/current wt/goal wt)<br />

[old] jimjayhawk
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] jimjayhawk » August 12th, 2005, 11:07 am

Thanks to all of you on the flexfoot discussion... I've got the model B with the original wooden footrests.... yet have had many of the aches and pains previously described so I ordered the flexfoot upgrade... hopefully it will provide some relief<br /><br />Thanks, <br /><br />Jim

[old] rowmantic
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] rowmantic » August 12th, 2005, 11:33 am

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Millionaire Club! </span><br /><br /> We're back in 8th position with 2 members in the million club and one more on his way. <br /><br /><br />Charles, do you row with the Tulsa Rowing Club?<br /><br />Deppe4, good luck with your erg today.<br /><br />Randy, well done on your million meters!<br /><br />~Grace<br />
