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Thinking of getting a C2DPM4 - My goals realistic?

Posted: February 25th, 2009, 8:42 pm
by KDreese
I have been reading the forums and online documentation (both have been really great by the way) on the C2 rowers and I am seriously thinking about getting a D with a PM4 so I have a heart rate monitor. However, before I do that I wanted to get a sense for if my fitness goals are reasonable.

I am 36 years old, 6.0 feet tall and 200lbs and have never worked out on a regular basis. When I was younger I ran cross country and swam every day at work (waterpark lifeguard) so I never really needed to go to a gym, etc. However, with working in an office and not eating well I have gained weight over the years. Recently, through changes in diet (Southbeach diet/lifestyle) I have lost 15 pounds but realize that I really need to introduce exercise to not only lose more weight but to improve my overall health. I am traveling right now for work but plan to try a C2D at local gym before buying one.

My fitness goal is to lose another 15 pounds (not sure what a reasonable time frame for this would be) to drop me to 185lbs (I would like to lose more but for now this seems reasonable) and to lose my gut. I am hoping that a rower would provide cardio as well as overall toning to arms, legs, and stomach. I plan to row 4 to 5 times per week at a minimum of 30 minutes per session (most likely need to build up to this). Also, the South Beach lifestyle (I dont really think of it as a diet per se but treat it more as a guideline on how to eat heathly) works for me from an eating healthy stand point so I plan to continue to eat that way (good carbs, reasonable fat and protein, etc.).

Looking at what a plan to achieve above... is it reasonable (e.g. rowing will overall tone? How long does it take for a flat stomach?) are there other points that I should think about and decide on (e.g. heart rate info? months to get to target weight? weekly fitness plan? daily rowing goals?)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Posted: February 25th, 2009, 9:45 pm
by PJM
Wow..lots of questions and lofty goals.That is great to exhibit such enthusiasm and will to achieve fitness and health and weight loss.For me a Concept2 Rower is THE piece of equipment to have.You get a great deal of bang for your buck.Great cardio workouts and over all strength training.Your diet/lifestyle behavior sounds good..the place to start.Try to find your heart rate zone..get a good reliable heart rate monitor.Polar makes one that works well with your erg.Make sure you are in a heart rate zone for whatever fitness goal you have..fat loss, endurance etc.Rowing will achieve alot for you..but be sure to interval train and cross train.Be sure to use all muscle groups so that you are balanced.You may want to work with exer bands or free weights or a TRX system to just get a bit more muscular involvement.There are so many plans out there and ways to workout.You may want to get a trainer for one or 2 sessions to just get a plan in motion.I am a certified personal tainer and have many times just given a session or 2 to someone to get an idea of how to proceed.It is highly individual and like a dr's prescription.Here at the forum there will be alot of ideas given to you..many really great ones.You can read thru them and find what will be best for you.Since exercise journals are key to may want to join a virtual team so you can be accountable for daily rows and challenges.I am team captain for Team TimbukTOO seasonally and TIMBUK2 for challenges.You are welcome to join us for a bit of motivation.Or choose one that will fit your personality...interest or area of the world you live in.Hope I have helped a of luck!!


Posted: February 26th, 2009, 8:22 am
by KDreese
Thanks for the input! Very helpful; especially the online teams. Thats sounds interesting, but do newbies join? Maybe after I get used it I might join one. Is there a list somewhere?

Also, you mention "lofty" goals? Are my asperations too high? I do want to have reasonable expectations so that I stick with it.


Posted: February 26th, 2009, 10:46 am
by PJM
Hi KD...
Lofty goals are fine..and yours sound realistic.Just be sure to take them one step at a time and if you just keep can achieve whatever you desire.Just never get discouraged.Make a plan..stay with it and keep a journal of your daily activities and so you can evaluate your progress.Don't expect everything to fall in place right takes time and patience and commitment.
As for virtual teams.Yes! newbies can join and it is a great way to meet rowers who have some of the same goals as you and get a sense of motivation from others.The list is on your profile page as a drop down menu.There is also a list on your log in page under University & Team standings.
Join one now and get used to the process.Team TimbukTOO is small..friendly..has a team room here at the forum..lots of new rowers and not so new.Then when the new season can either stay or choose to go to another team.
Keep in touch and let us all know your progress!!
